The overall aim for conducting this lab experiment is to learn how to separate substances from each other using the methods of decantation, extraction, and sublimation. In this lab experiment we used the procedure of decantation after adding water to dissolve the salt so we can then separate the salt water from the sand. We also used the procedure extraction by heating the mixture of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and then extracting the sodium chloride (NaCl) with the water. The process of sublimation was used in this experiment by letting the mixture heat under the flume hood to observe the white fumes passes out of the mixture. The materials used in this experiment were; Bunsen burner and hose, tongs, 2 evaporating dishes, a balance, a wash glass, 100 mL graduated cylinder, 2 ring stains, 2 clay triangles, 2 iron rings, and a class steering rod. The chemicals …show more content…
As the water is being evaporated, go ahead and dry the SiO2 in the other dish on a separate hot plate. Let the dish dry completely, and wait to cool down to room temp. on a wire gauze then weigh them. 6) Step six is to place the evaporating dish containing the wet sand on the clay triangle stand and cover the dish evaporating dish with a clean, dry watch glass. Heat slow and watch until the lumps are goes break up and the sand appears to be dry. Then, turn the heat up till the sand is completely dry for 10mins and let it sit until it gets back to room temp. 7) Step seven is to weigh the dish after it has dropped down to room temp. and calculate the mass and the percentage of each substance used. Observation When the unknown substance was on the Bunsen burner, we noticed a color change from the substance after burning for about an 10mins. The unknown substance changed from brown into a reddish pinkish color, and stop giving off fumes after the 10-12 mins marker has
Because salt dissolves in water, we added water to the salt and sand mixture. Sand is insoluble in water making the sand not dissolve. The mixture containing of sand and salt water was then filtered with filter paper. The filter paper allowed the salt water to pass through because it is a liquid while not allowing sand to pass through because it is a solid. The salt water was then collected in a pre-weighed 250-mL (67.88 gram) beaker while the sand and filter paper was put in a pre-weighed (52.02 gram) 100-mL beaker. The water was then evaporated because we left both beakers to dry overnight.
We concluded this because when we put unknown substance A over the bunsen burner and the flame turned into a pinkish color like potassium chloride. We then compared the emission lines of the two and found that they were almost the same. The colors on the emission line showed that the the known and unknown substance both had a high frequency. The emission line had colors of blue, green, then yellow, both potassium and unknown A had no traces of red in their emission lines. With the color of the flame, frequency, and spectrum emission lines being so similar our group concluded that unknown substance A is potassium chloride giving off a high amount of
7.The air dried filter paper was then placed on the weighing scale and results were recorded
Light a butane safety lighter and bring the flame close to the alcohol in the evaporating dish.
1. Which reactants used in this experiment are flammable? Discuss the safety precautions that are necessary when working with flammable materials in the lab?
The purpose of this experiment was to separate the component of three mixtures sand, sodium chloride and calcium carbonate then calculate the percentage by mass of each component recovered from the mixture. The other purpose of this experiment was to show us the students the concepts associated with physical and chemical properties of substances.
One milliliter of 6.00-M phosphoric acid was placed into a 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask using a volumetric pipette. Using a slightly larger pipette, six milliliters of 3.00-M sodium hydroxide was transferred into a 50-mL beaker. Then a disposable pipette was used to slowly mix the sodium hydroxide into the phosphoric acid while the solution was swirled around. Then both the beaker and flask were rinsed with 2-mL of deionized water and set aside. A clean and dry evaporating dish was weighed with watch glass on a scale. Then the solution was poured into the dish and the watch glass was placed on top. The solution was then heated with a Bunsen burner to allow for the water to boil off to reveal a dry white solid. After the dish cooled to room temperature it was once again weighed and the new mass was recorded.
Safety glasses: Wear safety glasses to protect eyes from substances, acids and flames that can irritate or damage the eyes.
Test tube 1 should have .04 g of benzophenone, test tube 2 should also have .04 g of benzophenone, etc., up to the fourth test tube.
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the percent by mass in a hydrated salt, as well as to learn to handle laboratory apparatus without touching it. The hydrated salt, calcium carbonate, was heated with high temperature to release water molecules. Gravimetric analysis was used in this experiment to determine the percent by mass of water in a hydrated salt. The hypothesis of this experiment was accepted on the basis that the percent by mass of volatile water in the hydrated salt would be fewer than 30%. The percent by mass was determined by the mass of water loss devised by the mass of hydrated salt multiplied by total capacity
Water was added to the glue in a separate cup and another separate ratio of water was added to the sodium borate. The mixtures were mixed with glass stirring rods. In each trial, different mass ratios were used. Grams was the metric unit that was used in this experiment. After adding up the ratio of glue/water/sodium borate/water for one trial, forty grams should be the total mass. In trials
Continue dropping the water until you get to 200 drops, stopping every 10 drops to stir with a fork. Repeat steps 3-7, two times for a total of 3 trials. Repeat steps 3-8, using the sugar and then sand. The objective of the experiment was to determine whether the independent variables and water are either a colloidal solution, true solution, or a suspension.
Hypothesis If the rock is heated a longer time, then the weight of the rock will decrease from the original measurement because after the rock is subjected both by heating by the flame and cooling with the water, the process of temperature change will fracture the rock causing the weight to decrease. Procedure Weigh each rock before starting the experiment and record their original weight on the data table below. All lab members should first put on goggles before starting the experiment. Turn bunsen burner on by using the striker and create a spark on top of the burner to start the
In this lab a cotton swab was fluffed up by scraping it against the serrated edge of a tape dispenser and then dipped into a liquid chemical solution. Once dipped the cotton swab was placed horizontally above the fire making sure to only burn the cotton part so as to not accidently get a different flame because of the burning stick. The color of the flame is viewed through a spectroscope and then both that spectrum and the color to the naked eye are recorded on a data table. This step is repeated for the remaining four solutions and then the bunsen burner is turned off and the area is cleaned. The purpose of this lab was to observe the relationship between various elements and emission spectroscopy and identify an unknown substance. By burning
Get all the ingredients and Materials. Add the iron,coconut,sand and salt into a beaker. Get the magnet and hold over the iron pieces close enough to pick them up and once all the iron pieces are picked up put them aside. Add 100mls of water to the beaker and stir the water and the substances with the stirring rod wait for the coconut to float up to the top and then use the spatula to scrap up the coconut, put aside also. Now all we have left is sand and salt now we wait for the salt to dissolve. When all the salt has dissolved. We need to get the filter and filter paper and fold how is requied then put into a conicail flask and slowly tip with mixture onto the filter paper, When is all filtered you will get all the sand filtered out