
Student Intervention Plan Paper

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This paper has been composed to discuss the formulation of a plan for a student, who has been identified as having Autism Spectrum Disorder, and is currently receiving support services for speech and occupational therapy. An effective plan for collaboration with the occupational therapist and speech therapist as well as how the general education teacher will be supported will be described in the document. This paper will also discuss how behavioral observations have been used in the general education classroom to develop an intervention program that will meet the student’ s IEP goals and the services that are being provided meet those goals. The following will furthermore describe how the environment will support the student within the general …show more content…

(Stokes, S. …show more content…

The number one way to keep parents involved in their students progress is through communication. Effective communication requires a two-way flow of information through the implementation of newsletters, Web sites, press releases, e-mail messages, interactive phone systems such as ParentLink or even parent meetings and workshops for those who may not have access to a phone or the internet. As important of a factor as communication is to parent involvement it is not the only

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