
Strategic Marketing

Satisfactory Essays


Final Grade

STUDENT NAME: ___________________________________________________

BTEC REGISTRATION:____________________________________________________

PROGRAMME: Edexcel BTEC Level 7 Professional Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership

UNIT NO/TITLE: Unit 07 / Strategic Marketing Management

ASSIGNMENT NO: 1 of 2 Individual

Credit Value: 10
Learning Outcomes: * Understand the principles of strategic marketing management * Understand the tools used to develop a strategic marketing strategy * Be able to …show more content…

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Outcomes/ Grade Descriptors | AC 01 | AC 02 | AC 04 | Achievement | | | |
Learning outcomes covered (To mark (√) by the Assessor)

Assessor’s Comments:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:
Assessor’s Comments:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

IV’s Comments:

IV’s Signature: Date:
IV’s Comments:

IV’s Signature: Date:

Instructions for Students 1. Please fill all the required entries on assignment cover sheet (Student Name, Student Number, Assessor’s name, Date submitted). 2. The assignment should be submitted as a SOFT COPY in a word format ONLY (CD ONLY) as well as HARD COPY on or before the due date. 3. The soft copy should be saved directly to a CD as one file. Documents saved in different files and/or in subfolders will be rejected. 4. In-text citation and referencing should be strictly done using Harvard Referencing System. 5. Please be cautious about the structure of the report 6. Please note that institute has very strict regulations

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