
Sub-Saharan Africa Colonial Past Essay

Decent Essays

Sub-Saharan Africa Colonial Past Essay Sub-Saharan Africa’s colonial past has led to ethnic conflict, social problems, and economic problems during the present day. Let me start out saying that you can’t start a revolution without some kickback of the people’s opinions. The transition wasn't smoothly for the two countries I researched, The Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan. These two country's colonial leaders did not do a good job of setting up these countries. If they hadn’t set up the enslavement of the people living there, the nations might’ve been a little better off. Another event that led to the ethnic conflicts going on today was the leaders gave the people independence but it wasn't given fully, North Sudanese were …show more content…

He enslaved the people there and eventually the Belgian government took the land back from him. The people wanted independence after all of this, so a leader spoke out named Patrice Lumumba. He was then assassinated by political rivals and the people were so angry at him even the U.N. troops couldn’t restore the peace. A man named Mobutu Seko seized power and Then during the Rwandan genocide, one million Hutu refugees fled to the Congo and started to kill ethnic Tutsis. The Tutsis retaliated by killing off the Hutus, the only ones remaining were sent back into Rwanda. After, the Tutsi militia had power so it began stomping on major cities. In 1997 Kabila declared himself as president. They then accused him of corruption and nepotism and started a civil war. The war was Angola, Zimbabwe, and Namibia, against Rwanda and Uganda (Keep in mind, Rwanda just came out of genocide), and they set up a cease fire that was violated. In 2001 Kabila was assassinated and his son took over and made peace between nations. Then in 2006 The Democratic Republic of the Congo had its first free elections. The congo is still the least developed in the world, armed groups still fight, and the U.N. made a combat team to disarm the violent fighting and use drones in violent

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