
Storytelling Assignment

Satisfactory Essays

Storytelling Assignment

It was the summer of 2004, my family and I went down to Iowa for my cousin’s grad party. She lived on a farm on the outskirts of a small town called Buffalo Center. I remember roaming the farm, chasing the barn cats, and watching the pigs feed.

I was making my way over to look at the cows when I spotted my cousins playing baseball. At the time I had no idea what that even was, or how to play, all I knew was that I wanted to join them. Being the oblivious and unaware 5 year old that I was, I sprinted over to my cousin, ready to tap him on the shoulder to ask if I could play too. If only I had noticed he was holding a bat and ready to swing. It was too late. The barrel had hit me square in the mouth. Immediately

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