
Stewardship In Movies

Decent Essays

Movie/Stewardship Essay
Stewardship is the responsibility of people respecting and caring for all creation. By doing these things , Christians work with Jesus to establish God's Kingdom. In Religion Our Class have been watching Movies related to Stewardship and creation. The movies were: The man that planted trees , Fern Gully, The lorax and the the lion king.

In The story of the Man that planted trees some main characters that demonstrated major stewardship were the Man that planted trees (the main character) who planted a bundle of pine trees in deserted places and transformed it to something unclean and brutal to a place with beauty and simplicity of just nature. Another Character is the government that accepted to keep the pine trees …show more content…

Unfortunately in the middle of the Individuals work the War came in and Destroyed most trees because of the bombing and the soldiers using the trees as camouflage regularly making many trees have broken branches etc.

The movie Fern Gully is a Story about a Girl and her family & community trying to save her home/Rainforest from HEXXUS which is an evil spirit which destroys the environment.

The dominant characters in the story is Crysta, Her Mentor Magi, The Rainforest people, Batty and Zak all help the Rainforest in the End. Firstly by Crysta using all her power to restore the rainforest, The community For Helping Crysta and trying to keep the safe same goes for magi too, Batty for helping Crysta and Zak when they needed help and Zak for Stopping the Truck that would hit the last tree down.

Some Positive impacts in the Movie was that people planting more environment so that the rainforest can still be a beautiful rainforest, The Change of heart, Helping each other fix creation and similar to Adam and Eve. Although some bad Impacts are The Natural Disasters, HEXXUS, Humans were supporting deforestation and most importantly more trees are becoming extinct by the …show more content…

In the Lorax Some Positive Influences was that the Film is explaining the importance of Creation, Ted saving the only living tree left and re-creating the whole environment again but for the good not the bad. Some Bad Influences were how they were selling air for money, They’re town was made out of all plastic, the Onclear went against the Lorax and was destroying the Environment and destroyed it for something useless and unworthy.

Some deeply influenced characters in lion King that demonstrate major stewardship is Simba the main character and the king's son, Timon, Pumbaa, Nala and the Monkey.

Some Positive effects in the movie was How Simba Recreated his Homeland and rightfully became King with Nalas,Timon and Pumbaa help too, The Beauty of Simba’s home which was very colourful and Bright, However some negative effects were Scar and how he destroyed Pride Lands and when Scar did take over the Land how used and dirty it looked

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