
Student Athlete Research Paper

Decent Essays
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Student Athlete: Not Athletic Student The buzzing sound I hear in my ear at 5:30 am 5 days a week signals me that it is time to wake up. I wake up early every morning before the sun rises to finish last minute homework assignments. At 6:30 I gather my things and I rush out the door to school. In every class I take notes, turn in assignments, and record assignments and due dates in my planner. Every spare minute between classes and at lunch are used to complete assignments that are due the next day so I will not have as much homework when I get home. As soon as the bell rings at 2:12, I rush out the door of the school and go straight to my car and zoom down the road because hockey starts at 3:00. Once in the locker room at the rink, I quickly put on my hockey gear and I am on the ice by …show more content…

Each Sunday night, I go to my teachers’ websites and write down assignments and due dates for the week. This past week, I discovered that I had three vocabulary tests, an Algebra II test, and a college essay along with two chapter outlines for my Economics class. On Sunday I started reviewing for my Economics vocabulary test on Friday as well as study for an English vocabulary test and a Spanish II quiz that is on Wednesday. Tuesday, I studied for vocabulary quizzes as well as completed a chapter outline for Economics. Wednesday night I continued studying for the Economics vocabulary test, completed another chapter outline for Economics, read an article for Spanish and worked on my college essay. Thursday night, I completed my college essay and quickly reviewed for my Economics vocabulary test I had been preparing for each night this week. In order to make A’s and B’s I have to continually look ahead to see what assignments are due and complete many ahead of schedule in order to participate in the rigorous training and game schedule of a varsity hockey

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