
Strategic Management

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Examination Paper: Semester II IIBM Institute of Business Management IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper MM.100 Strategic Management Section A: Objective Type (30 marks) This section consists of multiple choice questions & Short notes type questions. Answer all the questions. Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each. Part One: Multiple choices: 1. A plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal is: a. Tactic b. Strategy c. Financial benefits d. None of the above 2. It is important to develop mission statement for: a. Allocating organizational resources b. Provide useful criteria c. Company creed d. Customer orientation 3. The five …show more content…

In order to give the many people a better everyday life, IKEA asks the customer to work as a partner. The product range is child-friendly and covers the need of the whole family, young and old. So together we can a better everyday life for everyone. In addition to working about around 1,800 different suppliers across the world, IKEA produces many of its own products through sawmills and factories in the IKEA industrial group, Swedwood. Swedwood also has a duty to transfer knowledge to other suppliers, for example by educating them in issues such as efficiency, quality and environmental work. Swedwood has 35 industrial units in 11 countries. Purchasing: IKEA has 42 Trading Service Offices (TSO’s) in 33 countries. Proximity to their suppliers is the key to rational, long term cooperation. That’s why TSO co-workers visit suppliers regularly to monitor production, test new ideas, negotiate prices and carry out quality audits and inspection. Distribution: The route from supplier to customer must be as direct, cost- effective and environmentally friendly as possible. Flat packs are important aspects of this work: eliminating wasted space means we can transport and store goods more efficiently. Since efficient distribution plays a key role in the work of creating the low price, goods routing and logistics are a focus for constant development. The business Idea: The IKEA business idea is to offer a wide range of home furnishings with good

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