
Student Loan Debt

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Middle Class, It Is Time To Do Your Research To Save Money Student loan debt has become a big financial problem for the United States of America. The Student loan debt nationwide is now in the range of one trillion dollars. President Obama has now addressed this problem with the federal student loan forgiveness program which will help graduate students with paying for their loan, but that does not seem like that will be enough to help with this problem. Has anyone asked the question, “How did we allow this to happen and what can we do to help the next generation of graduates?” Incoming college students along with their parents need to be educated regarding loans, grants, scholarships. They need to understand the terms and consequence to these …show more content…

Minorities do worry about the cost of higher education, but they understand this is a vestment in their children’s future. “Solid majorities of Hispanics, Asian-Americas, and to a slightly lesser extent, African-Americans all agreed that ‘young people today need a four-year college degree in order to be successful’ Most minority families understands that education is the key to fulfilling the American Dream that each generation will live better than he generation before them” (Brownstein pg. 1). Twenty years ago you could graduate from high school, find an entry level position and in time with work experience, you could work your way up to a higher paying positions without needing a college degree. Now days that is not the case, most entry level positions require some type of trade certification or an associated degree. So what has changed in the last twenty years? Employers want their employees to have a college degree and the way we are encouraging and prepare our teens for …show more content…

Each college and university that the student applies too will have the student fill out and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine what type of federal student aid the student qualifies for. Colleges and universities will also use FAFSA to determine if the student qualifies for nonfederal aid and state-level grants and scholarships. A majority of lower and middle class income families are not aware of the many scholarships, grants and academic- related awards that are granted because of associations, religious organization and foundations that target the students demographic or affiliations. There are many resources in your public library to help you find information about applying for scholarships that are available each year for college students as well as online resources like the website

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