Strengths to build on: Ms. Joyner is a very talented. creative and flexible person, always makes herself available to help her co-workers. I believe that Mrs. Joyner will be an excellent Administrator, with her energy, experience and dedication she will take any opportunity to a complete success.
Areas to work on:
Continue working towards your education and growing as a teacher. Continue participating in staff development trainings, workshops and webinars.
Recommendations/Plan of Action:
It is always good to develop a good relationship with the parents in your classroom, but limit yourself from sharing your personal phone number, any concern parents may have needs to be handle during working hours, and advise your parents to simply
Some students are more involved than others. Because I am like a “reading teacher”, I don’t really interact with a lot of parents, but sometimes a parent will just want to know how their child is progressing.
Although I worked in the Hardline department, she took the initiative to mentor new hires and set a positive example for the team. Meleniais a motivated employee and an excellent leader. I can enthusiastically recommend her for an Administrator position. If you have any further questions about her qualifications, please do not hesitate to call me.
I've seen her drive for success an I'm certain she won't give anything but her best. I'm proud to have witnessed her growth an I'm sure she'll encourage more an cultivate an atmosphere of leadership in her role!
The position she eventually accepted put her on the administrative team of “a very talented president.” This person was supportive of her taking leadership
Her knowledge of several different subject has been a huge advantage to our entire office where she put these skills to work to always achieve any task given to her.
Communication between teachers and the parents of students is essential for the growth and success of the student both inside and outside of the classroom. This communication is best achieved through parent conference opportunities. One way that this is achieved is through regular open house nights. This is where parents, and other members of the community, are invited to come to the school and talk to the teachers and other faculty at the school. Another conference opportunity presents itself in a scheduled appointment between the teacher and the parent. This will enable the parent to meet face-to-face with their child’s teacher during a time that is more convenient to them, as these appointments can occur before, during, and after school. Additionally, conferences can take place over the phone. This is a convenient way for both parties to communicate effectively in a way that works best for them.
For this assignment, I had to develop one new idea for involving families and their student’s progress. My cooperating teacher mentioned to me that she would either email or call her students’ parents. She said that she would contact parents through email to let them know when their student is doing well in class and she would call parents when she has a problem or issue. My cooperating teacher recently had to call two parents because the two students were disrupting the class and always talking when they are supposed to be paying attention or doing independent work. My cooperating teacher said that both of the parents responded to her well and they said that they would talk to their child about the talking and disrupting the class. After contacting the parents, my cooperating teacher said that she noticed a change in one of the students, but the other student still continued to talk and disrupt the class.
Teachers today face a number of challenges that contribute to a lack of job satisfaction, leaving schools for other professions that are more lucrative, low comparative compensation, and poor working conditions:
(Miller, 2003 & Roffey, 2002 as cited by Porter, 2008). There are different strategies teachers can use to maintain effective communication with parents and build strong relationships once they have made communication. Keeping a parents trust is important in maintaining open lines of communication so they can discuss concerns relating to the child and solve issues promptly. Teachers can gain parents confidence by always respecting confidentiality and avoiding rumours. If a parent finds out that their child’s teacher breached confidentiality or is a known gossip, parents will find it difficult to confide in them with an issue regarding their child, particularly if it is of a personal nature. Parents are also more likely to approach their child’s teacher if they know they can discuss issues and reach a mutual agreement (Bender, 2005). Teacher-parent communication is all about showing trust and comfort with each other. Frequent communication between these two parties creates less tension, when an issue arises, allowing a constructive discussion to take place and reaching an agreement sooner without hostility.
These methods will include the school’s address and telephone number alone with my personal phone number. I know some teachers are apprehensive about releasing their personal telephone number but I feel that it is essential for a positive communication line between me and the parents of my students. In the case of an emergency this resource can be very beneficial to me and the parent.
Since finding my desire to teach, my son and I have joined our local playcentre where in my spare time, I am working through the education courses they have to offer. I have also acquired a voluntary office position within the committee.
My parents think that teachers should be just educators and not friends. They believe that your peers should be your friends. My parents think that teachers should not talk about
I continued teaching for two more years until my daughter was born. During that time, I was voted for three years in a row as "Students ' favorite teacher." However, I grudgingly left teaching to be able financially to support my growing family. I started an environmental consulting business with my wife who is a biochemical engineer and was working as an environmental consultant for a firm in Orange County. For the next eighteen years, I developed and managed a successful company called Ecotek. Though, teaching was always on my mind and the part that I enjoyed the most about Ecotek was the environmental training and the presentations that I did for my clients. My three children are in college now, but four years ago I started hearing that inner voice telling me to follow my bliss. I knew that I wanted to go back to teaching, so I took several assignments as a substitute teacher to see if I have what it takes to be a good teacher. I found out quickly that I want to teach and that I enjoy it, school administrators offered me several long term substitute positions and soon enough, within a year, I left the business to my wife and started teaching biology full time at Lynwood Unified School District. It has been four happy years since I returned to the teaching profession. As a biology teacher at Firebaugh High School, I feel that
There is a huge importance to establish a positive relationship with parents. “Parents and teachers are natural partners. Both are working to help children become more fully developed people, and both want the children to be happy, sensitive, intelligent, and well balanced. Therefore, it is crucial for teachers to establish and maintain effective channels of communication with parents” (Ryan, Cooper, Bolick, 2016). Communicating with parents via phone, email, or in person is very important. It is good to not just contact them when the child has done something wrong. A lot of times a special needs child’s parents use school more vas a daycare, or a break from their child. They usually do not believe their child can have a successful education. This will be a hard challenge because I am all about involving students with their peers. Ultimately it is the parents’ choice.
Each situation is different and teachers should be aware of their body language, and use of language, so when speaking with parents their communication should be different when talking to parents than when they are chatting with friends. The first step is establishing a dialogue by approaching the parent first and making them feel welcome and relaxed, as parents may be resistant in making first contact, due to, a bad experience with teachers themselves, as children or bad experiences in other schools with other teachers (Miller, 2003 & Roffey, 2002 as cited by Porter, 2008). There are different strategies teachers can use to maintain effective communication with parents and build strong relationships once they have made communication. Keeping a parents trust is important in maintaining open lines of communication so they can discuss concerns relating to the child and solve issues promptly. Teachers can gain parents confidence by always respecting confidentiality and avoiding rumours. If a parent finds out that, their child’s teacher breached confidentiality or is a known gossip, parents will find it difficult to confide in them with an issue regarding their child, particularly if it is of a personal nature. Parents are also more likely to approach their child’s teacher if they know they can discuss issues and reach a mutual agreement (Bender, 2005). Teacher-parent