
Strength Of France Essay

Decent Essays

How are you doing? France is in very good hands because of you and we hope to help you in your mission to make France even better. France has many strengths that other countries don’t have. Since we are located in Western Europe, we have lots of ports to the east and west. Another great thing about France is that we have good agricultural skills helping us produce lots of natural foods. We also have the 3rd largest army and navy. This can really help us defend our country and attack other nations. On the other hand, we do have some weaknesses that could set us back. We have had an unstable government before you came to power of course, but it still is having effects on the people. Another thing that happened is that we allowed Germany to take …show more content…

The first alliance that we made was with Great Britain. We were able to make an economic, geographic and military alliance with them, which will benefit us. They agreed to give us $400,000 dollars to help us progress in our efforts to industrialize. They also gave us assurance that we would get protection from their great army and especially their navy. This will help us with defending ourselves from Germany. We agreed to give them access to our western ports and some military help. This will really benefit us because with access to our ports, Britain can trade their many modern goods with the rest of the world, which will help improve our own economy. Another alliance that we made was with Serbia. As you may know, Serbia needs lots of help, but with this alliance, we tried to agree to terms that would seem like they are helping them but really, will help us. We made a geographic and military alliance but not an economic one because they don’t have the best economy. We were able to gain access to their ports which can help us trade with Asia by going around Italy, instead of having to deal with Germany. We also agreed to give them military help if they are attacked. We are obviously on top of Serbia with this alliance, which just helps us get

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