Meaghan Schutzenhofer 1. Reasoning for the low performance at Store #34 could be and or one of the following. Goal oriented direction, for example, the employee may not have been working towards the goals of the store. Another reason for this low performance could include wrong job matching. An employee could not be qualified for a job such as someone who has bad cash handling skills working at a register or at a bank. Low performance of an employee could be the lack of role perception of clarification. An employee may not be aware that they are not preforming tasks up to par for example, if an employee isn’t cutting lumber properly or in the right procedure and they’re never corrected on the issue, how would they be able to perform the role correctly. One last reason as to the low performance could be time. The time of the shift may not be ideal for the best performance possible. For instance, the employee is exhausted or not fully awake and doesn’t provide the proper …show more content…
Emotional labor is when an employee has to control and hide their feelings and emotions whole at work. Jobs that involve emotion labor include, nurses, ems, morticians, and dispatchers. A time I was put in this situation is when my boyfriend passed away and I still had to go to work. I am a server and bartender and that’s how I made my money to pay bills and take care of my needs. Missing days on end of work hurts when I am in need of money. It was hard to have to do that but like the meaning of emotional labor this was what I had to do while at work, hide my feelings and emotions. Emotional dissonance is when there is a negative feeling that is being established within a person who is observing their emotions as a possible problem with their identity. Potential consequences with emotional dissonance include job dissatisfaction which leads to lack of performance or interest. Ways that organizations can help minimize this would include social support and teaching problem solving
Well, if one believes what some are saying on Facebook, then yes. However, the Menomonee Falls, Wis.-based retailer only announced it planned to close 18 underperforming stores this year when it released its first quarter earnings Thursday. “The specific locations will be announced by the end of March.”
Rana Chowdury is the current the manager of I.T store systems and store support for a company that has 4 different brands. The 4 brands are Hot Topic, which specializes in music and pop culture inspired fashion including body jewelry, accessories, and music T-shirts. Torrid is all about the fashion for Plus-Size style and trendy clothes for women. Box Lunch has apparel, gifts, gadgets, & more that also helps provide a meal to a person in need with every purchase and finally Lovesick is young, trendy, affordable fashion & accessories for curvy girl’s sizes 10-26.
Due to complaints from store managers regarding the quality of employees a thorough assessment of Tanglewood’s hiring practices was instigated. It was determined that a organization-wide shift to a more detailed selection system was needed. A search for good predictors of sales associate performance that would create minimal additional administrative burdens for managers was initiated. (#2)The proposed alternatives to the current system are the Retail Marketing Knowledge Exam, the
"Emotional Labor among Paralegals" by Jennifer Pierce is centered around the phrase "emotional labor." After reading the article the reader discovers that the phrase "emotional labor" refers to when an employee has to push their feelings aside in order to please or influence their boss or clients. Emotional labor also consists of two components which are difference and caretaking. According to Goffman, (as cited by Pierce) deference is "a type of ceremonial activity which 'functions as symbolic means by which appreciation is regularly conveyed to the recipient" (129). Nevertheless, care taking is when the paralegal attends to the attorneys needs and assumes a "mother" role by being pleasant and giving reassurance.
Employee's performance is evaluated by three criteria: productivity, customer service, and teamwork. Yet, employees are not given clear goals and guidelines on how they are actually rated on each of these performance criteria or supposed to achieve them. Furthermore, there is no training, so new employees, as well as newly-appointed managers, are expected to seek information from more experienced peers. This lack of clarity and training demotivates employees and, in some cases, leads to the abuse by managers seeking to meet their department sales quotas at any cost.
Most of the executives of Store24, a New England based convenience store, were gathered for an important meeting to discuss a way to increase store level employees retention. Some of the suggestions were to increase wages and bonuses, training enhancements or career development programs. However, top management lacked sufficient information available that would explained the relationship between manager and crew tenure on store level financial performance. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to shed light on the “employee tenure-store level performance” relationship as well as to discover how managerial skill,
Ronda, I agree with you, personal lives are always affected when personal information is hacked. Basically, what it comes down to is we are Google's customers. We entrust them with sensitive, confidential information about our personal information. It is important that they protect this information just as carefully as they protect their own sensitive, confidential information. Including, trusting their own employees with our personal information. I believe it is ethical for companies to hold their teammates accountable to the highest level, regarding the internet and our personal information. Employees that use communication systems networks, or forward personal information, is unacceptable Employees should not expect any privacy when using
Currently I am employed with a company that some may say is the 'melting pot' of diversity. Working for Corporate Safeway, now Albertsons-Safeway, I can appreciate how judgement free the environment is in our work place. They are open to hiring minorities, LGBT, (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender), disabled veterans and that's just to name a few. Hiring a staff that is of many different cultures, nationalities and belief backgrounds is a great way to show the awareness of diversity. I am a true believer that a great business starts at the top. If management can provide their employees with the skills and knowledge of working in a diverse setting this will lead to a steady and smooth work environment. Knowing how to properly and correctly carry yourself is the first step in working with the different variety of customers or co-workers you may encounter.
During my time at the soup kitchen, I had to utilize emotion management when dealing with people and situations in which it would have been inappropriate for me to react in the way that I would otherwise have wanted to. Emotion management is the act of obeying “feeling rules” and responding appropriately to situations (Brym and Lie 2012:77). For example, when a homeless man came into the soup kitchen and started to dance and shout instead of calmly sitting down and eating his meal, I courteously asked him to sit down and to try not to disturb the other guests of the establishment. Regardless of any initial emotions of fear, annoyance, or confusion, I had to respond appropriately to the situation by controlling my emotions and engaging in acceptable behavior. I especially had to utilize emotion labor, which is distinguished
It is the art of being able to control ones emotions. The ability to listen to ones inner feelings, using and controlling them, without letting them control you. Feelings often get in the way of even the most gifted people. They can be a liability in any position when they cannot be used in a constructive way. This can be apparent in many situations where group work is required or in sales situations for example.
been expanding over the years to try and meet the needs in both ends of the county.
While labor can and is often seen as work that is done physically, it is also seen as an act which necessitates using mind and soul. Depending on the area in which an individual works, it can lean towards using all three – body, mind, and soul – to be successful. It is at this point that Emotional Labor (Hochschild, 1983) begins to take its place in the work environment. Emotional Labor is using self to perform work where an employee creates a pleasant atmosphere by giving good customer service. The ability to use self as a means to perform better on the job may have larger implications than we know of. This paper will look at different ideas which contribute to Emotional Labor as a workplace construct and the effects it has on the
Animal Farm & 1984 In both 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell there are many similarities and differences. In both the three main topics are control, totalitarianism, and rebellion. The governing powers in each society of both novels use totalitarianism as tools to put an end to rebelion to ensure their reign of the social authority for future years to come.
I have connected the reflective research paper to objective # 1 because it made me examine my personal belief and attitude on gender equity issues. I did not realize that gender equity existed at the level that it does until researching the topic. Doing the research made me realize that the way we teach directly affects how children learn in every aspect.
In our everyday lives, we are constantly interacting with other individuals. These interactions have an effect on our emotions. We have to learn how to identify and deal with these emotions because they have a direct effect on how we deal with issues at work. Individuals can work their way through this process by becoming aware of the importance of emotional intelligence.