
Strengths And Weaknesses Essay

Decent Essays

Strengths My mother and grandma both suffered from pancreatic cancer. The cancer had caused them both to get depression, I didn’t see my mom dealing with depression, but I have watched my grandma go through it. Watching my grandma go through it, I realized that I wanted to help. In Indian communities, mental health is frowned upon. People talk about it as a joke, and they don’t think it is a big deal. So, my goal is to make sure people like my grandma get help, and never should be treated with disrespect because of their mental illness. A strength that helps me in a group environment would that I am very organized. For example, when doing projects, I usually make lists for myself, as well as the groups. Making lists for everyone can make …show more content…

So, I refrain from saying them out loud. This weakness serves as a barrier because I have ideas and opinion, but I am don’t say them in fear of being judged. I have witnessed other get laughed upon after saying their opinion so I get uncomfortable in those kinds of situations. Secondly, I don’t take credit for all my successes. Sometimes, I brush off compliments saying that anyone could do it. This a negative way to think about myself because I should be proud of my accomplishments and not shy away from being proud of myself. Thirdly, I can be impatient sometimes towards people that are doing tasks at a slower pace than me. I like to be efficient and organized, and finishing a task as soon as possible after starting it, but seeing someone going at a slower pace than I makes me frustrated. For example, last night at work I needed fries for my order. They had already been called twice and still had not been received. So rather than being understanding, I stood right behind them until I got my fries. My co-workers have often perceived me as impatient. So, this weakness is something I need to work on. I need to be more understanding that they have other orders to complete as well as mine. As a heath care provider, I would like to learn how to be more understanding and being patient with the patients. Sometimes I start to jump to conclusions in different scenarios in personal relationships. For example, if a friend replies to a

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