
Student Housing Selection Case Study

Decent Essays

Students are dissatisfied after on-campus housing selection and fail to see eye to eye with residence life. Residence life did their job by filling every space in the residence halls, and left students considering leaving Otterbein.

Otterbein University held the annual housing selection on March 28, 2016 in the campus center. Housing selection is a process where current students requesting on-campus housing are assigned their residence hall and room for the upcoming academic year. Students get to choose their room based on their placement on the priority list. Each student’s rank on the priority list is based off their credit hours, and priority points, which are earned by taking the residence life survey.

This years housing selection left a lot of sophomores unhappy based …show more content…

“I only had three to five rooms for girls and guys reserved in garst because of late forms. In Garst I’m not gonna triple-up double rooms, in Hanby, I am. I figured upperclassman would rather a double, than a triple in Mayne Hall or Hanby.” said Director of Residence Life, Tracy Benner.

The student’s that were unhappy with their placement were given the opportunity to put themselves on a waitlist for their desired hall.

With the three year on-campus housing policy, Otterbein introduced a junior lottery this year. This was the first year that juniors that didn’t fit the “commuter status requirements” could lottery off of campus. “I often use this analogy, if you consider a glass of water, my goal is to pour water in there until its full, and it can’t hold anymore, but it doesn’t overflow. What the junior lottery for me is almost about, is having like a little spoon that I can take some out, but still having that cup full,” said Benner.

If juniors were lotteried out, how would they find a place to live when leases are due to be signed a couple months before in

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