
Student Burnout Essay

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What problem(s) did the researchers study and why? The researchers sought to determine the relationship between burnout and measures of professionalism among medical students in the US. Studies suggest that distress is associated with a decrease in empathy and quality of care, but studies rarely show how personal distress and professional distress relates to professionalism. Personal distress refers to depression or low mental QOL; professional distress refers to burnout. Who participated in the study? 2682 students from 7 schools in the US. (listed in article). How was the research conducted? In the spring of 2009, students were e-mailed a letter, with a link to an electronic survey, informing them of the anonymous, incentive-free, confidential, and voluntary study. Students who did not respond to the e-mail were mailed a paper …show more content…

2682 of the 4400 students completed the survey. 37 students reported copying another source, 12 students allowed another student to copy them during an exam, and 12 took credit for another person’s work. The most reported unprofessional behavior was reporting a false normal physical exam when it was omitted (43.3% of third and fourth year students). 567 students thought accepting monetary gifts after completing surveys from industry was acceptable. Most students were altruistic in regard to physicians’ responsibility to society. Overall, students with burnout were much more likely to be involved in 1 or more dishonest behaviors and less likely to hold altruistic views than those without burnout. For every 1-point increase in depersonalization and 1-point decrease in personal accomplishment score, it increased the odds of viewing the industry gifts as acceptable, with the exception of attending an expensive dinner and accepting a pocket book. No relationships were found between depression and industry gifts, but there was a relationship between depression and dishonest behaviors/altruistic

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