
Stratification And Social Mobility On A Person 's Chances For A Higher Life Expectancy Essay

Decent Essays

The idea that stratification and social mobility can influence a person’s chances for a higher life expectancy is very possible. The concept of “stratification is defined as the structural ranking of an entire group of people that maintains unequal economic benefits and power within society.” This system allows individuals opportunities only based on the tier that they occupy. “There are four major systems of stratification which are slavery, caste, estate and class.” “The current stratification within the United States is an open, class system where the position of an individual is influenced by their achieved status and social ranking is primarily based on economic position.” Certain “characteristics within the system can influence social mobility, which is the idea that a person can move from one position in society’s stratification system to another.” A person’s position in this “class system shapes their access to material, social and cultural resources and is heavily dependent upon their family’s background, race and ethnicity.” “The United States divides it class system into five social class; the upper, upper-middle, middle, working and under class.” The different tiers reflect income, education, political power and authority decreases as you go from top to bottom. The greater a person’s income is it decreases there likelihood of disease and an early death. A person with a lower social class have greater difficulties trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle like

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