
Stop Shark Finning

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Soon we are going to love in a world without fish, if shark finning continues. Sharks are constantly being hunted which makes them endangered, which causes a chain of events that will ultimately lead to the extinction of the aquatic ecosystem. Shark finning is something that should stop because it is inhumane, endangering sharks, destroying the aquatic ecosystem.
As humans we rely on so many things to keep us going. So, with that, wouldn't you think that we should respect the animals in any ecosystem? The way sharks are treated, shows how little humans care for them. Sharks are brutally hit on the head with a large weighing object to stop them from moving. If, not they will hold the shark down and use a large knife to cut of the fins. It …show more content…

The aquatic ecosystem is a mysterious place that has not been fully discovered and it won't be if sharks are still getting finned. This ecosystem is a well needed one. So many people rely on the ocean and with us destroying it, shows how little we care about our ecosystems and other people. One day will come where we either face the reality and see first hand that sharks will no longer be here or we can save them and change the world. Shark fin soup is a delicacy and viewed as a statement of power in asia, but how good will that be if there will be no sharks one day. Our aquatic ecosystem depends on us and we depend on it, so with us depending on it for many years, wouldn't you think we would do something to help preserve the ocean and its organisms. We need to realize that sharks are becoming endangered quick and help preserve those left, but with everything that we do, it is causing more harm than doing any good. What is this supposed to mean? Well, in many cases when an organization is trying to preserve sharks they would get all of the males and females and try to make them to reproduce, but they don't realize that when they try to do this they are over crowding them in a small pool and not feeding them enough turing the sharks against each other. Its great what the organizations are doing, they just need to take better care for the

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