I really enjoyed both participating and learning about the “story quilt” assignment. I have always enjoyed making collages because I like looking at different pictures and choosing ones that I find meaningful. For this assignment I liked how we were given random times during the day and then told to think about our daily lives. I thought giving random times out was helpful because it allowed us to focus on three parts of our day instead of allowing us to choose which parts we were going to represent. I also enjoyed creating the “quilt” in class and having the chance to walk around and see the other “quilts” that were being created. I was really excited to see the different parts of everyone’s day as well as how they expressed these parts
Chapter fourteen is all about enriching the curriculum with music. This is what our lesson plan assignment is trying to teach. There are many standards that teachers have to meet and material that needs covered in the everyday classroom. Music is just another subject that needs planned for. Teachers often need help incorporating it into other lessons. A music specialist like a music teacher is an important resource for teachers to use. A music teacher can share with the teacher or teach to the students songs related to other subjects covered in the regular classroom. A music book series may have a teachers book full of ideas and songs to use. The book also suggested a website called www.songsforteaching.com which is great for finding songs.
I was not one that I was excited for but I did teach me and reinforce some valuable lessons. For starters I learned that sometimes in life you have to do things in life that you do not necessarily like or want to do. It also gave me a slight taste of the amount of independent work and research I would have to do if I choose to prosue a career in a legislative field. In addition to having to do things I don’t like and giving me a glimps into the future, this project stressed the importance that college is not always about having fun. My overall goal is to graduate and that means that sometimes I may have to miss out on certain events. Most importantly this project let me know that the only thing standing in the way of my success is myself. I can achieve anything that I put my mind to all I have to do is fight the urge to procrastinate and work
Our midterm for this class was to split into two groups and produce a short film. I have always had a passion for filmmaking and never had the man power to help me make a short film. With this project, we had to write, shoot, and edit a film. Over the two weeks, I put in 27 hours of work. Seeing the final project was the most fulfilling academic experience I’ve had as I could see my group’s hard work and a goal of mine become a reality.
This week we read about screening procedures and strategies for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. We also read about evaluating students with EBD for intervention strategies and instructional strategies with the goal of creating a comprehensive behavior intervention plan.
Overall, I thought this class was fun and different. I made me realize that I actually do have a creative side to me that I didn’t know before. I always tell everyone that I can’t write poems but now I know that’s not true. I’m proud of the work I did this semester, some poems are better than others that’s true but I liked all of them regardless. I liked that this class was very freeing, because I could write about anything I wanted and that there were no prompts. I don’t think there are any specific improvements that can be made for this class. I did struggle with critiquing the work of others
This week in class something that stood out to me was the “pageant”. I think that this activity was a really good way to get us out of out comfort zones. I would never be presenting or talking to my class by choice. We also finished watching Poverty Inc. I really enjoy learning more about the topic of poverty because I feel like we are only given the basics of the topic normally. I think the activities that get us out of our comfort zones are teaching me some life skills for my future.
I believe the government was justified in this actions because having a rights to wear niqab should not be a problem, they are many counties around the world in there count room woman come and wear a niqab. Also, this woman referred as N.S is in a case where she was sexually assaulted, in which she wanted to keep her identity in private and not let public see it. I believe that just because she is Muslim and wear niqab we should not judge or treat her differently. Government has justified the action allowing her to come to count in niqab and swear oath on Quran, as I know from other people Muslim people that putting your had on Quran is a very big thing because Muslim people believe that they are front of there god when they oath on Quran and
Throughout the course this semester I have learned a lot about writing and my personal writing process and skills. The assignments that stand out and helped me the most were the literacy narrative and the Fine Art essay. I think that these two were the most influential to my writing practice because they both involved topics and styles that I really enjoy writing about. The Literacy Narrative forced me to write in new ways and a new thinking practices that I didn't use before. And the Fine Art of essay was something that I enjoyed writing about and composing it in more of a poetic form and I liked being able to have the option of making my own.
From the very first week of joining Art 101 I knew that I wanted my final art project to be a trio of paintings for my mother, to pay homage to her career as an artist. Unfortunately, deciding the theme or subject matter of these paintings was a much more difficult decision. The lecture on narratives had the most influence on the final idea because I felt it resonated with my art style the greatest. I love using small details or minor symbols to tell a story and the examples of narrative art were some of my earliest sources of inspiration including Roy Lichtenstein’s “Drowning Girl” and Pablo Picasso’s “Guernica.” Learning the aspects of play was also a major contributor to the final project idea. Play was both fun and had the ability to make
The sequencing stories provided by Erin Thompson primary Printable challenges the learner to activate recall and pair her ordinal number skills with text material. My learner will also challenge with making connections to the story with events that have happened in her life or what the learner as witnessed in media or text material. The sequential instructional strategy challenged the learner to create mental images of the story as well as engage in consistent discussions. Additionally, planned supports such as a picture walk forces the child to engage with the story which fosters active
For hundreds of years the United States has been attracting immigrants from a variety of different countries, races, and religions to come live in a land full of freedom and opportunity. These people were looking for more than just rights and privileges. Their real desire was to become something that represents pride and honor, an American. Being an American means much more than living in the United States. Along with the name come a number of different benefits such as, freedom of speech to express your own opinion, freedom of religion, and equality for all, including different sexes, races, religions and status.
Week two and I found the narrative writing assignment enlightening. The profound connection, flexibility and knowledge I acquire while writing the essay was intuitive. Perhaps, the connection to the writing was from the personal experience rather than from a topic. Writing from a perspective of fullness and a clear conscious has brought my writing and emotion abundantly structured. Such as having the ability to express oneself through emotions intellectually instead of incoherent babble. Although, I enjoy writing, this assignment allowed creative flow and the flexibility to transition from different angles of the thought process and emotional balance. However, writing what you know and enjoy provides a whole new diverseness to the capabilities
We also worked on Met 101. For my Met 101 this quarter I loved all of the activities that I went to and participated and places that I visited. One of my featured projects was my Soundtrack to my life where we had to choose songs throughout our lives that reminded us of memories. We also had to create a name and cover for the CD and that was one of my favorite parts. These assignments have taught me more about what type of teacher Xico is than anything because it shows how much he would like all of us to succeed to get to know us
One thing I found especially interesting about the class what when we watched 18 Ways to Make a Baby. It is amazing how far technology has come and what all we are capable of doing to help unfortunate families wanting to bear a child. I was even able to let my Child Development teacher from high school know about the video and now it's something she wants to add to her teaching curriculum. It was also fun making the collage. It took quite some time to do, but I learned so much. I had to go online to look up pictures, and when I did, I stumbled across very interesting information. I was glad we had choices for the assignment. Everyone learns different; some by reading, some by seeing, some by reading, and some by doing. The internet assignments were also something that I enjoyed because it gave me the chance to surf the web to learn more about stuff I had learned in high school. I got to see other people's views and better understand many of the concepts taught in class. I don't really think there were any subjects that were too difficult for me to understand. Most of what I learned was a review of high school Child Development. The main differences were that we didn't take home a fake baby that cried and we went more in
With this thesis I wanted to create a broader view on the systems behind all the critiques on volunteerism projects in order to contribute to projects that are both beneficial for volunteers as well as for host communities. The theoretical aim of this thesis was to contribute to the scientific debate on how volunteerism projects impact volunteers and host communities, through showing how this impact is influenced by processes of liminality and Othering. On top of that, I wanted to question the notion of “giving aid” as the starting point of volunteerism projects. The story represented two groups; volunteers and host communities, who joined volunteerism projects with good intentions. Some, however, unaware of the unintended consequences and how their expectations would work out.