
Student Sexual Misconduct And Sexual Harassment

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Teacher-student sexual misconduct cases are on the rise nationwide. There has been less attention and emphasis on these issues. This paper will focus on the ethical issues and any involvements surrounding sexual misconducts and sexual harassment between teachers and students. This paper will define knowledge and an understanding on what constitutes a sexual misconduct and sexual harassment. This paper will enlighten the ethical concerns about teacher-student sexual misconduct and sexual harassment. This paper will also focus on the persuasiveness of misconducts in the education field and identify which ethical standards that will and should be of assistance as a path for teachers as well as students. This paper will establish ways to avoid and prevent sexual misconduct. The main issues of the journals and articles that I have chosen is how sexual harassment and sexual misconduct can possibly occur, how sexual misconduct and sexual harassment has been a problem of enormous or inappropriate intimacy between teachers and students. This paper will also identify what a person should do if they have experienced sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. This paper will provide ways how to identify and prevent way of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment in the school systems.

According to Standard 3.02 Sexual Harassment, psychologists do not engage in sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is defined as sexual solicitation, physical advances, or verbal or nonverbal

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