
Student Challenging Behavior Analysis

Decent Essays

When a student exhibits challenging behavior, his or her teacher needs to develop an intervention plan to help that student learn how to change negative behavior into positive behavior. The teacher’s role in developing a plan is the most crucial since that teacher is the one who spends a great deal of time with him or her and observes the student in the classroom. Once the teacher notices challenging behavior in a student, he or she takes on the responsibility of making a plan to help instill positive behavior and teach the child coping strategies. The teacher, first, must take his or her concerns about the child to colleagues; such as the principal, school counselor, or special education teacher. Talking with them will help the teacher gather information and resources about the child and enhance their understanding of him or her before speaking to the child’s family. While it may be difficult for the teacher to speak to a family about their child and the behavior problems they are having, it is the family’s right to know, …show more content…

Still others, who can’t face any more conversations about their child’s problems, may seem disinterested or belligerent (Martin & Hagan-Burke, 2002). And many others just won’t have the time, energy, or money to work with you because a child with challenging behavior devours a family’s reserves” (Kaiser & Sklar Rasminsky, 2012, page 241). However, as the teacher, one should look past the family’s hesitation, and possible resentment, and let them know that they are not in this alone; that pulling together will benefit their child, both in the classroom and at home. According to Ellen Galinsky (1988), six steps should be used when problem-solving with

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