Stranger Things Season Three Conspiracies Stranger Things is a show on Netflix produced by the Duffer Brothers, “follows the disappearance of a young boy and the monstrous chain of events it launches in the small town.” ( Recently, the second season of Stranger Things launched, leaving viewers wanting more by the end. Many fans of the hit show, starting making conspiracies about the third season, and what is to come. In this article we will be discussing the many conspiraces left by fans. Warning, this contains huge spoilers, for both seasons that have come out so far. If you have not yet finished any of the seasons, I recommend not reading this. The first conspiracy involves Hopper and Sara. In the second
These are the darker side of television shows, but read with caution, because you might never see these shows the same.
The article “Why So Many People Believe Conspiracy Theories” by Jeffrey Kluger was a rather eye-opening article to think about. Throughout the column, I found various statements that opened my mind to a higher knowledge as to why anyone would be on board to preach(natter about) crazy and sometimes, even extraordinary theories as to why some events have happened without a factual answer to back it up.
Before the settlers landed in Jamestown, The Indians occupied the land and lived there for centuries. They were the first people to arrive in Jamestown. Some say there were 25,000 Indians; others say around 50,000 of the American natives, who lived on the land. There were about thirty different tribes whom the powhatan chiefdom took charge. However, each tribe had their own chief. In time there would be a change; King James 1 of England granted for another colony to be established under the Virginia Company of London which consisted of many wealthy Englishmen who wanted to invest their money into the company. They expected to
Texas Theater where Oswald was arrested says that Oswald was at the theater the exact moment Officer Tippit was killed. “The bullet shells from an automatic pistol found at the Tippit killing scene don't even fit Oswald’s only known handgun which was a revolver” (Groden 23). “The doctors who labored in a futile effort to save Kennedy’s life at the Parkland hospital all had stated that in contemporaneous interviews that the wound in his throat had been and entrance wound. Wade and the FBI had concluded that Oswald was directly behind the president and that he alone had fired a weapon in Dealey plaza.” (Lane 17). So if he was directly behind the president how could he create and exit wound in the front of John F. Kennedy’s throat. Also if the
Maggie Koerth Baker’s piece titled Why rational people buy into conspiracy theories represents the reasons why rational people believe in conspiracy theories. Throughout the article Baker tries to explain the reasons behind the belief of conspiracy theories supported by research and evidence. This paper will review Baker’s article as well as her main arguments, will evaluate the quality of Baker’s writing and focus on any areas of weakness within the article.
Being a Disney fan since I was little it was very fascinating looking into all of the conspiracy theories Disney has hidden within the magic. Within the many hidden factors in all of the Pixar movies, conspiracy theories have formed the truth in the movies that the fans established. Throughout all of the conspiracy theories, which were all very interesting, one caught my eye and completely shocked me which is the witch’s true identity from the movie Brave... Boo.
On November 22nd of 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas. This tragic incident spurred an investigation into finding out who the man who assassinated President Kennedy was. After an investigation, Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with the murder of John F Kennedy but unfortunately was assassinated himself before ever standing trial for his crime. This lack of an actual conviction or really concrete answer has led to the development of a plethora of conspiracy theories about the alternate explanations about how John F. Kennedy could have been assassinated. Although Lee Harvey Oswald has been generally accepted as the killer there is still a large number of people who believe that either there was
Conspiracy Rising: Conspiracy Thinking and American Public Life questions the popularity of conspiracy post 9/11 and government secrecy which calls for analysis of comparative work of prior historians. Martha Lee, professor of political science at the University of Windsor, observes current obsession over President Obama's birthplace as a replacement for government involvement in 9/11. However, she argues that although conspiracy changes through different events, the cause for it remains similar to those of the 19th century. Lee, in the first part of the article, explains her deep appreciation to Knight’s work. As his work shows the global changes in political, economic, and social structures that produce fear and anxiety among society. Lee
Conspiracy is a historical reenactment of the Wannsee Conference that convened outside Berlin in January of 1942. Fifteen of Hitler’s top officials from the SS and Nazi party held a clandestine meeting to lay the groundwork for what was referred to as the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question”. Among those present were: Reinhard Heydrich - Heinrich Himmler’s right hand man in the SS, Heinrich Muller – Chief of the Gestapo, Martin Luther – Foreign Ministry’s liaison to the SS, Gerhard Klopfer – lawyer from the Nazi Party Chancellery, Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinge - Deputy head of the Reich Chancellery, Wilhem Stuckart – lawyer representing the Interior Ministry and the co-author of the Anti-Semitic Nuremburg laws.
Over the years there have been many occurrences that have led to many suspicious citizens that do not believe the answers that they receive which has led to the creation of conspiracy theories, and many of them. Some of them make sense and provide factual information and support yet others are more abstract and do not contain much proof and if they do contain proof it is quickly deemed as false. In some cases some conspiracy theories turn out to be the truth. The definition of a conspiracy theory is an explanatory hypothesis that accuses a person or group of people of planning and or covering up major events that have occurred throughout history.
September 11, 2001, was a day that caused physical and emotional destruction because of the terror attacks that took place at the World Trade Center and the Twin Towers.There are many conspiracy theories that have come up causing great speculation of what actually happened and are argued to this day.A conspiracy theory is a theory that explains an event as a result or secret plan organized by a covert group.Many conspiracists believe that the United States government was behind the 9/11 attacks and altered the events and information and persuaded citizens into believing that the Islamic group Al-Qaeda was responsible. Similarly in 1984 by George Orwell, the government alters the truth to keep control of the country.The main protagonist Winston Smith works at the Ministry of Truth where he works to destroy any evidence where Big Brother could be called into question and also changes how events happened to fit the Party’s expectations.The purpose of his job is for the other citizens to continue to believe that Oceania is a perfect place to live in because of its economic, social, and military dominance. The Party is also responsible for watching and hearing everything that happens in Oceania.The Thought Police placed telescreens in every household and through these telescreens everything someone does can be seen and heard leaving no one with privacy; comparable to how after the 9/11 attacks, security across the United States tightened up. Anything that was seen as suspicious
The central idea of my concentration is conspiracies in America. While exploring my concentration I have worked with various combinations like newspaper and colored pencil, ink and acrylic, and colored pencil and soft pastel. I enjoyed seeing how I could coney my message while also keeping the message pleasing to the eye. Throughout the year I got to see my work change from crude conspiracies to political posters and work clearly changed as time went on.
I agree with you in terms of Betty Friedan supporting a choice feminist. Her statement that we should not ignore anymore the voice within women that says “I want something more than my husband, and my children and my home” supports choice feminism. However, there is also a problem with this women choosing what they think is right. Women who are voicing their feelings and problems about their family life routine are being dismissed by the society. Rather, they are given solutions on how they can improve their life in their house. For example, Friedman discusses how people suggesting that these women should be given more realistic preparation for housewives, such as workshops. In addition, some educators are suggesting that women should not be
Prison Break is an action TV series created by Paul Scheuring. The show presents the viewers with a political conspiracy theory that claims that an innocent man killed the president of the United States. Although the viewers know the man is innocent, the public in the show victimizes this innocent man for being the killer of the president. The victim Lincoln Burrows is sentenced to death row in prison for his crime. This is where Michael Scofield the victim’s brother is aware that his brother is innocent. So he decides to come up with a master plan of breaking his brother out of prison. Firstly he gets a hold of the map of the prison, which he gets tattooed on his body and studies it. Secondly he commits a crime of robbing a bank, but surrenders
Oswald was part of a large conspiracy theory this is because of what the evidence shown in the text called “Mysteries in American HIstory” for all the theories told on the JFK assassination it wouldn’t make since for Oswald to be a lone assassin or innocent because of these reasons. Oswald was found in the lunchroom of the building where the gunshots were fired, the building was Texas School Book Depository, this is where Oswald worked. The gunshots were fired from the 6th floor while Oswald was on the 2nd floor eating his lunch to see that he was the only one found in the building, it’s physically impossible to go up to the 6th floor shooting a relief, going back down to the 2nd floor sitting in the lunchroom and eating lunch peacefully without