First of all students are endeavoring to remembering about the test to study for, and cannot be successful if we have tests all week long. There is an easier way to do this. My first solution is to give the students more time to be prepared for these tests. Also if the teachers give test all on the same day, how are the students going to be arranged and prepared to remember 4 subjects at once. For this solution, I believe the teachers should position the test at least 2 days of each other, so the students do not have to agonized about remembering all the subjects at once. My last solution is to do fewer tests and have more in-class assignments. When the teacher peruses the assignment they can see if the students are ready for the test or not. Failing grades is not what students want. Students will succeed more in school if we have fewer tests in a week. When students have these entire tests to recollect about, they will probably forget to do a homework assignment. When having all these tests, there is also homework. After studying for the test you think you are done, when really you are forgetting to do the homework. When you found out you didn't do your homework, you can't use "I was studying for a test" as an excuse. The teachers will immediately jot down your grade and will take off your conduct grade for missing …show more content…
Once you come home from school you know you have to get to studying. Studying is a long lasting, hardworking thing to do. Many of the students struggle with school because not having enough rest leads them to being tired and not paying attention to what is happening in school. This should be telling the teachers that the students are having too much test and homework to do overnight. Unless the students are just staying up all night, which would be their fault. But also that could be another reason for your grade to go down because the student is either inefficient or sleeping in
begun their education and the tests that are sure to come with it. The road
The teachers at DBHS do not really coordinate with one another, and this can be detrimental to the students. As a student at DBHS, there have been instances where I have been very stressed about multiple tests occurring on a single day. The days before the exams, I would often stay up very late at night in order to prepare. Forced to understand multiple subjects clearly at the same time, I feel a great deal of pressure. I am not the only one that experiences this. Many students often feel the same way. If the teachers discussed what days they would have tests, the students would not have to stay up into the wee hours of the night certain days. By making sure that few tests occur on the same day, students will be able to feel less pressure, get more hours of sleep, and do better on tests. The
Most high school students go to sleep later than 12 AM due to homework, and they wake up early as 5:30 AM to study for a test. According to the National Institute of Health, 90 percent of American high school students are sleep deprived. It also reveals some shocking news that a whopping 20 percent are getting by on less than five hours per night. Students need homework, but they also need the right amount of time to finish it and get an adequate amount of sleep. Schools should start after 8:30 AM so that students can get the right amount of sleep they need.
Students are not taught important and necessary life skills when they are preparing for a test. They study the material so that they can be informed to regurgitate the material on paper for the purpose of passing a test. Test taking students are not encouraged to think outside the box because their answer might be incorrect.
Preparations for tests should ideally begin much earlier than shortly before the actual test taking period. Indeed, many students perform dismally in their tests because of their failure to understand this and many other principles of test and exam preparation. In addition to discussing how students should prepare for tests, this text will also identify the various strategies which should be embraced by students during test taking in an attempt to enhance performance.
Many other factors are taking place during the test, many students suffer from a high amount of anxiety on the test day. Which prevents them from using primary thinking skills.
For many years, standardized tests have been a pillar of college admissions. Students are persuaded to take the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT) because colleges believe the scores can predict an applicant’s academic success after high school. However, an increasing number of colleges have made reporting test scores optional due to inconsistencies with the tests, many of which have been emphasized by students. These inconsistencies and other problems with test distribution have led to increasing demands for standardized testing to be reformed or become optional in the admissions process. Standardized testing should be eliminated as a criterion for college applicants because the tests have made education less significant, have made scores vary among students with similar academic abilities, and have not contributed a noticeable improvement to children’s intelligence.
Since the release of the annual report by Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in December of 2010, many in the government and community are searching for ways to reform the American education system to give American students a greater opportunity to succeed. According to the report, one cannot ignore the fact that American students are not testing as high academically as other nations in the world (Duncan, 2010). There are many contributing elements that have brought America to her knees in the education system, however, the obsession with standardized testing is found to be more of a stumbling block than a stepping stone in the education system. To understand how to rectify the problem, we must look at all the facts
Students are not getting enough sleep. There is either homework or after school activities keeping kids from getting the right amount of sleep they need. The author states that, most kids are going to bed at 10 p.m. or later on school nights, even though they have to get up early the next day. Changes can be made at school to adjust to students’ sleep patterns. Some ways schools can adjust to students’ sleep patterns is shifting the time to start later, giving less homework or less after school programs, schools could also end sooner.
Student who didn’t pass the year before were put in Saturday schools and in lunch tutoring in preparation for the exams for the whole semester until the student have taken the test. I was one of those student who was put in lunch tutoring for math, but I was doing well in math in my regular classes. When it comes to the time of the test, it feels as thou were having a competition with our other school districts and it made a lot of student stressful about it. I was always stress out when it was time for the test and on the test day we spend about 4 hours testing even if a student wasn’t done, all student were given the whole school day to complete their exam. It was something of life and death most especially our last testing during junior year, my follow students and I were worried of what if , we didn’t pass because we would not receive our diploma even though we are allowed to walk on stage on the graduation day. So pass either standardize test is the gateway out of high school and a road to
“No issue in the U.S. Education is more controversial than (standardized) testing. Some people view it as the linchpin of serious reform and improvement, others as a menace to quality teaching and learning” (Phelps). A tool that educators use to learn about students and their learning capabilities is the standardized test. Standardized tests are designed to give a common measure of a student’s performance. Popular tests include the SAT, IQ tests, Regents Exams, and the ACT. “Three kinds of standardized tests are used frequently in schools: achievement, diagnostic, and aptitude” (Woolfolk 550). Achievement tests can be used to help a teacher assess a student’s strengths and weaknesses in a
In classrooms all across America, students sit perched over their desks in the process of taking standardized tests. As the students take the tests, teachers pace nervously up and down the rows of their classroom, hoping and praying that their students can recall the information which they have presented. Some children sit relaxed at their desks, calmly filling in the bubbles and answering essay questions. These children are well prepared and equipped to handle their tests. Other children, however, sit hunched over their desks, pondering over questions, trying to guess an answer. They struggle to recall information that has been covered many times in class, but they can’t.
Standardized testing is not an effective way to test the skills and abilities of today’s students. Standardized tests do not reveal what a student actually understands and learns, but instead only prove how well a student can do on a generic test. Schools have an obligation to prepare students for life, and with the power standardized tests have today, students are being cheated out of a proper, valuable education and forced to prepare and improve their test skills. Too much time, energy, and pressure to succeed are being devoted to standardized tests. Standardized testing, as it is being used presently, is a flawed way of testing the skills of today’s students.
Students often complain about not getting enough sleep; this is usually accurate because many kids stay up until the late hours of the night doing homework.
To start things off, getting rid of tests would decrease the amount of cheating students do. This can also help the students focus more on learning than worrying about a test the next day. Studying for a test the night before can cause them to be stressed and lose their focus. According to CNN poll “75% engage in serious cheating.” In middle of the test the student who was stressed the night before is eager