
Sublimation Lab

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The overall aim for conducting this lab experiment is to learn how to separate substances from each other using the methods of decantation, extraction, and sublimation. In this lab experiment we used the procedure of decantation after adding water to dissolve the salt so we can then separate the salt water from the sand. We also used the procedure extraction by heating the mixture of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and then extracting the sodium chloride (NaCl) with the water. The process of sublimation was used in this experiment by letting the mixture heat under the flume hood to observe the white fumes passes out of the mixture. The materials used in this experiment were; Bunsen burner and hose, tongs, 2 evaporating dishes, a balance, a wash glass, 100 mL graduated cylinder, 2 ring stains, 2 clay triangles, 2 iron rings, and a class steering rod. The chemicals …show more content…

As the water is being evaporated, go ahead and dry the SiO2 in the other dish on a separate hot plate. Let the dish dry completely, and wait to cool down to room temp. on a wire gauze then weigh them. 6) Step six is to place the evaporating dish containing the wet sand on the clay triangle stand and cover the dish evaporating dish with a clean, dry watch glass. Heat slow and watch until the lumps are goes break up and the sand appears to be dry. Then, turn the heat up till the sand is completely dry for 10mins and let it sit until it gets back to room temp. 7) Step seven is to weigh the dish after it has dropped down to room temp. and calculate the mass and the percentage of each substance used. Observation When the unknown substance was on the Bunsen burner, we noticed a color change from the substance after burning for about an 10mins. The unknown substance changed from brown into a reddish pinkish color, and stop giving off fumes after the 10-12 mins marker has

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