We went on for what seemed like hours “playing” this game. I had lost the amount of times he hit me away from his hat. It was easy to count the bruises at first until they started overlapping one another. They formed after each hit as if I was a peach getting hit with a spoon over and over. I was an easy bruiser, but not as easy as this. Yet I persisted. Each time I went for the hat I felt like I got closer and closer, however, the Stranger kept stopping me in my tracks. His keen senses were on point with every attempt I had done in taking his top hat. The bruises from my body finally caught up to me as I felt each of them randomly pounding against my skin. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath when he took advantage of me. His hunch stretched …show more content…
My eyes drooped before finally sealing themselves closed. It only lasted for a second thought, as a bright light and a small pop, followed by his shriek of terror, brightened my eyes to open back up. Another flash of light popped next to me, then another. The man pushed off of my back leaving my body on the ground in a broken mess. I gasped for air like a maniac. My chest burned with each breath I took, but at this point I embraced it each time with my uncontrollable desperation for air. I watched as the bits of light continued to hit the ground. The once malicious demon now ran off in front of me, swiping his top hat with his free hand as he made his escape. Following him were the flashes of light on the ground. Shortly after the man ran past the arch of dead trees and disappeared into the unknown the sound of pattering footsteps emerged from behind me. Whispers were made as I began to calm my breathing. I couldn’t understand what they were saying as they tried to keep their voices away from me. One of the set of footsteps made their way around to the front of me before I shut my eyes again. Once the footsteps became silent the presence of a palm pressed gently onto my neck. The feeling of warmth and softness quickly flowed through my body, warming up the death and despair from before with hope and hospitality. It laid there for a while before pulling itself away from me. A voice raised itself up to speak but was quickly silenced by
I turned around once again, only this time I saw a dark figure.I tried to yell for help but nothing came out. I was frozen. Time stopped for a moment as I tried to figure out what to do. “RUN!” said the dark figure.. I did what it said afraid of what it might do. This time I was running for my life. Knowing I wasn’t fast enough the dark figure was right in front of me. The figure had distinctive blue eyes like the color of the ocean, only there was darkness inside. So afraid I ran the other as fast as possible. The figure disappeared and I was very lost. Finding my way back to the trail I felt a hand on my shoulder. I screamed and this time a blood curdling scream came out.
AS he looked at me and I breathed in his every smell he moved towards me and I stopped breathing. I know if he got close enough I was........DEAD. I ran as fast as I could in between the trees and down the hill to the cabin where I knew what laid down there what horrible things were waiting for me but I went anyway seeing them laying there covered in each other's blood I knew I couldn't save them even if I tried and as I turn the corner I'm grabbed by the hair and ripped from my home.
At night, beyond the public eye, the rooftop comforts me, provides me a my safe haven. I hear the wind whispering my name to escape: but I do not listen. Being in my own world ushers a feeling of fright, yet also comes as a relief. With no one there to judge me; I sit alone, with the company of my inner demons.. I close my eyes, my demons have assailed me all day, midnight is their time. The void of judgment has remained. It’s dark, but at the end you see a flash of light. So, I walk in the obesity of my mind where the darkness has taken over. The sense of being paralyzed comes to my mind, my fears are woken up and the sense of neglect is off. I smell fear all around. I do not smell the smoke from the burning wood I left. The smell of fear and sweat are much more dominant,I feel my hands are getting sweaty, my body frozen, paralyzed. My heart beats faster than ever before. My Demons have become vigorous. An explosion of fear, rage, sadness and anxiety overwhelms me, but I cannot wake up. Powerless, my demons pull me into the darkest depths of my mind where I try to hold on for dear mercy.
I never wanted to leave, but then out of the corner of my eye a black figure came from the water, I then heard a very high pitched scream which brought a ringing to my ears, and i flinched away and and as I did so I felt a slight wind against my cheek. Whatever it was had came so close to me I felt the wind from its claws or fingers as they reached for me. I then heard and felt something begin ripping as my hair was then pulled out of my
"*sigh* if you say so, and even if I just met you good luck with everything" the parakeet started walking towards me with the ash I spread out my arms and squesed my eyes shut. The parakeet sprinkled the ash on me, soon after I let out a blood curtling scream it felt like I was being cut in half, the pain was unreal. The parakeet stepped back and watched from a dictance. Suddently, my soul escaped from my body, I looked down at my dead body and the room, seeing bystanders (assuming they where from the church) start talking to the parakeet some doing other things. I looked down at my body again, and rubbed my eyes still seeing my body had the demon look, blood red skin scales and claws my jacket dissaperred relzing my demon jacket was now on
I could feel the immense distance between our souls as I watched him leave with smoke blowing out of his mouth. I did not know his name, I realised. I had forgotten his sound. His heart seemed to be bestrewn with vestiges. He looked at me and smiled. I heard them again, those small footsteps.
I looked up at the black sky. I hadn't intended to be out this late. The sun had set, and the empty road ahead had no streetlights. I knew I was in for a dark journey home. I had decided that by traveling through the forest would be the quickest way home. Minutes passed, yet it seemed like hours and days. The farther I traveled into the forest, the darker it seemed to get. I was very had to even take a breath due to the stifling air. The only sound familiar to me was the quickening beat of my own heart, which felt as though it was about to come through my chest. I began to whistled to take my mind off the eerie noises I was hearing. In this kind of darkness I was in, it was hard for me to believe that I could be
After a while a silence crept through the room, that silence didn’t feel calming or good,it was deafening it pressed down my chest and ears which forced me to cover my ears and hear my pulse running through my ears,to feel conscious and alive. I could sense something really bad had happened. I opened the closet door as slowly and as quietly as I could. I saw, the jagged edges of the sharp knife dripping in scarlet red blood. I looked down at the wooden floor and saw puddles of crimson red blood that looked like there was a river flowing of blood. The blood was everywhere. I felt so scared. I had never seen this much blood ever, it made me feel sick. So I followed the blood puddles. There I saw, my parents bodies lying on the floor covered in scarlet blood ,they had been stabbed several times very viscously. Tears fall down my cheeks and I can hear mum and dad whisper their last breath,
As I walked, it felt like death was on my doorstep, waiting to drag me away from my hopes and dreams into an endless abyss. Each minute I walked, the feeling of fainting approached me. I heavily jerked myself to stay alive for the next minute. The land that accompanied us on our journey was scorched, dusty and unbelievably searing hot. The sky was crystal clear, with the unforgiving sun glaring at us.
A piece of Dark was hovering over my bed, and trying to turn me to their side! I reached deep inside me, and looked for my light, and it was deeper than it had ever been. It took precious seconds, but I shoved my light above my head, and the dimness of it was not lost on me. A high pitched scream shook me awake, the Dark was gone and another girl was above my bed.
As I was promenading down the stairs, I picked something up and found some type of animal remains. I kept moving forward and stumbled upon a dimly lit room with only one thing in the center; a coffin. I began to walk towards it in fear, pondering my fate. Each step I took towards this transcendental coffin, was another step towards an unforeseen fate. I was frightened, but I was also intrigued. My conscious kept telling me to turn back , but my body was subconsciously pulling me forward. With every aching second, my shaking hand slowly began to move closer to the coffin. Time was moving slowly to the point where it stopped completely and my heart began to beat faster than the speed of light. I reached over toward the handle on the coffin, and lifted it with a prim motion. Inside was something far more bloodcurdling than I had ever seen… I saw myself. It seemed that I was the monster people feared. The body in the casket, my body, was paler than snow. My eyes were glazed over like tinted glass and I reeked of something awful. How could I be the monster? My head hurt with confusion. I was always described as a pleasing person. There was not a heinous bone in my body. Next to the casket, there was an hourglass, which was almost full and moving quite slow. The closer I approached to the body, the faster it went. What was happening? I reluctantly grazed my finger upon the cheek of my body. I wasn’t sure what, but I know
I waited silently, not daring to move, not even to breathe. I crouched behind the door, curling myself into the smallest shape possible, hoping I would not be found. Outside, the floorboards groaned in protest as the creature stalked ever closer towards me. I swallowed a huge lump in my throat, which was threatening to choke me. I waited. Suddenly, it happened. A gnarly hand clasped around my coat collar and lifted me into the muddled shadows of one of the upstairs hallways in Saint Luke 's Church.
I took a shaky breath and regretted that action as soon I felt a sharp pain in my chest. It was then that I suddenly became aware of my lack of feeling in my left arm and right leg even as I blinked i couldn’t open my left eye. I lifted my right arm and touched my eye; it was swollen and caked with dry blood. I touched my left arm and felt the warm liquid. Terrified, I began looking at my surroundings carefully. It was difficult to see anything in the dark building but I could tell the place was indeed abandoned. Snow that blew in from the broken window covered the floor. I looked towards the broken windows and followed the moons light onto the ground. I held my breath at the sight I came upon.
Shadows twirling, twisting, enveloping it’s all I see they’re surrounding me, choking me it’s dark I can’t see anything not like anything was there in the first place. I try to speak but I hear nothing. But I see a glowing in the distance like a candle but this was different it was eyes glowing eyes not blinking just staring it made me uneasy and a little nauseous. these eyes piercing the fog, peering into my soul this formless being filling me with dread like i’ve never felt, it took a step I felt as though the ground shook and with each step I felt worse and worse like I was dying I screamed but yet again no sound but I did hear.
I saw the blur of a house against the crystal clear, blue sky and the dark evergreen trees, which was followed by an unusual numbness and a bright red puddle that stood out against the dark pavement. I heard shouting and pounding footsteps but I had no idea what happened. I sat on the hot pavement for what seemed like hours, watching blood flow down the hill and into the rain gutter before I was met by a familiar face. Where did her cigarette go? Why was she out of breath? I could see her lips moving but I could not hear the words. I could feel more pounding on the pavement as it got closer and closer, accompanied by extraordinarily loud shouting that snapped me out of this trance. I looked at my knees and stared in awe, seeing the layers of skin that had just been torn. Did I win the race? I looked up at her face as the color drained from her cheeks.