There are many sports which require to perform sprints, jumps, or to have good agility. Tennis is not an exception because in order to be a professional tennis player it requires to have combination of all those skills. While reading this chapter, I learned that the term which combines all of those elements is called “The stretch shortening cycle”. This term describes the action when the muscle is stretched, and it is immediately followed by shortening the same muscle. However, there are couple of factors that are affecting the stretch shortening cycle such as: fiber type, gender, age, arm actions and fatigue. This information will help me as being a tennis coach because I will be able to consider those factors while creating practice plan
The muscles’ stretched starting position means that the individual sarcomeres of her muscles have less overlap
The purpose of this experiment was to be able to test different intensities of warm-up conditions changes in the heart rate, skin temperature, electromyogram (EMG), and the contraction of the bicep brachii. Testing three different intensity conditions to determine which warm-up is more efficient on muscle conditioning. Bicep stretches, cardio, and aerobic stretching were the three different conditions because they focused on different muscles in the body. The warm-up that is able to efficiently deliver more oxygenated blood to the muscle is the most affective. Therefore, the predictions is that aerobic stretching will enhance muscle performance of the bicep brachii. This will happen because aerobic stretching is a high intensity warm-up that increases heart rate and cardiac output.
Oxygen debt in the muscles is reached when oxygen levels are much lower than required during strenuous physical activity, causing lactate fermentation to occur in the cells leading to muscle fatigue. The results found in the experiment were the number of squeezes in the first trial for the dominant and non-dominant hands were significantly higher than the remaining ones. The results also showed as the trials continued, the number of muscle contractions decreased steadily which supported the hypothesis. However, there were some increased numbers for the dominant hand from trial 4 to 5 and trial 9 to 10. The non-dominant hand expressed similar unexpected results from trial 6 to 7 and trial 9 and 10. The reasons for these results might be due to the finger muscles being worked at the high intensity for a long period of time causing the muscles to consume higher amounts of oxygen thus producing more ATP production. This would cause the muscles to create more contractions towards the end of the trials. The unexpected results could also be caused by experimental errors such as faulty clothespins. The springs connecting the two ends of the clothespin was tight causing the number of contractions as the trials progressed having a more significant decrease. This is because the amount of energy required to open and close the clothespin would be higher, causing the lactate threshold to occur quicker. Due to this, the number of squeezes would decrease drastically as the trials progressed, in contrast to if the springs were normal. This would change the results by the difference between the trials not being evident therefore, not demonstrating the effects of muscle fatigue. Another factor that altered this experiment was the participant’s condition, Palmar Hyperhidrosis –excessive sweating on the palms – which
Tennis serve is the shot that starts off the point. It is normally instigated by pitching the ball into the air and thumping it into the diagonally opposite service box exclusive of touching the net. This act is attained underhand or overhead. It is the only attempt where a player takes his time to position up, instead of reacting to an opponent’s shot. In doing this, high percentages of the efforts are normally exerted at the upper extremity of the body, while the rest at the lower extremity of the body. the serves comes in five main types of which includes; cannonball or flat serve, topspin-slice serve, slice serve, American twist serve and the topspin serve. The paper will focus on the some of the types of the serves and the ways in which the upper extremity are involved in the game. With this, it will look at the movements that occur at each of the upper extremity together with the muscles that are in use at the joints.
life and wanted us to help her feel better. Although Barbara was an avid golfer
The muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organ are fundamental to the control of muscle length and tone. Any disturbance in the activity of these receptors may occur through shortened muscle length, intense work exercise and exercise to fatigue. This will likely result in an increase of motor neuron activity and motor unit recruitment. The relaxation phase of a muscle contraction is prolonged in a fatigued muscle, raising the likelihood of fused summation of action potentials if motor neuron activity muscle spindle and motor neuron activity by reflex inhabitation and afferent stimulation (Bentley, S, 1996). It has been documented that fatigue increases the afferent activity of the muscle spindle and decreases afferent activity of the Golgi tendon organ which, then may result in an increased alpha motor neuron activity. The uncontrolled firing of neurons on the muscle and the reduced relaxation of the muscle fibers leads to cramps (Schwellnus MP, 2010).
Heyward, V. (2010). Assessing Flexibility. In Advanced fitness assessment & exercise prescription (6th ed.). Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
Is stretching a positive or negative thing for athletes? I readed two passages that tells you that if stretching is a positive or negative thing to do. The first passage opinion in“Stretching: The Right Way’’ uses a way to think that stretching is a positive way because it said that a “rubber band are like muscles’’. The author shows how stretching is the best if you don’t want injuries, in the passage it said that ‘‘muscles are like a rubber band if you slowly stretch the rubber band until it can go not further and then hold it for a few seconds the rubber band will not become looser and it will snap’’.
Stretching increases any golfers ability to perform what their swing coach is constantly telling him or her by about having the right “touch and feeling”, especially when trying to accomplish specific tasks by simply having the appropriate weight on each side of their body and eliminating the pressure in their grip which travels up their entire arm. Flexibility training is most important for golfers because it helps develop body control and awareness, allowing it to be easier to perform the exact motions in the golf swing that a swing coach asks of. Stretching a highly recommended and very important before, during, and after a round of golf not only to increase the player’s flexibility but to allow their body to swing more freely and improve club and distance control (Piazza). To be fully successful in the game of golf the player needs to attain a well balanced shoulder turn and reach a high finish by swinging the club, and to increase their range of motion, they need the proper flexibility training (Piazza).
“The analysis of movement provides an athlete with optimal development as well as minimising the risk of developing injuries through the incorrect execution of a movement” (Ackland, Elliott & Bloomfield, 2009, p 301).
Playing tennis involves more muscles than simply your arm and wrists. It involves a series of complex movements that start with your feet and ends up swinging a tennis racket. It requires a honed and well-trained muscular system to perform with the required power and speed needed. The muscular system is one of the most important systems involved in the sport of tennis. The muscular system is the tissue of fibres around your bones. This is a main part of tennis because specifically these muscles will put force on the bones and pull them. This will result in the tennis player getting more power behind there hit and also helps the play with moving around the court in a quicker pace.
Two different exercise groups were compared to see if velocity and accuracy of the tennis serve improved following a six-week exercise programme. Results of this study did not demonstrate a significant change in velocity and accuracy between pre-test and post-test data. However, the whole-body exercise group did show a significant improvement in velocity compared with the scapular stabilising exercise group. This highlights how the use of the LEX in the kinetic chain of the serve can influence the velocity more than solely
Other variables are intensive training , in this case, speed of performing the activity. The
In order for maximum force to be generated, a tennis player needs a good stable base from where they can begin the movement. The tennis serve begins with flexion of the knee joint caused by the hamstrings. Then comes extension of the knees as well as hip flexion to start the movement - both of these movements are initiated by the quadriceps. The Erector Spinae muscle causes trunk extension to allow the abdominals to fully flex the trunk and generate the force that is then transferred to the upper body. The deltoids and pectorals major are used to flex the shoulder. These muscles are used to accelerate the whole arm while also stabilising the shoulder. Once the arm has begun to accelerate towards the ball, the tricep brachii is then used to
By focusing on increasing lean muscle, the gymnast will also help improve their power, and muscular endurance. The entire macrocycle will be for an entire year. Within year-long macrocycle there specific mesocycles that complete the macrocycle. This macrocycle will consist of six mesocycles including preparatory, sport specific, competition, and postseason phases (Eubanks & Gonzalez, n.d). The mesocycles will then be divided into specific microcycles which will explain what the gymnast will do for the week. Typically female gymnasts are characterized as having highly complex coordination coupled with both isometric and explosive force (Sanchez et al., 2013). The overall goal for these athletes would be to increase muscular strength and muscular power to allow for maximum performance, and to gain more flexibility in order for the gymnast to perform each event with ease due to full range of motion (ROM). Flexibility drills will be done throughout the program to help benefit the gymnast. Gymnasts will improve agility, coordination, and balance, by practicing sport specific skills (Eubanks & Gonzalez, n.d). These sport specific skills will be covered primarily during the off-season. Strength and power will continue into the pre-season where the athlete’s basic strength will be increased as well (Eubanks & Gonzalez, n.d). Speed, agility, balance, and coordination will be maintained throughout the macrocycle in order for peak performance to be reached during the competition phase or in-season (Eubanks & Gonzalez, n.d). The program will first begin with a low intensity through the first three phases, then begin to spike at phase four, and it dramatically increase from phase four to phase six (Eubanks & Gonzalez, n.d). It will increase during this time period to ensure that gymnast reaches their training peak