The use of technology tools is one of the key components to preparing learners for the 21st century. However, with the overwhelming abundance of technology tools and resources, educators are faced with the challenge of selecting and implementing the most effective tools that lead to the highest level of student learning. Although reading and writing text has been the focus of learning for thousands of years (Myers, 1996), developments and changes in technology have made a vast impact on recent literacy instruction and learning. Integrating technology into classrooms prepares students to be successful learners in a dynamic world (November, 1998). During the last half of the 20th century, technological innovations were introduced that …show more content…
Research shows that students are able to manage, store, and share their work in unique ways that creates an increase in confidence and empowerment for independent learning (Toy, 2008). Students have opportunities for inquiry, exploration, discovery, and evaluation while utilizing technology tools and resources. Successful technology integration should be driven by the specific content and skills of the adopted curriculum, guided by standards of best practice. Digital Learning World (2011) reports the following:
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has developed National Education Technology Standards (NETS) which are a set of benchmarks that help to measure competence for the integration of technology in education. Originally conceived in 1998, NETS have now become the internationally recognized standards for technology in education across all international curricula. NETS are not subject content specific but address the skills students need for the digital literacy required for success in the 21st century standards. (p. 1)
The NETS provide a guideline of standards for the best practices supporting the development of technology literacy for students, teachers and educational leaders. Technology integration in the elementary school classroom is imperative for 21st century learners. Students are accustomed to quick access to
According to my findings from unit 1, use of technology in lessons must not be a goal unto itself: the purpose is not to teach children how to use computers; they can do this as they get older, just as they can learn to drive a car later in their lives (Wardle, 1999).Successful technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is routine and transparent, accessible and readily available for the task at hand and supporting the curricular goals, and helping the students to effectively reach their goals.
In the articles “What Is The Future Of Technology In Education?” by Matt Britland and “New Class(room) War: Teacher vs Technology” by Samuel G. Freedman, two different viewpoints are expressed toward technology integration education. The authors show the implications of technology on the attitudes of teachers and students. Britland and Freedman agree that technology and theoretical framework are two inseparable facets but propose different solutions to the actions that should be taken to result in pedagogical expertise.
This paper is a personal technology plan that includes my personal philosophy on integrating technology in the classroom as well as my professional goals concerning technology in the classroom. My Mission and Vision Statement are included as well as a plan for communications, integrating technology, software to support assessment, and technology ethics for a strong guideline in the classroom. Although this plan will need to be revised as advances in technology are made this is strong ground work that I can build on as a professional educator. Using this plan I can ensure that my students are using the latest
Technology can be found in every classroom of schools today and continues to grow as the field of technology continues to advance. School age children today know more about technology than most middle-aged adults because they have been exposed to it from such an early age. We live in the technology age and it’s clear that technology is here to stay and has permeated every area of our lives including home, work and leisure. Because of this, educators and school staff have been tech-savvy and must continue to keep up with the technological advances in order to present as competent to the student body. Technology has impacted the way our students learn and has provided avenues of learning to disabled students that they didn’t have in the past and has provided teaching staff with a multitude of resources and diversity in class activities to aid in teaching (Pearson, 2010). Without a doubt, technology will continue to impact our educational system as new technologies emerge and our country competes to keep up with a new globalized economy. Schools will implement these technologies into the
The education world has been greatly influenced by rapidly changing technology and the increasing availability of information. Schools have advanced by leaps and bounds when it comes to incorporating technology into the learning environment, however, many more advances need to be made. In all areas of the country, educators are trying to help students keep up with technology, but there are more changes that are essential for preparing the next generation for the future.
Since children today have become digital natives; they will never truly know a world that is not touched with technology. This means that the educational paradigm has to shift in order to keep up with the needs of our young learners (Jo, 2016). In the last thirty years, technological advances
Education has traditionally been very slow to react and adjust to changing times. Teaching to the test has become the standard in many classrooms in the USA and Canada due to the ongoing push for government accountability and standardization. Students are much more in tune with technologies than most of their teachers. The teacher’s role is changing in scope the shift is more to the teacher as a facilitator of learning. Educators can fill this role by teaching the skills student need to become master user of technology and the internet. The educational system has to adapt to our clients.
This article attempts to enlighten educators to allow computers in the classroom as a workshop to help improve literacy. The computer allows for students to have both a visual and a verbal reference to a topic, thus, solidifying a concrete comprehension of the text, allowing the student to be further engaged and stimulated with the assignment. Over the years, educators have seen such a vast change in technology, especially in the classroom. It is time now, that educators embrace the change and use it to their advantage. “If students can be motivated and engaged when using technology, teachers should continue to support this type of learning when appropriate.”
Technology is everywhere, it is involved in almost every part of our culture. It affects how we live, work, play, and most importantly learn. With technology being such a fundamental part of our lives and growing each day, it only makes sense that schools incorporate technology in the classrooms. Even though many people support the use of technology in schools, there are those that have concerns about the effectiveness of technology and whether or not it undermines education to solely prepare students for the workforce. Despite the concerns, technology is being integrated with classroom lessons daily, and proving how beneficial it is for student success.
The coursework I have completed through the Distance Educational Technology Masters Program at the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS), has immersed me in educational technology research supported by collegial discussions. Through the supervised field-based activities from the UAS program and my ongoing professional activities, I have developed a shared vision for the comprehensive integration of technology. Technology integration has been my priority focus academically and professionally. As I have developed a classroom environment conducive to the realization of my technology integration vision, I have shared my vision with families and educators in my school, district, and state.
As we navigate through the 21st century, technology in the classroom is becoming further predominant. iPads are replacing our textbooks, and we can research any desired topic on our smartphones. The impact that technology has had on today’s schools has been utterly momentous. Educators have now seen firsthand the numerous benefits of technology in the classroom. According to a study by IT Trade Association CompTIA, around 75 percent of educators have come to the conclusion that technology has a positive impact on the education process. Educators have also recognized the significance of developing these technological skills in students so they will be prepared to enter the workforce after they graduate (Cox). By incorporating technology in the classroom, teachers are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school. The increase of technology has even changed how teachers teach along with how
Physical, human, financial, and policy aspects greatly affect the success of technology use in schools.
Joining the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) can offer opportunities to network with a group of people that have similar interest in technology. ISTE is a professional association that can help me strengthen, better yet, build my personal network of professional friendships. This organization, with its many members, has the potential to create opportunities for its members to improve leadership ability and understanding of “technology usage” in the classroom with students.
The use of technology in the classroom is an important tool to utilize as an educator. Technology allows for educators to have instant access to a plethora of resources that would not be available if technology was not used in the classroom. Teachers have the ability to plan lessons, create presentations, and have interactive games for students to use as a learning tool through the use of different digital devices. Modern day technology is rapidly advancing and providing teacher with many different tools to use in the classroom to enhance the students learning experience.
Across the U.S., technology used in education has been increasing exponentially. Every learning institution ranging from elementary school to college have incorporated technology into their teachings. Online textbooks, quizzes, notes, and classes are all examples of how education has been utilizing technology. While technology has a place in education, not everything in education needs to involve technology.