
Subsidence In New Orleans Essay

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New Orleans was built on a marsh. The city was inundated by water during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, causing a tremendous loss of human lives and costing the economy billions of dollars in damage. Since the storm, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has built a system of lift stations and levees to control the flow of water around the city. This has created what is best described as a bathtub surrounded by water. To further elaborate, New Orleans is the bath tub, while Lake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi River surround the city. Over the years keeping water from entering the city has become more difficult because the city continues to sink lower below sea level. Subsidence of marshy soils lowers the ground elevation in and around the City of New Orleans. The gradual caving in or sinking of land is known as subsidence. …show more content…

121-122). Primary subsidence takes place after the water has been drained form the marsh, the soil compresses under its own weight due to the loss the force of buoyancy. During primary subsidence, the volume of the organic component decreases, but the mass of the organics remains the same. Secondary subsidence is caused by a combination of oxidation and shrinkage. The mass and volume of the organics decreases during secondary subsidence (Ewing and Vepraskas, 2006, p. 121-122). Being able to differentiate between the two different kinds of subsidence in marshes allows for more precise methods of measurement by scientists. Primary subsidence happens before secondary subsidence, and secondary subsidence typically only occurs in the upper portion of the soil stratum, the part exposed to air. Primary subsidence reduces the volume of the soil, while the mass of the sample stays the same. Meanwhile secondary subsidence reduces the volume of the soil and reduces the mass of the soil.
Subsidence from Fluid

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