The entrepreneurial environment in Egypt has its strengths and weaknesses. Beginning to analyze the strengths, Egypt's young population is one of the greatest entrepreneurial strengths in Egypt, as a large young and educated population is the country’s potentially most valuable resource that could be a driving force for a much-needed economic expansion and new innovative ideas. As characteristics of today's youth can be a competitive advantage for the entrepreneurial environment such as their computer skills, their ability to respond and cope with new economic trends, and their efficiency in promoting innovation to increase competition in the market place (Hattab, GEM Egypt 2012 Report, 2013). Even more, another entrepreneurial strength in Egypt is its open market as the favourable changes that has …show more content…
To explain, few financing options, high investment risk, poor structure of investment climate (BUSINESS SWEDEN DUBAI, 2015). According to Hattab, "entrepreneurs look for funding with their personal money, family members and friends rather than going to financial institutions" (2010). Moreover, lack of business information and marketing trends and dimensions can highly affect the entrepreneurial environment in Egypt. Education and training, research and development, and access to knowledge and information in Egypt is found to be quite hard to find (Hattab, GEM Egypt 2012 Report, 2013). Lastly, Egypt's cultural mindset and social norms is one of the challenges that may face entrepreneurs. As it has always been the most common that students graduate to be employed by the government because it was the most ‘guaranteed and stable’ job the market could offer, while starting one’s own business; is not always a socially and culturally accepted idea (BUSINESS SWEDEN DUBAI, 2015). On the other side, one of the major strength that
The current entrepreneurs and millennials are on the success list in the business world just because they have managed to disrupt the status quo and has instead embraced the emerging new technology. On top of this, they have also been able to think outside the box and are always ready to take risks. Despite that these entrepreneurs and millennials reject the traditional strategies of operating corporate institutions, they are also interested in establishing companies, generating cash flow as well as pursuing their passion in business.
Entrepreneurial experience involves two main factors, which are one’s entrepreneurial education and a venture’s growth cycle. A growth cycle is the cycle of success and failures that provide entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge to create businesses that have qualities that prevent failure and promote success. This experience is highly valued to investors and imperative to business success. An entrepreneurial education is categorized as either indirect or hands-on, hands-on education being the most effective of the two as it focuses on “practice” business experience. Indirect entrepreneurial education typically involves learning from books, courses, and other business models. The specific type of entrepreneurial education determines efficacy when dealing with both youth
A factor that contributes immensely to the success of an economy as a whole is diversity. An organization that can effectively unite individuals from different cultures and backgrounds can expect healthy growth in the future. However, diversity can be considered to a much greater extent. When analyzing any economy, one can observe that is formed by large firms, medium sized firms, small firms, and firms that are barely getting on their feet. No matter the size or type of business, they all significantly contribute to the overall well being of any economy. Furthermore, one type of institution that forms a considerable facet of the diversity of economies are entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship describes any institution that begins without the support of any higher corporation or established business. Any individual can study how an entrepreneur works and makes decisions in an economics class or they can even major in entrepreneurship in some universities. However, these educational institutions many times fail to inculcate in their students how these types of business actually operate in the real world. With that in mind, a concise yet profound analysis of a small business in Buckeye, Arizona will consider how an entrepreneur owned business truly works.
(3) Moreover, to obtain his information, a questionnaire was developed which included mixtures of scaled, dichotomous, multiple choice, open ended and rank-order questions. (3) Hisrich findings were divided into four areas; the demographic composition and background of the entrepreneurs, the nature of their business ventures, the skills, and personalities of the entrepreneurs as well as the problems confronted in starting and operating a new venture. (3) In the sample entrepreneurs were between the ages of thirty-five and forty-five; in which sixty percent were married and had children. (3) Forty-two percent were first-born children in their families, and the majority grew up in lower or middle class environments.
Chart 2 displays the management topics and the percent of respondents who indicated the topic was a problem when starting their business.
In order for a business to survive and prosper, more emphasis should be placed or entrepreneurship education as opposed to business education ( Isaacs et al.,2007:611) A competed and educated management is a vital factor that contributes to a competitive business( Isaacs et al.,2007 610). Entrepreneurship education achieves competency awareness, creative applications, startup and growth of any business (Segal &Herrington, 2001:57). A higher level of education is significantly associated with high level of entrepreneurial activity (Niemen,
3. As you are the consultant for Coopers explain them in your own words Interpretation of conceptual differences between creativity and innovation that shows the organizational implications of this distinction.
This paper will explore the social, economic and environmental characteristics for entrepreneurship in the Olusosun rubbish dump as depicted in the movie welcome to Lagos. (LINES OF EXPLORATION???????)
initiative is to attract outside capital, given the lack of collateral and sufficient cash flows and the
Entrepreneurialism is often associated with business, but this is not always the case. Not all businesses or owners of businesses, which we call entrepreneurs, practice entrepreneurialism although if you want your business to succeed you should have the power and the aspiration to keep up with the constant changes in your business environment. Your success depends upon the success of your business, and without this entrepreneurialism force you will not have the right conditions for innovation and your business will not grow as expected.
The economy is composed of enterprises and businesses. Our economy has survived because the industry leaders had been able to adapt to the changing times and supplied mostly the communities’ needs. Entrepreneurship produces financial gain and keeps the economy afloat, which gives rise to the importance of innovation in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are innovators of the economy. The importance of innovation in entrepreneurship is another key value for the longevity of a business. And, being innovative has helped us become successful in all our endeavors.This leads me to choose my higher education in “Master of Business Administration
Fortune magazine claimed that the next generation will be the highest achieving generation in history (Hira, 2007) Companies who aspire to be entrepreneurial need to understand as to how to encourage, reward and motivate this generation as this generation is the most technically knowledgeable which gives them a better position to respond to challenges and will be motivated by success (Melissa Grafton 2011). For firm operating in environment which face speedy changes in industry and market structures, customer needs and technological and societal values, the only way to have competitive advantage is through corporate entrepreneurship (B.R. Bhardwaj and K.Momaya 2011). “The key to effective corporate entrepreneurship lies in
The Entrepreneur I have researched and written my report on is the world famous Walter Disney.
Currently, Indonesia has only 1.65% of entrepreneurs from the population of Indonesia. This amount is still very small, compared to neighboring countries, Singapore has 7.2% businessman, 11% Japan, 10% China and Malaysia 3%, especially when compared with developed countries, such as United States, the number of entrepreneurs has reached 11.5 %. To make young people aware of the importance of creating their own jobs to increase income and family welfare, entrepreneurship training needs to be done. The target of this training is young people in the kevikepan West Surabaya, who come from various universities and members
Entrepreneurship is a term often used to describe a person who owns and operates their own business, but the 2009 World Economic Forum report describes it, “The pursuit of opportunity beyond the resources you currently control” Stevenson (1983, 1985); Stevenson and Jarillo (1991) and the 2008 European Commission published a framework definition derived from representatives from ETF, GIZ, ILO, UNESCO and UNEVOC that states, “Entrepreneurship refers to an individual’s ability to turn ideas into action…”. But no matter how you define it, the most important skills, traits, and characteristics needed to be successful are vastly analogous. Along with this week’s reading, I conducted internet searches for the top characteristics, traits, and skills for entrepreneurship and my findings were surprisingly similar. The most common result that I found was determination (willpower, self-discipline, drive, motivation). In this submission, I will identify a successful entrepreneur and describe the their type of innovation or business, what characteristics or traits they have, how they got started, and what they did in order to become and remain successful.