
Strange Creatures By Malcolm Gladwell Analysis

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Memes that are spread throughout the internet allegedly become successful, because the internet is a global network that connects millions of people around the world to link and exchange their ideas, opinions, and information. Through the internet it will be easily accessible for memes to be copied, spread and to be successful. Nonetheless, Malcolm Gladwell stated the internet and the social media are nothing compared to the sit-in movement, and considered the internet and the social media as weak ties and a disorganized network. To add on according to the essay, “Small Change”, Gladwell included that, “Social networks are effective at increasing participation---by lessening the level of motivation that participation requires” (138). On the other hand, in the essay, “Strange Creatures”, Susan Blackmore asserts that, “Memes spread themselves around indiscriminately without regard to whether they are useful, …show more content…

Gladwell stated, “When the sit-in movement spread from Greensboro throughout the South, it did not spread indiscriminately. It spread to those cities which had pre-existing ‘movement center’--a core of dedicated and trained activists ready to turn the ‘fever’ into action” (139). Besides following the hierarchy organization which was the reason behind the movement becoming a success in those specific cities, it was also the fact similar movements had spread around those areas before. This movement contrasts towards Blackmore’s claim about memes spreading indiscriminately, and it does not care how people will be affected whether it be positive, neutral, or negative effect. Blackmore suggests that memes spread themselves with no peculiar reason and rather it acts out random, while Gladwell implies that memes without a peculiar target would not appear compelling. Memes that are brought up from a hierarchy turns out to be more promising and

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