In the news today, there have been many shootings around the United States, putting the public in an uproar. Stricter gun laws will not solve the problem because criminals will still have guns. People should be able to protect their home.
Active shooters have become more common in recent years. These shooters do not follow the law. Putting these laws in place will not keep a criminal from having a gun. Most criminals get access to a gun by stealing or underground purchases, meaning that they do not go through background checks or any other procedures in order to own a gun. If stricter gun laws are put in place, it will keep the victims from being able to protect themselves. Criminologist, Cesare Beccaria, once said, “Laws that forbid the
A hot-button topic in the world of U.S. politics today is the controversy over whether or not new gun laws need to be instituted to keep Americans safe. We are a nation that believes in the Second Amendment, and one that sticks to traditional values. With this, comes a great deal of incongruity, which makes for a very sensitive debate on gun control. On one side of the spectrum, we have those who take a more liberal stance; while they do in fact support the second amendment, there is no doubt that the U.S. has evolved significantly since the Constitution was written, hence creating a need for strict gun laws. On the other side of the spectrum, conservatives argue that as soon as executive action inhibits the fundamental principles in which
“The right to bear arms”, an amendment so prioritized by our founding fathers that it earned the very second spot on the list of birth rights as Americans. However, with constant tragedies striking the United States, such as massacres in public high schools and universities, mall shootings, and attempted assassinations on state representatives, it’s no wonder law makers are constantly debating the topic of gun control.
Gun control is a controversial issue for a long time around the world, particularly in U.S. because of a lots of mass shooting in school and public places. The second Amendment of the U.S. constitution is one of the shortest in all of the bill of right, it was written by the time period of American’s birth and it is the spirit of self-defense that help the new citizens of U.S. win their own freedom from the British. But now as the gun shooting problem happening every day in America, this gun control problem has gradually become to a hot issue. Compare to other countries like Britain, Canada, Japan, China, the difference between U.S. and those countries is in these countries to get a firearm is a very difficult thing
Gun control has been a controversial topic, no doubt. It has led people to say that people shouldn’t be able to buy guns, and this argument has split America. Since I am a hunter I do believe people should have the right to buy guns. I also want to pass a bill that removes some types of guns away from the market.
Guns are mistaken as evil weapons where actually, they can save lives. Gun ownership should not be tightly controlled. Guns can hurt people, but it’s not really the gun, it’s whoever pulls the trigger. The weapons cannot be personified as evil because guns can’t fire themselves. They can actually save people and their families if used for a good purpose. Guns are really tools that just need to be used correctly and by the right person. The gun’s purpose is controlled by the user, not itself.
The pro gun control debate is sided by the more liberal organizations. Whether they are conspicuously discernible organizations for gun control, or even just more liberal news sources, be sure you ken their political standing afore taking their data as whole truth. Even an organization such as NPR cannot be held as 100% reliable, because of their generally liberal agendas. The gun control debate facts for the anti control side are just as suspect. Again, the NRA and its constituents are perhaps the most vocal in this debate. But generally any Republican or right-wing organization is going to have some remotely investment in keeping gun control down. Any of their facts and information are going to be hyperbolized or skewed in order to make gun
More than 30 people are shot and murdered each day. Gun Control is becoming a huge problem in the U.S.. Numerous people have died due to terrorist and criminals who have guns. The rise of gun casualties has created a debate on whether or not you are allowed to own a gun. The amount of restrictions on owning a gun has recently made it hard to get a gun. If no one is able to have a gun, then people will not be able to protect themselves. There needs to be a limit on the amount of gun laws, however there needs to be stricter background checks so that criminals can not get guns easily.
I believe you’re using APA and you did a good job of doing that, but you need to put your title on your first official page (the page you actually start your essay). I also think you should come up with a better title than just gun control, I mean what about gun control, your title doesn’t give me any insight on what you actually will be talking about dealing with guns. Going through it I can sense what you are trying to convey but the title is a little bland. Also, you cannot have your reference page on the same page as some of your essay, so the last page needs to JUST be your reference page. Speaking of references, I’m sorry to tell you, but you have no academic sources in your essay, no primary source either. You just have popular sources. My advice is go on websites
Once every thirteen seconds an American uses a gun to protect themselves (Harris). Americans having to use their guns that frequently is not the ideal situation, but without having guns once every thirteen seconds a person would die from an act of violence. Gun control should not be stricter in the United States because, guns are an excellent source of protection, guns can lower crime rates, and gun control laws only affects law abiding citizens.
Gun Control is a hot topic in the U.S. Politicians have been arguing about increasing and enforcing more Gun Control laws across the nation; however, America should not enact Gun Control laws. Enacting these laws will create more issues in America instead of solving the issue at hand. Guns are necessary for protection against tyranny and acts of violence. The total crime rate in America has gone down without the existence of Gun Control.
Although gun restrictions have made it harder for people to obtain guns, Gun Restrictions won't stop murder because Bumb Stocks are extremely pointless. The mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas was caused by a bump stock. The shooter had multiple guns with lots of ammo. True fact, Jarry Miculek is the world's fastest shooter. The fore bump stocks don't matter , Assualt Weapons do not exist. Assault weapon are not the leading cause to murder. The number one cause to murders is handguns and blunt objects. The government tries to make assault weapons look scary and they do a good job of that, but assault weapons are truly not scary and they are not more dangerous then shotguns and they have handguns stronger than AR-15's.,
Gun control is a law that controls how guns are sold and used, and who can own them. Allowing people to possess and use a gun with legal documents in the United States is legal. There have been arguments on whether or not is should be legal to own a gun as some people see it as beneficial and others do not. It is believed that guns are beneficial to have, and they are there because we need to be able to protect ourselves. We should not allow the government to have power over gun control for many reasons including the loss of tradition of hunting, not being able to protect ourselves, and simply because of the second amendment.
Gun control is a very touchy subject. I don't believe that taking the guns away from the law abiding citizens is the correct way to go about this issue. The criminals are the ones not going thru the proper ways to buy a firearm. Right now there are 2 background checks that you go thru to buy a firearm. One is state and the other is federal. The Democrats believe there should be more background checks that potential gun owners should go thru. They also believe that banning certain guns and items for guns will help the issue. The most recent shooting was done with a handgun and a shotgun. There has been a big political debate over the gun control issue. How much is too much and how much is not enough? This is the real question. Some people feel
As we know, the world has been suffering from a firearm injury epidemic. Law makers have tried to put in place certain measures that would prevent the risk of using firearm in restricted places. The U.S. citizens have their right by the constitution through the 2nd AMENDEMENT to carry a firearm which has defined, “A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.2 3”. Sanders, Pattison, & John K. (2015), As U.S. citizens, well defines by the 2nd Amendement above we have the right to possess a firearm (Federal Law), but we also have to follow the laws from the State that we all live in. No matter which the law presents itself, there will still be a
Many guns control laws have been passed for many years. Some people believe that we must tighten our gun control laws. Also new gun laws will not stop them. Since the shooting that happened in Columbine High School, Virginia Tech also at Sandy Hook , the frequency mass of shooting has