The Storming of Bastille happen in July of 1789. The people of Paris thought, “The prison had become a symbol of the monarchy’s dictatorial rule.” The prison was a state prison and people were against the idea of it. The inspiration of my design for the movie poster was the effect of the peoples actions and how their actions meant more than their words. Basically, a large group of angered people went to the prison in order to make a statement and attacked the prison. My design has a very old feel to it, the colors are shades of brown, khaki, black and white, the font has a very antique feel. The first picture, on the very top is a picture of the setting, in Bastille and shows a picture of the people attacking the prison. I think that this picture is very powerful and shows the effect of how many people were at the …show more content…
It is very informational and just seeing other movie posters can help you to connect the historical events that happen in the Revolution and how they are all tied together. The poster is very informational, fun to look at because of the pictures, has information about the main characters, and even has a code for you to learn more about the the storming at Bastille and have some background information about it. I think that the Stomping of the Bastille movie poster, “The World Prison Break at Bastille” is very informational. You learn a lot about the history by just the cover, and the characters. Not only that, but the name is very meaningful. People around the world learned about the storming at Bastille because of the newspaper, “The World” and that's where the name comes from. The colors and everything involved in my movie poster add to the theme of the time and place and the slogan on the front is very effective in telling you the information that you should know prior to the
First, the swastika symbol which to me represents the time Hitler took over who was a Nazi. Second, the skull and crossbones when I see that in this particular poster I think of death. Thirdly, the little boy who has blonde hair and blue eyes. Now during World War 2 when Hitler was in power he was out to make the master race which include blonde hair and blue eyes. So the little boy would have lasted a long time during the war. And the fourth thing I notice is the scene in the background. The scene in the background looks to me like a war zone with the fire in the right-hand corner and or the buildings that had fallen to the ground.
The lighting of the picture is very natural and comforting. The artist painted the setting to be a bright sunny day. The execution of a person should be a sad,
The theme I have selected for my book is “...Despite one’s best effort, humanity will not always return the favor. Life is not a balanced scale; life is a dance of give and take that can leave one person on top of the world and another buried six feet under.” This theme can be linked to my poster’s slogan: “It is possible to be chained by the stories we have yet to tell,” because the chains that bound the Lacks family were the cause of the unjustness they were subjected to. The image I selected represents my slogan and the characters in The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks because they felt locked up, left to rot as they wondered what had happened to their mother. The chains are the lies, the secrets, and the manipulations that the Lacks family
This poster persuades people in many ways. It uses words, images, and hidden messages inside it. One of the phrases it uses is "United We Win". This does a good job of persuading the audience. It shows that the people of the U.S. military worked together, so this would help bring
Two men, one goal, survival. Life and death situations. No one has ever thought that they would be put in this situation, but these two men were. Yes the stories are fictional, but they feel too surreal. These two men, Will Kane and Sanger Rainsford are very similar, but put into two totally different situations. Life can change you, and these stories truly resemble that. High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game are very similar, yet at the same time dramatically different.
I picked this image because I like how it has a rustic look too it kind of reminds me of the western movies. For the title I used a slab-serif called Rosewood Std as the font because it has the western feel, which works with the feel of the image. For the informational part I used sans-serif called Helvetica. I tried doing what Saltz mentioned when it comes to a dark or light background to use dark or white for the font so it’s legible to read. I, also like what Adam mentioned as well about negative space, which is the image itself and I didn’t want to over power the scenery with too much font. I wanted that negative space to be the eye-catching star for this poster. I once again picked some colors from the image for the color of my font
Posters are splashy, large-format images, which are accompanied by a short text. Usually, the purposes of the posters are to agitate, advertise, inform, or teach people. Posters from World War I and World War II often used metaphors, different figures, events, and places. During the First World War propaganda posters were enormously widespread. Artists used them to agitate people to conscription, subscriptions to war loans, and aid to the wounded soldiers. One of the most important posters from World War I and World War II is “I Want You for U.S. Army” by James Mantgomery Flagg. This poster is very influential because of its figure, the message, and the effect on the people.
The students have just found out that one of Patricia Polacco’s books has been chosen to be made into a movie. Each student is responsible for making a Coming Attraction Poster that will be hung in all the local movie theaters. Each student will have already chosen and read the book. The poster (12” x 18” construction paper) should include title/author/illustrator. They are to list all the important characters to the story. Students can also assign an actor/friend to portray the different characters. An example of this would be Mr. Falker played by Tom Hanks. Students will then illustrate one scene from the book, and finally write a short paragraph explaining
Finally, we decided to focus on the design and style of the posters, as well as some of the rhetoric appeals used, rather than talking about the topic itself. Thus, we concluded that our main point would be what we considered to be our strongest aspect of the posters, which we determined was the balance between pathos and logos in the posters. By choosing two posters to display data and facts, and two to display emotion-evoking images and messages, we determined that we provided enough variety of information so that an individual that is either interested in the facts of this topic or that is interested in the morality of this topic could be persuaded to pursue more information on this topic, or even heed our call for advocacy. Although we were met with some issues concerning time and a difference in both topic and design choices, we completed the poster series in a manner we were quite satisfied
World WAR II propaganda posters were used as tools to increase support for the both axis and the allied powers. WWII propaganda posters were more than a cleaver method that helped in aiding in WWII to efforts. This type of propaganda took a concerted set of messages that were aimed at influencing people’s opinions and behaviors. This was a big part of what WWII propaganda was used for during the war. Now these propaganda posters serve as a memory for other generations to view as part of the war efforts during 1940’s. Although these posters were a thing of the past they can still be viewed now as art and if that’s the case “never let a poster lie idle” (Design for Victory) let the posters serve more than its purpose for which it was intended for. That means that the artist had to make the poster appealing to the viewer’s emotions which is what all art intended for. Therefore World War II Propaganda was more than just a power of persuasion, its art that can be appreciated today by its viewers because it was done by artist with artist’s skills and technique.
For my propaganda poster, I chose the slogan “Spark The Resistance” because the poster was meant to say, light dynamites and start a resistance. The image I created is a dynamite lit up with sparks with a British resistance symbol in the background. There are six blue parachutes falling down from the top of the poster; I selected this image because I wanted the encourage people to plant the dynamites and resist the conquerors. The image helps represent the slogan by sparking the dynamites can start the resistance. In addition, I chose to use the colors blue, red, white, and orange; they help develop the message because blue, white, and white represent the resistance of the British powers. Also, orange depicts the sparks of the dynamite. In
4. In the Allegory of Human Cave, Plato describes human world as a cave, in which, our perception of “truth” is nothing but a shadow coming from the “sun”. Each of us has been chained so that we’re not able to look at the source behind our back. In my interpretation, Plato implies that the world in which human perceive is like a cave, we might be chained and unable to look beyond the “shadow”. Thus, what we see in the “reality” might not be the reality, but its shadow. Also, Plato describes that the one who broke the chained and explored outside of the cave, once comes back would receive the denial from others. This person, in my opinion, represents the role of philosophers, which is the one who always seeks for the reality or the “sun”. The philosophers are the peers who realizes that the world we perceive is just a shadow, and not that many people are able to realize that. Then, some would ask why we know whether if the world is a shadow. Yes, we don’t. We also don’t know whether if the world is not a shadow. In another word, there isn’t “absolute truth” about the existence of the “reality” we’re living in. Therefore, we need to keep seeking for the “reality” no matter whether it is what it seems to be or not. Then, how can we break the chain that ties us to the “shadow” of reality? One of the answers is to keep questioning. As mentioned above, there is no absolute truth. One could be right today and will be wrong tomorrow, vice versa. By questioning, we’re able to explore
Imagery uses color as well that is eye catching to anybody. For instance, in a poster with a large British solider, this shows that they are powerful and should be looked up to. Below the solider are hardworking citizens which do work and this helps aid to the solider to grow. Additionally, there is another poster that states "Woman of Britain" and has a picture of a factory worker standing right under war planes. It is stating that they have the power to aid with the war by working. Overall, imagery is a necessary part of posters and propaganda to persuade an audience.
Throughout history, symbols have had an overwhelming presence among citizens. The French Revolution had many symbols that represented power. Did the events leading up to the storming of the Bastille persuade the French citizens to believe that it was a symbol of power? There are many reasons why the French citizens would believe the Bastille to be a symbol of power. It was a very overwhelming stone structure, which stood robust, surrounded by small villages along with farmland. The architecture and placement of this fortress gave itself a reputation of strength and impregnation. It stood by itself, being the most intimidating structure of its time.
A well-known phrase in the English language is, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” This catchy slogan is commonly used to convey emotion, individuality, and personality in an image. In the film industry, creating movie posters will indefinitely be a part of the phrase above. According to Alexander (2011), “a movies poster encompasses the message and feeling of the film, it should be the main source of attention for the release of a new movie” (n.p.). For this project I chose the genre, Drama. Within this genre, I chose three movies that are very diverse to analyze. The movies that I chose were, Holes, Gone Girl, and The Shawshank Redemption.