
Strategic Management, Goals, And Mission

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Strategic Management, Goals, and Mission Are Critical To the Success of an Organization
The purpose of this paper is to reflect and make an analysis of the general success of an organization, by the importance of meeting its goals and mission. Provide recommendations based on the SHRM case, PAC Resources, Inc. and thoughts of overall performance to improve in which practices and theories were utilized most effectively. Upon such, draw conclusions and provide an integration of current material into an individual argument. The accomplishment of this will be achieved by identifying several key practices from published documents surrounding and encompassing human resources, strategic management and the text, comparing them to known …show more content…

The social strategic mission and culture of PAC Inc. needs to grasp that it can succeed financially as well as socially. Human resources taking a transformational leadership role in this changing environment with ethical stewardship achieving PAC Inc. strategic mission and employee’s personal goals will also lead to a competitive advantage of long-term sustainability for the company. Hampering of strategic human resources as to asses and drive change in in PAC’s environment will result in a less favorable competitive and social environment. Organizational effectiveness is directly linked to company-wide exchange of information to achieve strategic goals and mission and the individuals contribution. Furthermore, a culture of in-value of human capital exist in the exchange of e-mail communication that promoted strategic land-mines for the companies goals and mission. Finally, ethical stewardship in that the importance of training and development, progressive disciplines, employee monitoring, codes of conduct, company structure and policies. Moreover, as Cadwell [as cited by Mello, 2015, p. 35] “the honoring of duties owed to employees, stakeholders, and the society in the pursuit of long-term wealth creation.”
As the new director of strategic human resources for PAC Inc., I can I identify three areas for concern in the organization needing immediate reflection for resolve. First issue is several e-mails concern me as to the

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