
Stroke Research Papers

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Strokes Anyone at any age or time can undergo a stroke within their brain. In fact, the fifth leading cause of deaths in the U.S. can be attributed to strokes and on a yearly basis about 800,000 people suffer from strokes. (What is a Stroke?) With a 60% majority, females are more apt to suffer a death by stroke, as compared to males. (About Stroke.) If a stroke were to occur, early diagnosis and treatment are the only ways one may minimize the terrible, life altering consequences from the deceased brain cells. A stroke, a blockage of normal blood flow in the brain killing brain cells, either hemorrhagically or ischemically, can have negative impacts on normal bodily functions. When an area of the brain is unable to allow blood to flow freely, …show more content…

When trying to detect the onset of a stroke, remembering the acronym F.A.S.T. is important (Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to call 911). If stroke symptoms are detected within an individual, they have just a couple hours before it is too late for any preventative treatment options. Unfortunately, the type of stroke cannot be identified except through several tests (physical test, blood test, CT, MRI), which are important because treatments are different for the different types of strokes. It would be hazardous to administer the wrong stroke treatment to an individual having a different kind of stroke. (McIntosh) Seeing the precursors to a stroke and preventing it is not always possible; therefore, the stroke victim may have some damaging effects on their body. Strokes can affect a body in different ways depending on which side the blood clot occurs. If the blood clot occurs in the right side of the brain, the left side of the body and the face will be affected. In addition to paralysis of the body and face, vision problems, memory loss, and quick, inquisitive behavior could result from a blood clot on the right half of the brain. If the clot were to occur in the left side, the right side of the body would suffer speech and language problems, slow behavior, or memory loss. (About Stroke.) Aside from the physical effects of a stroke, a victim might also be affected emotionally undergoing depression, or being unable to control their feelings. (McIntosh) Oftentimes, the outcome of a stroke is irreversible and saddening for everyone

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