
Store 34 Case Study

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Meaghan Schutzenhofer 1. Reasoning for the low performance at Store #34 could be and or one of the following. Goal oriented direction, for example, the employee may not have been working towards the goals of the store. Another reason for this low performance could include wrong job matching. An employee could not be qualified for a job such as someone who has bad cash handling skills working at a register or at a bank. Low performance of an employee could be the lack of role perception of clarification. An employee may not be aware that they are not preforming tasks up to par for example, if an employee isn’t cutting lumber properly or in the right procedure and they’re never corrected on the issue, how would they be able to perform the role correctly. One last reason as to the low performance could be time. The time of the shift may not be ideal for the best performance possible. For instance, the employee is exhausted or not fully awake and doesn’t provide the proper …show more content…

Emotional labor is when an employee has to control and hide their feelings and emotions whole at work. Jobs that involve emotion labor include, nurses, ems, morticians, and dispatchers. A time I was put in this situation is when my boyfriend passed away and I still had to go to work. I am a server and bartender and that’s how I made my money to pay bills and take care of my needs. Missing days on end of work hurts when I am in need of money. It was hard to have to do that but like the meaning of emotional labor this was what I had to do while at work, hide my feelings and emotions. Emotional dissonance is when there is a negative feeling that is being established within a person who is observing their emotions as a possible problem with their identity. Potential consequences with emotional dissonance include job dissatisfaction which leads to lack of performance or interest. Ways that organizations can help minimize this would include social support and teaching problem solving

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