Teacher-student sexual misconduct cases are on the rise nationwide. There has been less attention and emphasis on these issues. This paper will focus on the ethical issues and any involvements surrounding sexual misconducts and sexual harassment between teachers and students. This paper will define knowledge and an understanding on what constitutes a sexual misconduct and sexual harassment. This paper will enlighten the ethical concerns about teacher-student sexual misconduct and sexual harassment. This paper will also focus on the persuasiveness of misconducts in the education field and identify which ethical standards that will and should be of assistance as a path for teachers as well as students. This paper will establish ways to avoid and prevent sexual misconduct. The main issues of the journals and articles that I have chosen is how sexual harassment and sexual misconduct can possibly occur, how sexual misconduct and sexual harassment has been a problem of enormous or inappropriate intimacy between teachers and students. This paper will also identify what a person should do if they have experienced sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. This paper will provide ways how to identify and prevent way of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment in the school systems.
According to Standard 3.02 Sexual Harassment, psychologists do not engage in sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is defined as sexual solicitation, physical advances, or verbal or nonverbal
Muddy Waters Area School District expects all students and employees to conduct themselves with dignity and respect.
(Lilly, et. al., 2015); and the Rational Choice Theory discusses an individual’s specific consideration of the consequences per action, yet decides to follow through with the criminal action regardless. A study shows “As a group, these studies present a wide range of estimates of the percentage of U.S. students subject to sexual misconduct by school staff and vary from 3.7 to 50.3 percent (Table 5). Because of its carefully drawn sample and survey methodology, the AAUW report that nearly 9.6 percent of students are targets of educator sexual misconduct sometime during their school career presents the most accurate data available at this time.” (Shakeshaft, 2015) With this statistic present, although seemingly low, any number in this context is a concern. It is important to identify why this is happening. Understanding different criminological theories can aide in turning the concern into a past issue. Prediction and prevention are especially important in these cases with the positive of having many other educators and families involved. Recognizing repetition and acknowledging teacher student relations are important for all parties involved; both of which can reduce the likelihood and number of
“One in five women are sexually assaulted while in college” (Not Alone, 2014). In our class of twenty women that means that possibly five women have been sexually assaulted. Out of the five women that I stated could have been sexually assaulted they may have known the perpetrator and often will not report what has happened. According to the spring count of students completed by West Chester University, 9,211 of those students were females (“Headcount Enrollment”, 2014). If I go by the statistic mentioned earlier that one in five women is assaulted that would mean that 1,842 women have been sexually assaulted while enrolled at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Out of 1,842 possible assaults only four were reported last year. Two of which the victims knew prior to the assault. Rankin and Associates consulting conducted a Climate Assessment on West Chester University in September of 2010, a section of the results focused on sexual assault on students. According to the report seven people who reported a sexual assault to the university described their reactions to the universities response. Two students shared the way they felt the response was inappropriate or poor. One described that they felt the suspension for one semester was not an appropriate response to an admitted rape, that public safety lost the victims statement, judicial affairs painted the victim offender as innocent, and that the registrar protected the offender putting the victim in harm’s way and everyone
This paper discussions how race and sexual harassment are being kept, and dealt with, as separate entities and college campuses should not treat these issues as individually. Drawing attention and raising awareness about discrimination based on race, ethnicity and gender the authors want to show how these can affect sexual harassment on campus.
Every 98 seconds sexual assault occurs. More than 570 people in the United States alone face sexual assault in the duration of 24 hours. A large percent of these victims are students. Rape and sexual assault is escalating rapidly throughout the country within highschool and college students meanwhile schools are not addressing these issues. Many factors contribute to the rise of sexual assault such as; illegal drinking, greek-life, lack of police related officials, and campuses are not supporting them. Although students don’t speak up about sexual assault because they are afraid of getting in trouble, these incidents are occurring more and more. Schools need to address the issue of sexual assault on campuses because it is the victims and their
Did you know that a woman in college have the same chances of getting sexually assaulted as getting the flu? Did you know that one out of every six women has been assaulted or is the victim of an attempted assault? Sexual assault is a very real problem in todays society. I chose this subject because I have been personally affected by it.
Edgar Allan Poe, arguably one of the best poets ever, has wrote many great and deep-meaning poems, such as “Annabel Lee,” and “Dream Within a Dream.” Both putting off a rather dark image and goth-like elements, a way of writing Poe loved best. Mostly known for “The Raven”, Poe’s Poems all have real deep and mysterious meanings that make people think a bit more to figure it out. The way he expressed terror, the suspense, the heightening of the atmosphere, his unique charm. But why is Poe such a dark poet? Why does most of his poems give off a sad and depressing vibe? How does he begin to even write such weird poems? To a degree, all writers are affected by past memories and
Something that colleges can do to significantly reduce the amount of sexual assaults on campuses is to ban alcohol and drugs. Think about it, they can make people more aggressive and make them more likely to do something they wouldn't otherwise do, and women become more vulnerable when they consume drugs and/or alcohol. Also, using alcohol and drugs can impair one’s judgement, decision making, and dull their senses. Not being under the influence in social situations makes people more aware of their surroundings and are more likely to make better decisions than if they were under the influence. So, all colleges should implement a Zero Tolerance policy when it comes to drugs and alcohol. If a student is caught with either, they should be expelled
Sexual assault has been a huge issue for many years on college campuses and universities nation wide. As society has evolved, thoughts on sexual assault have also evolved, becoming more focused on the details of victim treatment than ever before. The topic of sexual assault is debatable and sparks many opinions on weather sexual assault on college campuses is becoming more frequent, or if there is just heightened awareness. Sexual assault can happen to anybody no matter the gender, race, religion, or age. Recently there have been many studies conducted on sexual violence on college campuses and universities producing ample amounts of statistics. One may argue that sexual assault rates are the same, but there are simply more studies and attention on sexual assault in the past 20 years. Gender roles have played a huge part in sexual assault on college campuses. Women and men have different expectations when it comes to roles in the relationship, men are often expected to make the first move. One may ask what causes a perpetrator to sexually harass somebody and think it is acceptable. There are various reasons as to why perpetrators do what they do, and may vary from person to person. Although sexual violence is a large problem for many colleges and universities, there is a surprising shortage of federal laws/rules and regulations regarding sexual assault. Colleges are able to develop their own personal policies and procedures for how they will prevent and deal with sexual
In the last few years, the issue of sexual assault on college campuses have been gaining popularity in the public. Campus sexual assault have been a recurring subject throughout history and it seems to only get bigger. People would think that college campuses will be safe due to the advance security on the campus. Hundreds of women and men are sexually assaulted on campus everyday. Many organizations have started to form in order to help victims and prevent such tragic, heinous acts from happening on campus. One of the organization that have been providing assistance to sexual assault victims is called End Rape on Campus. They are usually referred to as EROC. They are a type of organization that tries to provide more resources and
While a great deal of crimes go unreported in the United States, by far the most common is sexual assault. While this crime is usually associated with women being the victims, men can also be assaulted. Sexual assault is different from other crimes, in that the victims often feel like it is their fault that the crime happened. The majority of these victims are attending college, and are on campus when the crime takes place. A multitude of colleges in the past have been pushing sexual assault cases under the rug. Recently, new laws and efforts have been made so that people are aware of what happens at colleges and are not afraid to speak up about their sexual assault experiences. Sexual assault is the most underreported crime in America due
Sexual harassment is discrimination that involves any uninvited comments, exploits, or behavior regarding sex, gender, or sexual orientation. If any type of violation is made by a co-worker, a boss, a work acquaintance, or even a non-employee such as a client, vendor, or contractor, this will be considered unlawful sexual harassment within the work environment. Sexual harassment can create a hostile and uneasy work environment. Sexual harassment includes inappropriate verbal advances, unwelcomed physical behavior that creates an aggressive, hostile, intimidating or malicious work environment for employees. Sexual harassment includes sending suggestive e-mails, notes, and
One night, “Amy,” a student at State, was hanging out with some friends in her room. “A bunch of people were there, and one guy I didn’t know was obviously drunk and kept asking me out. I tried to brush him off, and didn’t take it seriously because he was drunk. I left to go to sleep. “He followed me to my room and kept banging on my bedroom door, trying to push it open and asking me to talk to him. I talked to him for a little while just to appease him.” Finally, the guy’s friends coaxed him away from Amy’s door. “I don’t know if that’s sexual harassment,” she said. “I wasn’t worried that he was going to assault me. The whole thing was just annoying.”
In today’s society we constantly hear or read about individuals that claim they were a victim of sexual pressure. These instances can take place at work, school, the military and even at church. But exactly what is sexual exploitation or unwanted sexual behavior? After looking at several definitions for sexual abuse I came across the following definition that I feel will help all of us to better understand what inappropriate sexual behavior is. Sexual harassment was defined by The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as unwelcome advances and requests for sexual behavior or conditional requests such as a person’s employment will continue if they perform these acts. (Gale Group, 2003). This definition left me thinking and
The victim laid in the upstairs bedroom, smeared with blood. Their limbs had been amputated harshly, and a thin cut ran across the base of the woman's throat. I stood with a couple other officers from my squad, examining the crime scene. We'd been called a few minutes earlier, when the woman's neighbors found her. It looked like she had been dead for a couple days, with flies beginning to swarm the body.