Death rates due to racial discrimination will decrease if racists are punished with jail time. As stated by Pacific Standard, an American magazine, stress is an aspect that affects both the mentality and physicality of someone in a negative way. With racists constantly bothering their victims, it can create a substantial amount of stress; Having an unhealthy mind and body caused by stress shortens a life span. Since there is a substantial amount of racism in the entire world as a whole, there are a plethora of victims who are struggling with the stress of being a target. Since everyone is different, each person can take rude remarks in their own way; Some will allow the negativity to consume them while others might take the matter to a drastic
The most important theme in this book was the trials and tribulations of racism because it was woven in every part of the plot, it contributed to the conflict and resolutions, and gave the story a connection to current events, helping the reader’s comprehension.
That is because there is no guesswork involved in overt forms of racism. Studies support the fact that people of color frequently experience microaggressions, that it is a continuing reality in their day-to-day interactions with friends, neighbors, co-workers, teachers, and employers in academic, social and public settings. They are often made to feel excluded, untrustworthy, second-class citizens, and abnormal. People of color often describe the terrible feeling of being watched suspiciously in stores, that any slipup they make would negatively impact every person of color, that they felt pressured to represent the group in positive ways, and that they feel trapped in a stereotype. The burden of constant vigilance drains and saps psychological and spiritual energies of targets and contributes to chronic fatigue and a feeling of racial frustration and anger.
Racism imposes additional health issues on people of color because it is an unnecessary stressor in their every day lives. “African Americans die earlier and have higher rates than whites of many chronic diseases across the social gradient” (Unnatural Causes, 2008). Increased cortisol levels, which are caused by stress have been linked to high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and other health problems.
On a daily basis the African American community is met with constant racism and discriminatory stressors that are unavoidable in most cases. Behavioral factors, socioeconomic status, and psychological stress all have a damaging effect on individuals both physically and mentally taking a huge toll on each person’s health (LaVeist & Isaac, 2013). Elements such as one’s socioeconomic status, a reality often witnessed in communities where blacks are the majority, causes anxiety for many as these neighborhoods are not the safest to live in. Due in large part to gang violence, robbery, home invasions, car thefts, and verbal misunderstandings that can potentially lead to murders, many people are faced with the burden of keeping themselves and their families safe by limiting their time spent outdoors (LaVeist & Isaac, 2013).
The sum effect of the continual violence against black Americans by the United States’ police, the efforts to blame the country’s first black president. The connection between racism and severe anxiety stresses the negative impact that discrimination has on society. Ultimately, racial battle is manifest by the diminished life spans by increasing suicide rates among black children and other indices of the toll that day-to-day life in a racist society takes on the emotional, physical and financial health of black and brown Americans.
The most common forms of discrimination are racial remarks, slurs, being called insulting names and being the butt of hurtful jokes. Studies have found that discrimination, racism and harassment may have significant mental and physical health consequences such as frustration, stress, anxiety, depression, possible nervous breakdown, or high blood pressure that can cause heart attacks. Effects of discrimination physically and
Countless studies have researched the connection between perceived racial discrimination and the likelihood of developing a severe mental illness. Currently, research shows that visible minorities in North America are inherently more likely to fall victim to mental health stress, which is commonly believed to be associated with their exposure to discrimination (De Maio & Kemp, 2009). In which case, allows them to be more susceptible to further mental stressors such as hate-crime victimization and a poor socioeconomic standing (Vega,
On Sunday April 17th, 2016 the curtain time was 2pm. I had the experience to see a play, which was, required reading in high school, which left a memory in my mind and other classmates. The play was To kill a Mocking Bird by Christopher Sergel, based on the novel by harper lee. The manatee players in collaboration with legal aid of Manasota preformed the play. The performance was held at manatee preforming arts center in the Kiwanis theatre, the ticket prices was thirteen dollars for students. This award winning production of this play has also been on film. The novel sold over fifteen million copies. This play takes place in Macomb, Alabama this was a time in the history of America when citizens were in a struggle with the civil rights movement. In this play the goal is to help you understand racism and the effects of social injustice. To summarize the play it is about a black man whom is accused of forcing himself on a white girl and sexually assaulting her. A white attorney who does not measure people by he color of their skin or social economic status represents him. The characters represent the stereotypes of small town southern inhabitance, with the mind of pre-civil rights culture. My impression is we continue in this time period to have social injustice and racism, not to the degree portrayed in the play but it is the elephant in the room and in the news.
A dilemma with race discrimination is mainly against a person who has distinct disadvantages regarding to their ethnic background. A victim of race discrimination is more likely to be affected in a negative way instead of a positive beneficial way. According to Scott Marshall, author of The Fight Against Racism Today states,“ For black and Brown people, racism means shorter, less healthy, less-valued lives” this limits the potential an individual has in order to show society what they are initially capable of achieving. Racial discrimination is also known to be both verbal and nonverbal, which leads to physical and emotional pain in a person.
Throughout American history, violent criminal acts against a specific person or a group of individuals were just that, violent crimes. In the 1980’s, the term hate crime was born. The National Institute for Justice states the term “hate crime” was used by a group of advocates to describe a series of violent incidents targeting several minorities. A hate crime is “a criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender 's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin” (, 2010). In the United States, hate crimes are being reported on the daily basis. According to
In conclusion, using a logistic regression to predict depression in minority populations can be an effective in determining how to best help minority groups with stress coping mechanisms to prevent the likelihood of depression. Meyers (2008), stated that stress theory provides a useful approach to understanding the relationship between pervasive prejudice and discrimination and health outcomes. This research would be useful in assisting mental health professionals developing strategies to best help minority populations
In the book, Cry, the Beloved Country, by Alan Paton, a judge mentions that the Justice system in Johannesburg is intentionally written to discriminate against natives. And that no mercy shall be shown to the them. An example of this would be of when Absalom Kumalo, the benevolent native who committed the crime, is showed no remorse, even after he complies with every moral guideline that he faced after committing the crime. Absaloms father had it bad too, because strangers now had something to connect Mr. Kumalo to: a murderer. Which leads the stranger to having a poor conjecture -- that Mr. kumalo is a failed father. And Mr. Kumalo knows this too, Quote but he need not be reminded. Racial profiling is still happening to the Muslims in America post 9/11. One such racial event happened in 2006 when an article outlining Muslims’ mental health published by psychologist Mona M. Amer, PhD sparked death threats because of a slight sympathetic vibe for Muslims (Clay 1). Not only does this scare researchers and other support groups, but it leaves Muslims harmed. Because of certain stressors such as threats, racism, and verbal abuse Muslims Americans have exceedingly high anxiety and depression rates compared to other groups (Clay
Bias crimes have a more major effect than other crimes on not only just the victim, but on others too (“Hate Crimes”). “Studies suggest that victims of bias crimes are more likely than other crime victims to suffer psychological trauma such as depression, withdrawal, anxiety, and feelings of helplessness and isolation” (“Hate Crimes”). Being a specific target because of who a person is can have major consequences on the victim's health. Supporters say, “They affect everyone who shares the victim's race, religion, or other targeted characteristic” (“Hate Crimes”). Many people are affected when one person has been a victim of a hate crime because people who share the characteristic begin
Racism is a plague spreading through the world. Over a million people have died due to lynching, burnings, stabbings, and beatings. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the dangers of racism and discrimination and the pain they cause, while offering solutions to help counteract them.
Victims of racism may experience signs of psychological distress that present in the form of mental stress. Although regular stress can have negative effects on an individual, the added stress of racism undoubtedly increases the level of stress the victim experiences. Perceived racism may lead to mental health symptoms similar to trauma (Pieterse, Todd, Neville, & Carter, 2012). They found that perceived racism was positively related to psychological stress. In addition, Black Americans have been noted to have higher rates of hypertension. Hypertension in itself has been associated with stress and depression. This along with studies like a landmark report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2003 which documented that from the simplest to the most technologically advanced diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, African American individuals and those in other minority groups receive fewer procedures and poorer-quality medical care than white