
Student Engagement In Early Childhood Education

Decent Essays

Hello, I am Ashley Orndorff. This is my second class that I have taken with you. I am currently enrolled in two of your classes this semester. I am on my final stretch towards earning my degree in Early Childhood Education. Earning my degree took a little longer than I anticipated, however I am glad that I took the time to stick to my goals. I am 20 years old and live in Woodstock Virginia. Within the past year, my life has been very chaotic, but exciting. In March of 2016, I became engaged to my high school sweetheart of six years. We are planning a wedding for October of 2017. This is one event that I cannot wait for. One way that I push myself through school, is by reminding myself that after I finish school, I can focus fully on wedding …show more content…

These six principles to reading are substantial for teachers to take note of when working with students and their reading. The first principle is student engagement, meaning that the students have their attention on what you are teaching. In order to retrieve student engagement, a teacher must first find the student’s interests and ways to go about keeping it throughout the teaching aspect. Next is learner participation. Learner participation builds off of the student engagement. It is the hands on part. This is where the students are asked to be a part of the lesson and explore what they are being taught. Yes, sitting down and reading a story to a student is useful, however there are other ways to fulfill the participation part. You could have some of the students act out the book while the teacher reads it. It creates a fun way to visualize the lesson. Then there is repetition and reinforcement. This is where the teacher comes up with catchy ways to help the lesson they are teaching “stick”. Children do not learn from a onetime event. It is something that needs to be said and taught over and over. An example of repetition is when you are reading the book “Five Green Speckled Frogs” to the class, sing the song oppose to reading the text in a boring tone. It will help the students to count to the tune when asked. High expectations is something that teachers express on a daily basis to their class. They express what they expect of the students and the students strive to meet those goals. Having high expectations not only shows that the teacher has goals and a plan, but it also shows that the teacher knows the abilities of their students. Finally, sound teaching pedagogy and conceptual understanding are two principles that are tied together. Sound teaching pedagogy is when the

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