Storytelling Assignment
It was the summer of 2004, my family and I went down to Iowa for my cousin’s grad party. She lived on a farm on the outskirts of a small town called Buffalo Center. I remember roaming the farm, chasing the barn cats, and watching the pigs feed.
I was making my way over to look at the cows when I spotted my cousins playing baseball. At the time I had no idea what that even was, or how to play, all I knew was that I wanted to join them. Being the oblivious and unaware 5 year old that I was, I sprinted over to my cousin, ready to tap him on the shoulder to ask if I could play too. If only I had noticed he was holding a bat and ready to swing. It was too late. The barrel had hit me square in the mouth. Immediately
"Black Wall Street" was the name given to Greenwood Avenue of North Tulsa, Oklahoma during the early 1900’s. Because of strict segregation, Blacks were only allowed to shop, spend, and live in a 35 square block area called the Greenwood district. The "circulation of Black dollars" only in the Black community produced a tremendously prosperous Black business district that was admired and envied by the whole country.
When I was first hired I was told I would have 30 days from the start day to sign up for benefits. The date by which I had to sign up by was 03/20/16 a Sunday; I tried to get on, on the 03/18/16, but it would not let me. I called the helpline to get my password reset to gain access to the online portal; whenever I received access it said there were no available sessions for enrollment. My manager informed me to come in on Saturday 03/19/16 and he would help me further, he was not able to locate it either. He then informed me to make a benefits appeal, because I had tried to get enrolled before the cutoff date. I have two pictures, to show the information that was displayed and the date. Thank you for your time and
The time I was playing baseball in my backyard was exhilarating and definitely the funniest time was when I tricked my brothers into thinking I was hurt. Although I was loosing through the first 2 “innings” .My brother Josh and I came back ,but after that while I was catching I got too close to the hitter and heard a clang I was hit in the forehead with a metal baseball bat. It didn’t hurt at all but because I held my head and fell on the ground ,but my brothers thought I was hurt so when they crowded
My storytelling assignment was an eye opening experience into the vocabulary and imagination of my second grade student Lila. During rotations I asked Lila if she would like to tell me a story. I let her know that it could be any story, make believe or real, that she wanted to share with me. When asked if she wanted to draw a picture before or after her story, she chose the first option. She immediately started drawing a picture that had four fish in different colors and sizes and was explaining who the fish were as she was drawing. She stated “This is the mommy fish, this is the daddy fish, and this is the baby fish Lila, and this is Lila when she got bigger.” Then she began her story about a family of fish who went on an adventure, and
As I placed the car into park, turned the key off and stepped into the crisp cold winter air, I begin to feel my pulse raise. With each step we took drawing us closer to the door, I felt my heart beating faster. With a quick turn of the ice cold door knob, I found myself standing in a whole new world. The food, the music, the faces, the language, everything was different than what I knew. For the first time in my life I was the minority in my small home town of Winamac, Indiana.
To define a storyteller rolls, to share sacred traditions through many ways. One must memorize and retell orally the sacred beliefs from past generations. The accent story or beliefs or being are told through words,music and instruments. In many religions a Story teller can be viewed as one with higher power. One that can see,feel or be in touch in some ways closer to the unknown.Thru many religions the stories by the storytellers explain how and why we are existing. What and where we came from. How the world evolved and what and when took place first. As we all have heard, many many years of religion has worshiped in many different ways. Some use of animals as the supreme being and some use the worlds surrounding them as the old mighty. What
Whoosh! A paintball went right past my face. I hurried over the hills and straight towards my friends- Splat! I got hit. Good thing I had a mask on because that would have hurt. We were at Paintball Arkansas, but it all started when we were at church.
One day close to halloween I went to my grandpa’s house to spend time with my cousins as we were pulling into my grandpa's driveway there was this cat and I couldn’t see what color it was so I ignored it. My cousin had brung his toy hauler so when we went to ride it, he turned the curve and the side protection broke and I fell out of it and almost broke my neck because of the way I landed when I fell off of it.
In 1418, a group of Catholic fathers in Florence Italy met to discuss a troubling issue with the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral. This Cathedral had a hole in the top that was horrible for the scorching sun and the heavy rains that penetrated Florence. This motivated the fathers to hold a competition to see who could construct a dome that would not only have to be 150 feet across but also would have to start being constructed 180 feet atop the existing walls. The architect with the best plan would be the one to supervise the building of a new dome for this cathedral. Out of all the leading architects, the winner was a blacksmith named Filippo Brunellschi, a blacksmith who promised to build not one, but two domes without using expensive scaffolding.
Storytelling has elements that are implemented in any research or design. A story has different parts: plot, characters, theme, symbols, style, and point of view (Felton, 2014). However, a visual story has a beginning, middle, and end that communicate responses from any characters in a story. In addition, a character has a purpose to change the outcome of its story. A character can create and represents an emotional connection that intended audience could relate to any situation. As a matter of fact, stories start with struggles of the individual, the lives, they lead, and the challenges they face (Sykes, Malik, &West, 2012). For this reason, it builds on a connection that story moves on to tell a person how many others in the same situation
There are several benefits of working in the public sector such as job security, helping the community, you work less while earning more, you also get a pension scheme. There are also some bad that comes along with working for the public sector like lack of incentives, possible lower salary, bureaucracy. It is also hard to get advancement opportunities because it usually goes to senior employees.
Storytelling occurs in many situations, from kitchen-table conversation to corporate situations. Some storytelling situations demand informality; others are highly formal (National Storytelling Network). Some demand certain themes, attitudes, and artistic approaches (National Storytelling Network). The purpose of this paper is to show the evolution of storytelling and how it has changed throughout time. First, I will set up the background for storytelling including its history and progression. Second, I will present the concept of storytelling today and how public relations specialist utilize it. Third, I will explore what storytelling will be like in the future.
The practice of storytelling can be found in most cultures, however, it plays a more significant role within the indigenous people. In a handful of primitive tribes, though each person is expected to have a relationship with the world of spirit, it is often thought to be dangerous. For this reason, certain individuals are often identified as a certain type of specialist for the tribe. In this case, an elder would usually be chosen as the storyteller. Storytellers can deliver a message through music, dance, or a complex story. The message they deliver is generally a tradition that has been passed down through many generations. These traditions are not written, but told orally. Because of this, storytellers must take time to memorize long stanzas or musical pieces.
Storytelling is a fantastic way to come closer to one another, and reminisce on the past. It show lessons, and present themes. I think storytelling can really strengthen a relationship and change the way someone looks at certain situations. All the way up north in Van Buren Maine, my mom, Karen Lee Cyr Cummings was born on October 25, 1970. She went through many good and rough times in school, with her friends, and around the house. During childhood, we should not let any horrable or embarrassing moments bring us down, but instead push through them to find other fun in the future.
Many people tell stories to inform others about themselves. Throughout my life people in my family have told me many stories, and behind each story there is a purpose. The stories I was told growing up were about experiences that people in my family have had or things that I have done. These stories mean a lot to me because through these stories different family members reveal many things about themselves. They want me to understand their ideas, beliefs, or feelings about a certain subject. They want people to praise or admire what they have done or accomplished. Funny stories are told to humor or embarrass someone, usually me. Other stories express that we are not alone in the world, and there are other people,