Soon we are going to love in a world without fish, if shark finning continues. Sharks are constantly being hunted which makes them endangered, which causes a chain of events that will ultimately lead to the extinction of the aquatic ecosystem. Shark finning is something that should stop because it is inhumane, endangering sharks, destroying the aquatic ecosystem.
As humans we rely on so many things to keep us going. So, with that, wouldn't you think that we should respect the animals in any ecosystem? The way sharks are treated, shows how little humans care for them. Sharks are brutally hit on the head with a large weighing object to stop them from moving. If, not they will hold the shark down and use a large knife to cut of the fins. It
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The aquatic ecosystem is a mysterious place that has not been fully discovered and it won't be if sharks are still getting finned. This ecosystem is a well needed one. So many people rely on the ocean and with us destroying it, shows how little we care about our ecosystems and other people. One day will come where we either face the reality and see first hand that sharks will no longer be here or we can save them and change the world. Shark fin soup is a delicacy and viewed as a statement of power in asia, but how good will that be if there will be no sharks one day. Our aquatic ecosystem depends on us and we depend on it, so with us depending on it for many years, wouldn't you think we would do something to help preserve the ocean and its organisms. We need to realize that sharks are becoming endangered quick and help preserve those left, but with everything that we do, it is causing more harm than doing any good. What is this supposed to mean? Well, in many cases when an organization is trying to preserve sharks they would get all of the males and females and try to make them to reproduce, but they don't realize that when they try to do this they are over crowding them in a small pool and not feeding them enough turing the sharks against each other. Its great what the organizations are doing, they just need to take better care for the
Secondly, Sharks have been around for millions of years and have their own place on this earth, we have no right to kill them. Sharks first swam in the earth oceans around 420 to 450 million years ago. Trees first started growing around 385 million years ago. Sharks are
II Over the years there has been a huge drop in the population of sharks, because of the popularity of Shark fin soup in china, and this can later on lead to the ocean ecosystem to be disrupted, if sharks are extinct.
Arising over 350 million years ago, the shark species has been labeled as a human devourer. Now, with the increase in human population, the demand for shark meat, fins, and cartilage are at an all time high; therefore, the existence of the shark is becoming a concern (Budker 1971). Individuals are conditioned to think of sharks as a negative aspect to the environment, which is prolonging the effort to save shark species from becoming extinct. With that in mind, some private as well as national organizations have accepted the challenge of educating and informing people about the existence of the shark specie and its importance to the sea.
The Shark’s place in the marine ecosystem is as a predator at the top of the food chain as there is no natural predator of sharks. Sharks are not very fastidious about what they eat but their diet generally consists of seal, crab, squid, lobster and fish. If sharks were to become extinct there would be an ecological cost. The marine life that is the shark’s food source would start to overpopulate with nothing to prey on it. One possible reason that sharks are coming closer to shores is that their natural food source is diminishing due to overfishing by humans. To stop sharks from being too near to popular swimming locations, fishermen need to expand or change their hunting areas.
Humans are just like sharks. Humans eat meat they have live babies and sharks make mistakes just like humans. Sharks are very interesting creatures but people don’t give them a chance because people make them sound like they are terrible beasts. Many people are more likely to get killed by a car crash then by a shark. If people keep killing sharks for fins there will be no more sharks.
Whenever you go to the Fish and Chips shop, have you heard about “Flake”? Flakes are a type of shark. They have been killed just for us to eat. The price of them are also increasing. At least 100 million sharks are killed every year. In Eastern parts of Asia, Sharks were being culled for shark fin soup. Dragging out the sharks out of the ocean and cutting off their fins and throwing their dead body back into the ocean is unacceptable. How would you feel if we were dragged out of our home by a random person, got our arm cut off and got put back into our home again? I’m sure that we would all be horrified and terrified by this. It is said that Shark Fin Soup costs around $100 per bowl of soup. There are also some countries that have completely banned shark culling. They are Israel, Ecuador, Mexico, Egypt, Indonesia, Fiji and so on. It is very unfortunate that Australia isn’t a part of this. Sharks also help with ecosystems.
Shark culling has become the new issue for Australian media. Shark culling is not the answer for safer oceans. We would be far better allocating resources to achieving a greater understanding of ecology and behaviour of these large predators. Tagging sharks and following their movement over time will show were they are likely to attack next. The marine ecosystems needs the sharks at the top of the food web, removing the sharks you would see more lower ranked fish. The marine ecosystem will have to do some
This is true because you may think that sharks are everywhere in the ocean. This is not true. They are sometimes found in an unusual place, but this is because with us taking over their habitats, and polluting them where else can they go? We have all of the lands, but we also take over the ocean, home to many sea creatures. That just makes us selfish. We can’t get mad at sharks when they would be perfectly fine if we just left them and their home alone.
The oceans need to be protected because it is where life began and if not taken care of, life as we know it will end. The well-being of the ocean is constantly being threatened and needs to stop. When dangerous substances go into the ocean, ecosystems suffer and become endangered along with the lives of people and marine life. The importance of protecting and preserving the quality and biodiversity of the world 's coasts must be recognized because they are truly irreplaceable. If humans are not educated , and become careless about what is thrown on the ground or sprayed on lawns, disastrous effects follow when it comes to the condition of the ocean’s ecosystems, which can endanger life itself, leading to a problem only we can correct. There is historical evidence of ocean pollution, although the problem still shadows us today.
Sharks are important to our ecosystem and humans needs to protect sharks. The number of sharks have declined by 80% and the main reason is humans. Secondly sharks are important to our ecosystem to keep things balanced. Another reason sharks should be protected is because sharks can be used at a drug to treat human viruses. In conclusion this is why humans should stop the killing and start
Preview statement: Not only is the killing of sharks extremely inhumane, it does more harm than good to our environment.
Shark fin is usually consumed in the form of soup by the Chinese. It is part of the Chinese culture to have shark fin soup in important days like someone’s wedding. If shark fin soup is banned, it might be racist and insolent to the Chinese culture. Furthermore, a lot of fishermen are relying on shark finning to make ends meet. If shark finning gets barred, a lot of fisherman would be jobless and it is extremely hard for them to find a job. Although sharks are becoming extinct and shark finning is seriously harmful the ecosystem of the sea, but it is not essential to embargo shark finning completely. Some restriction of shark finning may have to be suggested to help increase the amount of sharks back to a quantity where overfishing them won’t be a problem, but banning it completely may just cause too much controversy against the Chinese cultural and all the shark finning
Sharks are vicious creatures and eat humans. Don’t go into the water if you see a shark nearby or they will come after you. These are a few of the many things you will hear from the television or even people you may know. Humans are not a part of the shark diet so it is highly unlikely that a shark would randomly go after a human. The media likes to make their shark stories more exciting by adding words like “aggressive” or “threatened.” There was a total of 4 deaths caused by sharks in 2014 which is a large contrast to the 11,417 sharks that are killed per hour by humans. sharks) need to be preserved and protected in order to preserve our oceans. Laws that are more strict should be implemented in order to achieve this goal.
More and more people have been introduced to a very dangerous practice called shark-finning. Even the people who are aware of the harmful effects they bring still continue on doing it. People are afraid of sharks due to their fierce appearance and the bad publicity they get such as the movies wherein sharks attack humans. Only about 5 people are killed by sharks every year. In fact, vending machines has a higher death rate of 13, while ants can kill about 30 people annually. Sharks are very beneficial to us, why do people keep on harming them? Why is shark-finning so important? Shark-finning gives both advantages and disadvantages economically, politically, cultural, societal, and environmental. It is important to recognize the
Right now, the oceans are facing destruction. Each day new pollutants find their way into the ocean's waters. The pollutants that contaminate the ocean take many forms. Each year millions of gallons of oil are put into the ocean. Toxic materials are dumped into the oceans and add up to deadly proportions. Tons of trash such as plastics and paper are pulled out of the ocean each day. This trash contaminates the water and causes many deaths of marine animals. Everyone on the planet has polluted the oceans one way or another. Factories that are in various industries make an enormous contribution to ocean pollution. These factories use unbelievable amounts of water to make their products. The Natural Resource Defense Council says, "More than four out of every ten gallons of water used in the US are used for industrial purposes." A large amount of this water is dumped back into the oceans. This water is usually not clean, and may contain thousands of different chemicals. When this happens it can kill marine life, contaminate food supplies, and endanger people who use waters for fishing, swimming, or drinking. Water is also dumped back into the oceans by power plants who use it to cool reactors. This water is placed back into the oceans at high temperatures. Dumping water at these high temperatures causes a disruption in the marine environment. According to the book by Peter Weber, "The water from power