I gripped the steering wheel of my aging Jeep Wrangler tighter, my knuckles turned a ghostly white. Another car pulled up behind me and the driver mercilessly slammed on the horn attempting to coerce me to move forward. He then rolled down his window and stuck his head out of his window and brutally screamed, "Are you blind? The light is green for Christ's sake!"
I hesitated, but then the taunting red light flashed into my eyes and I felt my foot hit the floor of the car. As I sped away through the red light I glanced in the rearview mirror to see the driver’s face in the car behind me twist into utter disbelief as he and his car remained stationary.
Once again, nothing happened. I didn’t get hit. I run red lights all the time and
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This would be my last red light for the night. With my increasing speed the towering street lights blurred into one constant beam. The world around me seemed to melt away along with my hesitations and fears of running the next light. I was invincible.
The last thing I remember is the haunting sound of tires screeching on the pavement. Whether it was mine or the other vehicle’s I’m not sure.
I woke up in the hospital a few days later, and the first thing my eyes fell on was my father asleep in a chair positioned next to my hospital bed. Even though he was asleep he was gripping my hand incredibly tight as if my body was the Holy Grail, and he was chosen to protect it. I squeezed his hand back and he jolted awake. He had an inviting smile on his face but his eyes were so broken and lost. He leaned in closer and caressed my face with his rough hands that had never felt so soft.
His voice cracked as he whispered, "You can't do this to me. You can't do this to your mother. I love you. I need you."
My eyes were watering and the tears began spilling down my face. I squeezed his hand once more and barely got out an "I love you too" before my eyes closed and I fell into another deep sleep.
When I woke up for the second time my father was gone, but I didn't doubt that he was still in the hospital. I glanced at the puny analog clock next to me and read that it was about noon
As soon as we got in our cars we pulled out fast. I had my friend in the passenger seat putting in the location on gps as we pull off. We are driving down Broadway fast (speed limit 40) I'm going 55 mph making my way up to 60 mph swerving, cutting through lanes, windows rolled down, playing loud music not paying attention to anything on the road cause i was eager to get to the destination first . Then I look into my rearview i see Ester behind me and she's coming up slowly. she passes me and “I'm thinking oh no, no way she's not getting there before me.” She passes with a yellow light and i'm speeding going even faster to catch up. As soon as I hit the intersection the light turns red but that didn't stop me cause i didn't care at the moment. We kept on going till we got to Tanque verde.
What is the purpose of telling the stories of aliens who are actually human? According to Vivian Sobchack, postfuturist science fiction “has figured the alien as a heartrendingly, emotionally empowered ‘innocent’” (229) in a break from the golden age objective of alienating the alien. Perhaps the rejection of the alien was a reactionary transition away from fear of the unknown, into acceptance. After all, the figuring of robots as “more human than human” beings who seek “emotional as well as functional fulfillment” (237) betrays an open-mindedness which veers off into blindness.
Finally, accidents and fatalities have been known to have been reduced at intersections where red light cameras are in place. Reduction in life altering accidents and fatalities should be a main point as to why it is absolutely critical that there should be red light cameras. According to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis office of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “Total red-light running crash fatalities decreased 22% from 2007 to 2011, as the number of communities with
I heard myself scream. Crash. Glass from the back window flies forward in slow motion, it looked like snow. Jolted forward, I hit my head and
So we stopped at the nearest rest stop.It was a quick in and out and we hopped right back in the car an ibucled up as we pulled out of the lot. About 2 minutes later i hear everyone scream,[even my dad for the first] I dont know whats going on so I scream too.Then i hear a loud PLUNK!
As I approached the next light, a red light, I stopped and just so after I stopped the blinking yellow arrow appeared. I sat patiently waiting for a clear path so I could make the left turn. Noticing that no cars were near, I made my turn. CRASH, SKRT, CRASH, I yelled “ WHAT THE HELL” and tried to pull my car to the side of the street but it was no longer drivable.
A: I was on the left line and she just crunched right into into my car
When I opened the car door, I put my game board on the seat and suddenly, I heard a “Cling, cluck,
Then I had been notified of the brake and gas location, but the rest of the directions went straight through my ears. Now shifting the gear into drive, I slowly stepped on the gas. The car flyed forward. Not knowing what to do, I stomped my foot all the way down on the brake. The car jerked forward. In an intense, angry tone my brother Silvio yelled, “BELLLAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!”
Have you ever walked down that white tile floor that reeked of bleach, with a bouquet of roses and daisies, all tied into one? Well, I have. My brother was in a small hospital room for a little over a week, trying to recover from a car accident with a minor concussion. I remember standing close by my dad as we went into the huge elevator filled with people. I slowly made my way to the far right corner and waited till our stop. As the elevator ringed, we snuck out of the crowd of people and turned the corner. I knocked on the door. The door slowly squeaked opened with a nurse on the other end. I look over to the bed; my brother had needles and wires stuck into him like a pincushion. But yet, he still managed to get some sleep. I set the box of chocolates on the table beside him, and then set my own self onto the small, unpleasing couch. Trying to get comfortable, I
Red light running is a serious issue in the United States. According to T. Walden and B. Bochner (2011), it is estimated these violations result in over 100,000 accidents and 1,000 fatalities each year. The economic impact is assessed to be over $14 billion dollars annually (“Effectiveness of Red Light Cameras-Texas Statewide Evaluation,” p. 30). Typical costs include items such as property damage, medical expenses, response expenditures, etc. The monetary costs are significant, but the loss of life is incalculable. N. Elminity and E. Radwan (2008) state that drivers who run red lights are the primary cause of high-speed angular collisions at intersections (“Issues Related to Red-Light Camera Enforcement Systems,” p. 32). RLCs are an attempt to increase safety and reduce risk at problematic intersections in order to mitigate these costs.
As time seemed to slow down around me, I saw things I never thought I’d see. Because of our speed, I saw how the tail end of our car would swing out far enough to hit the small hatchback, injuring the mother and teenager in the front seats. I also saw the bullet fired from the NYPD police cruiser behind us, the glass from the passenger window seemingly floating in mid-air, as it just barely missed my lifelong “friend.” But as time around me slowed, I did the worst thing possible; I thought.
In 2011, I received a ticket from Jupiter police for reckless driving at 6:36 pm it was my first tickets ever since I’ve receive my driver’s license in 2005. I was dropping my co-worker home from work, and as I was turning into the development, a car hit me from behind. The lady immediately got out of her car screaming saying I backed my car into hers and I told her that I did not, that she hit me, she wanted to argue but I got into my car and called the police. Now, by the time the officer arrived she was laying on the floor crying and screaming with her son. So I got out the car and asked her if she was ok. Long story short I received the ticket despite my vehicle being damaged. Now because I felt that I was innocent I decided to not pay
I grabbed the keys and jumped into the car. It smelled like it was straight from the factory and I pressed the tanish ignition button and then there was a quiet roar startling me as I backed out of the driveway.
I cut the ignition and made my way out of the car to the front door. As I glanced over to the car adjacent to mine, the only other car in the parking lot, I noticed a bright yellow bumper sticker that read people