Stop Bullying Speak Up!!
Have you ever been bullied? have you been a bully? well you need to stop bullying! Stop bullying speak up is a program to help stop bullying. This chapter will mainly be about the Stop bullying speak up program and then where to find help.
The Start
Joel Haber started the stop bullying speak up program. Cartoon network supported this by showing ads on tv. When alex libby was bullied cartoon network aired his story on tv. In 2010 stop bullying speak up 2011,one year later there was the first bullying pledge it is a pledge that was held by pres. Obama. Which shared many students experience from across the country.
What they do
Well they normally show cartoons but they also put up an awareness up for bullying.
This program will teach students how to effectively intervene and stand up for victims of bullying. This program will be run and led by students who want and are willing to make a difference, and will be a biweekly FLEX activity, where students can learn about all the sides of bullying, why it happens, the effects of bullying, and most importantly how to stop it. Members will sign a contract and must respect the rules and guidelines of the group. Not doing so will result in probation and if necessary expulsion. Resolving the issue of bullying through a student based program is the most effective solution, because students are the most directly involved in bullying, they are the most effective way to resolve bullying, and they are proving they care about the situation and will make a
Bullying is everywhere. Some say it’s a part of life. However, people should learn to stop bullying before it starts. We agree with Marissa Barbaro instead of Jared Hoffman in the sense that we should educate bullies, teachers, and other supervisors on how bullying affects people and how to stop it before it starts.
There have even been ads on TV with athletes Michael Strahan and Troy Aikman and sports announcers Joe Buck and Curt Menefee with kids about Stomp Out Bullying in their schools. On the website it has a step by step process they suggest to help prevent bullying in schools: “Assess bullying at your school, Engage parents and youths, Create polices and rules, Build a safe environment, and Educate students and school staff” (“Prevention At School”), this process is simple enough that it can be implemented everywhere. The State of New Jersey has even taken it a step further: “New Jersey educators are getting lessons in police interrogation techniques and how to tell if someone is lying – even if they are only in elementary school – as the stakes have increased in the crackdown on bullying” (“Anti-Bullying Tactics 101”). With bullying on the rise with addition of cyber bullying these measures are necessary to ensure that every kid feels safe at
In this article we see Becki has proposed a five-step process to make a movement. She believes that we first must find the issues and see what it is relating around. Then we come across a solution that is fair to both parties and having friends support one another. Next the victims are then taught how to use their voice and not physically harm or just taught how to accept one another for how they are. We also then come across what kind of environment that both kids are living in to get an idea of what might be causing these intrusions. Finally, she believes that we must tell the community to show that bullying is a big deal and has a lot of effect on kids and that it should be stopped. A campaign ad or movement by Becki Vargas were also made into affect called “Not in Our School” it is a movement that ask everyone to change the negative vibes and make them more positive. Being able to make a movement and or an ad can do a lot in a community because it lets everyone speak about how they feel about this topic and really put their words out there for the town or the world to see. Overall we see that this article is giving us a basis for a simple way of clearing the air with
In the beginning of their video, UP TV notes that about 1 in 3 kids are bullied during the time they are in school. Their experiment set out to answer the question, "in an increasingly disconnected world, who will stop the bullying?"
Some evidence to support the cartoon networks claim is: "making a friend can help stop bullying before it starts" says cartoon network in the video Speak Up Week . Also in the video It's What You Do Video is when cartoon network says "when you see something wrong like a kid getting roughed you need to be mentally tough, find an adult and tell a teacher what's up". These words are important because you could choose to use them in real life and know how to stick up for yourself and other kids. Also the evidence is saying that when your being bullied or you see someone else being bullied you need to stand up for yourself or the person that's getting bullied. Bulling is not okay and through my pat experience and knowledge I know that kids need
The book illustrates children of diverse races, ages, names, and character traits. A boy’s much larger father also drags him away on Parent-Teacher day.
Bullying is a very important and main problem in America. It can happen in communities, schools, and homes is there are older siblings. Many adults could do something about it but they are taking there time. There are also many organizations that do their best to stop it. A fact about it is that over 3.2million students are bullied each year. Did you know that 1 in 10 students dropout of school because of bullying.
“Bullying occurs in school playgrounds every 7 minutes and in classrooms every 25 minutes” (Bullying Myths 2009). This shows that bullying is no small issue, and it is not going to decrease without community support. When the people who lead our country, say horrible things about its people it is hard to understand that bullying is wrong. How can adults, parents, or teachers expected young people to understand that bullying is wrong when they see the most powerful people in America doing it on CNN. Even though, politicians are saying hurtful things to the American public that confuses America's youth, there are resources working to spread awareness.
Although schools, agencies and pediatricians can do much at the community level to mitigate bullying and its effects, the problem is clearly societal in scope. Bullying cannot be stopped with a single intervention or by a single social agency. The use of violence to solve problems is repeatedly illustrated through television and other visual media. Many parents of bullies believe that it is appropriate for their children to learn how to compete in the schoolyard and do not see bullying as an issue (Feldman Hertz, Donato, & Wright, 2013). Too many children in our society are exposed to domestic violence directed towards parents and themselves. Too many children are born into adverse family situations, including low maternal age at the birth
What I think you should do if you are getting bullied on Social Media is tell someone about it because you just wouldn't want to just letting it keep on happening. Somebody should stand up for bullying because it is not right, just because they may not be your friend doesn’t mean that you still can’t stand up for her. If somebody doesn’t stand up for her then she will just keep getting bullied because she probably has no friends.
Let’s focus on measures to prevent bullying first. There are good solutions, but there are others that do more harm than good, or are done in vain. Victims are reluctant to speak out, because they
Experience of being a victim of bullying can finally damage the mental health of students and motivate them to commit school violence. "According to statistics in two-thirds of cases of the recent school shootings, the attackers had previously been bullied" (Sampson, 2009, p.1). For most children learning process itself may already be a daily struggle and being a target for bullying at the same time can become "the straw that broke the camel's back", after which they consider suicide as the only possible solution. "A study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying" (Detlor, 2010). So, due to the fact that problem of bullying negatively affects students' learning ability, their health and the entire school climate society should take definite and urgent measures to solve it.
Some people believe that bullying is only seen on television or in the movies but it is a real life issue that is seen and experienced by many every day. People of all ages, races, cultures and backgrounds are affected. There are some who are embarrassed to report bullying but it occurs every day, everywhere. It is important to learn about and understand what causes people to be bullies, as well as understand the effects that being bullied can have on a person.It is important for people to understand all sides of bullying, from the signs of someone being bullied to what you can do to prevent it.
Central Idea: Bullying has been around for years, but it’s time to make a difference and get rid of it.