What problem(s) did the researchers study and why? The researchers sought to determine the relationship between burnout and measures of professionalism among medical students in the US. Studies suggest that distress is associated with a decrease in empathy and quality of care, but studies rarely show how personal distress and professional distress relates to professionalism. Personal distress refers to depression or low mental QOL; professional distress refers to burnout. Who participated in the study? 2682 students from 7 schools in the US. (listed in article). How was the research conducted? In the spring of 2009, students were e-mailed a letter, with a link to an electronic survey, informing them of the anonymous, incentive-free, confidential, and voluntary study. Students who did not respond to the e-mail were mailed a paper …show more content…
2682 of the 4400 students completed the survey. 37 students reported copying another source, 12 students allowed another student to copy them during an exam, and 12 took credit for another person’s work. The most reported unprofessional behavior was reporting a false normal physical exam when it was omitted (43.3% of third and fourth year students). 567 students thought accepting monetary gifts after completing surveys from industry was acceptable. Most students were altruistic in regard to physicians’ responsibility to society. Overall, students with burnout were much more likely to be involved in 1 or more dishonest behaviors and less likely to hold altruistic views than those without burnout. For every 1-point increase in depersonalization and 1-point decrease in personal accomplishment score, it increased the odds of viewing the industry gifts as acceptable, with the exception of attending an expensive dinner and accepting a pocket book. No relationships were found between depression and industry gifts, but there was a relationship between depression and dishonest behaviors/altruistic
· What conclusions did the study reach? Are the conclusions appropriate? Why or why not?
What was the purpose of this study? (i.e., what question(s) did the authors want to answer?)
What search terms did you use to locate this research study to analyze? What database did you use? What was your rationale for selecting this particular study to analyze over the others identified in the search results? What is the full reference for the study in APA format?
Wilkerson (2009) indicated that school counselors face challenging role responsibilities that lead to burnout, such as helping the students prepare for the world of work and helping them cope with issues that may be affecting their ability to perform in school. School counselors are working with severe depression, suicide attempts, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and various other abuse issues (Gunduz, 2012). Abuse specific counselors work with clients who cope with sexual addiction or substance dependence. They experience high levels of burnout due to the nature of the clients that they assist (Wallace, Lee, & Lee, 2010). Mental health professionals that work within a human service entity are known to be at the highest risk of burnout susceptibility
3. The participants involved in the study were male and females adolescents. The study had begun when students were in sixth grade and continued until ninth grade. Those involved in the study lived within 24 rural communities in Iowa and Pennsylvania.
The study was created from students, faculty, and staff from a Midwestern university with about 10,000 students registered on campus. The team assigned to conduct the research randomly selected courses that were held on campus and were scheduled to meet on two consecutive days during the semester of Spring 2013. Kyle et al., (2017). The instructors were emailed and asked for consent to run the survey to their class on a specific date. The research team ended up receiving access to forty different courses. Over the two chosen consecutive days, the research team administered the survey to the students in each of the classes. The students were let known that participation for this study was voluntary and if they wished to decline
Any work environment can have stressful aspects that can negatively affect the employees’ performance and may lead to burnout. Oftentimes when employees are stressed or burnout their commitment at the job may begin to weaken and they may lose satisfaction. Many organizations have recognized that workers burnout is the result of aggravated chronic work stressors and embodied by enervation and inefficacy. This author will discuss the impact of stress and worker burnout on organizations. Moreover, this author will consider the implication of stress and worker burnout on the employee, as well as the short- and long-term productivity of a business.
College is a time of extreme stress due to societal and parental pressures. College students have expectations they have to live up to in order to fulfill and satisfy the needs of both their parents and society. Stress is expressed through a variety of symptoms that can be hazardous to student’s physical and mental health. With such high expectations to do well during college, students may become sleep deprived, which impairs mental capacity, but sleep deprivation is only one of a vast array of symptoms. Stress is present in all aspects of life and there are multiple causes of stress, especially, during the college period which may present itself through many symptoms, but with stress, there are also various coping methods to help students
Stress is no new phenomenon. It’s been around as long as man and has captivated scholars and physicians alike. With the growing demand for degrees in the professional world comes the growth of the number of college students. The relationship between stress and college students has become the subject of on-going research. Several studies show that stress in college students is increasing with time and the authors of those studies are attributing this to an increased number of students. Other research seems to indicate that it isn’t necessarily the stress that is increasing but the awareness of it. Increased awareness of stress, and its unique toll on individuals, allows colleges and students to recognize
Today a college education can overload students with too many stressful situations. Not only does Stress overload today's college students, but it is also the leading cause of personality disorders. In her essay, Cathy Bell explains that major depressive disorder strikes 5-12% of men and 10-20% of women; half of these people will have more than one occurrence and 15% of them will commit suicide ("Depression for the young"). For instance, many depressives are first recognized and treated during their years in college. For a large amount of people, depression exposes itself because of traumatizing experiences, such as leaving home and/or academic stress. For other students alcohol and drugs become a
Psychological stress is a result of many factors and should be dealt with very carefully. Stress can be defined as “An excess of demand made upon the adaptive capabilities of the mind and body”.(Joseph 1). Another way of putting it, is that there are some things that put certain demands on us. The effects of stress should not be limited to unpleasant emotional states. Many studies have concluded that the effects on our physical health from stress can be extremely detrimental. These adverse physical effects include heart disease and formations of cancer. There are also some societal issues that psychological stress can hamper.
Adekola (2010) contends that men who share housework and family responsibilities with their wives and support their career development are less prone to burnout than those who do not have such assistance at home. This could, therefore, explain why women cope better with burnout than men in the long run when equal sharing of domestic tasks are considered within the family. Adekola (2010) further states that when married women are being helped by husbands in housework errands and family chores, this strengthens women’s emotional wellbeing, human contacts and their interpersonal skills. Research has also demonstrated that family life with all its responsibilities is not just a burden; but also a gratifying source that reinforces people’s emotional
Teen stress is a big issue in today's society. Recent studies have shown that teens may develop more stress then adults. Few adults can remember the truth about adolescence. "Their minds "censor" their memories, and have them believe that being a teenager was was one big party, free of cares and responsibilities"( ). There aren't that many adults around who realize what adolescence was really like. The anguish, the fear, the anxiety, the stress. People don't remember those problems because they want to forget them. Stress is a significant problem for teens. There are many factors that lead into teen stress, such as school, drugs, peer pressure and
It is evident that the relationship between work stress and mental health has been established by numerous research studies. As discussed in Koesky (1993), the fact that all jobs involve some degree of stress makes it all the more alarming as to the level of stress experienced by individuals working in the human services. That is, given that these individuals are heavily involved in the lives of others, they often develop mental health symptoms that are characteristic of work-related stressors. In fact, “This involvement, which requires caring commitment and empathic responding, places workers at risk for a special type of strain commonly referred to as 'burnout'” (Koesky, 1993, p. 319).
According to Elkin and Rosch (1990) workplace related stress in a major problem in the U.S. and it creates a major expense for corporations. Koeske, Kirk, and Koeske (1993) indicate that all jobs have some level of stress but jobs that are in the human services have additional stressors because they “derive from intense involvement in the lives of others”. (p.319). They also refer to the type of stress experienced by individuals working in human services as “burnout” (Koeske, Kirk, and Koeske, 1993, p.319). Another factor that can influence our stress level is how we handle life’s demands. There are different ways of reacting to the situations we face every day of our lives. We have all heard of expressions such as ‘road rage’ and ‘going postal’. These are terms that we have come to identified with violent reactions to stressors caused by situations all of us face every day. How many of us have experiences in the road that