
Streetcar Named Desire

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Tennessee Williams's novel is a overriding declaration of the significance of illusion or fantasy as a mechanism by which all individuals cope with their reality. Blanche's optimism of sympathy, compassion and alteration enable her to go on with a life that is traumatized and brutal. The idea of illusion/fantasy vs. reality seems to bring on the impression that these characters (blanche, Stilla, Stanley and Mitch) want to “escape” their world. Illusion and reality can be seen as deception, falsifying behaviours to conceal ones attitude or identity.

Blanche appears in the 1 design drawing in a mid-thigh skirt and crop top. One of the main characters that bring the idea of illusion/fantasy vs. reality and escapisms is Blanche. Blanche is exposed …show more content…

Stella makes a clear choice between reality and fantasy because 'of her relationship with Stanley’. Indeed, this echoes her willingness to overlook Stanley's physical abuse, excusing it as nothing I as serious as you seem to take it. Blanche has a younger sister Stella, who is married to a man named Stanley with who she shares a sexual relationship. She goes under the full control of her husband rather than going to her sister’s side due to having a child in her womb that belongs to him. This is represented in “A Streetcar Named Desire” where Stella uses a quote” But there are things that happen between a man and a woman in the dark – that sort of make everything else seem – unimportant”. This explains her love for Stanley, which is more like a physical passion, as Blanche likes to refer to …show more content…

Stella wanting everything to be perfect, overlooks Stanley’s downfalls, she escapes her reality. This is the husband of Stella. Stanley makes Blanche see the reality and the illusion that she lives in. This is why Stanley would do anything to make Blanche be ruined, which in this design is where Stanley is kneeling and looking down at Blanche’s love notes from her husband that were hidden. In “A Streetcar Named Desire” where Stanley uses a quote” You see, under the Napoleonic code – a man has to take an interest in his wife affairs – especially now that she’s going to have a baby”. {Blanche opens her eyes. The “blue piano” sounds louder.} This explains the hurt that Stanley wants Blanche to feel this is his way of stating his dominance once

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