
Jung Strengths And Weaknesses

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Facing fears can be an exhilarating experience for actors.
Strengths and Weaknesses The strengths and weaknesses of a committed actor can be paradoxical. For this area I chose to consult with an acting colleague of 17 years. I thought it was necessary to have an objective perspective to honestly describe what has been observed from someone that knows me, personally. The following paragraph from a close friend and veteran actor explains this quandary in her description of me. Poole, a veteran actor (2016), described what is needed when committing to the craft:
Strengths - understand and incorporate the process into your preparation. Use the rehearsal process as the main focus for exploration and options. Use bold choices for …show more content…

Jung (as cited by Smith, 2007) discussed how through transference and countertransference he temporarily recovered lost souls:
Jung also felt his mental patients at the asylum of Burgholzli were lost souls, hanging out in the land of the dead, an intuition that persons undergoing psychosis are lost to the everyday world of ordinary reality and are lost in the imaginal realm of non-ordinary reality (the collective unconscious). On occasion, Jung was able to pull such persons out of this lost realm and back into ordinary life. Certainly through his analytic and psychotherapy practice, he was able to facilitate the recovery of souls, not through trance journeys, but through analysis of dreams, of transference and counter-transference, and through the power of a deep relationship with him (Kindle Locations 1989-1993).

In acting or with guided imagery, transference in part, is communication between entities. Hagen (1991) emphasized the importance of imagination and application of transferences with the character. An actor increases their ability to be open to other actors because of a sensitivity of transference; creating a meaning in a story. An actor’s training can expose him or her to multiple realities which may enable one to gain greater awareness while in a guided imagery experience.
New actors may find it difficult to be vulnerable. A committed acting

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