
Still Alice Essay

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Career, emotions, values, family, and memories are all things that make a person who they are. The film “Still Alice” is of a woman named Alice who being fifty finds out she has early onset Alzheimer. Her life takes a turn in an unknown direction with her and her family, both having to figure out “what to do next?”. Alice and her family struggle with her disease as they each try to make the best of a bad situation with trying to help her remember anything they can and taking care of her as best they can. Alice struggles the most with trying to the responses from the family and the walls they build along with losing what defines her. Alice goes through many changes with the relationships of her family members. The response from each character …show more content…

As a wife she and her husband have gone from understanding and having easy communication between each other; to having problems with her husband understanding her and her communication with him slowly deteriorating. Alice was a mother who took care of her children and was involved with them understanding their work life and their private life. Alice changes as a mother throughout the movie she slowly progresses into the role of her children having to take care of her and her not being able to understand them or even recognize them. Alice was a teacher that when students picked her class they were excited and heard amazing reviews on her, but as her disease progresses, students find her lessons to be all over the place with most of the material being hard to understand. Alice was a scholar who loved talking in front of people and conducting research, but she eventually had to highlight every word she reads when giving a speech. The role most important to her is the role of a mother, because she gives up the little time she has to spend with her family. Alice no longer teachers or try to conduct research on last time she gives that up so that the little time she has, she can watch her daughter in a play or meet her two grandchildren. Ultimately Alice’s roles as a wife, teacher, mother, and scholar change drastically with her having

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