
Strategies For Improving Health Inequalities For The Community, Created By Two Ot Students During A Rep

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1. Report Aims & Role Emerging Placements 1.1. Aims of Report This report documents an occupation-focused strategy for the CCG to reduce health inequalities for the community, created by two OT students during a REP in a GP setting. An innovative occupational approach to improve health and wellbeing, meeting the occupational needs within this community are critically analysed, whilst exploring the potential role for an OT in primary care. Recommendations are offered to support future developments of this project. 1.2. Role Emerging Placements Non-traditional placements such as REP’s act as catalysts to enable students develop professional skills through creating occupation-focused projects in settings without an OT (Clarke et al., 2015; Edwards & Thew, 2011). These innovative placements empower students develop skills such as building relationships with key stakeholders and embracing transferable skills an OT possesses to work in various contexts (Dancza et al., 2013). Additionally, REP’s enable students meet ever-changing challenges with health-reform with evidence suggesting students are more autonomous with personal and professional growth having a strengthened professional identity (Dancza et al., 2013; Bossers, 1997). 2. Service Overview & Political Context 2.1. Clinical Commissioning Group Following the Health and Social Care Act (2012), CCG’s were established all over the UK to commission services to meet the needs of the community in its catchment area. The

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