
Stuff The Bus Analysis

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"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Ghandi’s stance on serving others is in accordance with the teachings of Christ. As believers in Christ, we will not be reconciled and admitted into Heaven based on our beliefs alone. In addition to our beliefs, we are tasked with acting upon our beliefs and having a profound impact within the world. A single individual may not change the world in its entirety, but one’s actions of generosity and love may have ripple effects on those who observe the selfless acts of kindness. This idea was the primary goal of our project “Stuff the Bus.” Why do individuals sacrifice their time and other possessions for the benefit others? This question is usually pondered by a selfish, ignorant person. This person may never have been taught about Christ’s saving Word and never had a guardian to guide them. If he or she does not see personal benefit from a decision, then they look elsewhere. Christ instructs us to live our lives for the well being of others. Albert Einstein understood this belief by stating, "Only a life lived for others is a life …show more content…

On several occasions, women would begin describing their family life. The vivid images they described of being physically and emotionally abused was heartbreaking. As a sympathetic teenager, I listened to their stories and was lost for words frequently. I felt guilty just sitting in my seat, not acting to alleviate their pain. However, I did not know what to say or do to improve their lives. It appeared that they were searching for anyone who would listen to their struggle and I happened to be that outlet for them. At the conclusion of the registration process, those specific individuals who described to me their situations were the most grateful for our help. I pray that their style of life improves and the toxic relationships no longer

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