Substance abuse has existed since the start of civilization and it is an ever present entity in the modern era as well. Distilled beverages were the main drinking source in many cases even safer to drink than water in early civilizations, for instance during the Middle Ages. Many substances were also used in medicine derived from certain plants for anesthetics such as opioids from poppy seeds. In addition, nicotine and tobacco products and other hallucinogenic substances were used for recreational and relaxation purposes. Whereas perhaps hundreds of years ago the use of many of these substances was considered widely acceptable and the norm, modern science and medicine has uncovered the harmful effects that these drugs can cause when they are abused and can lead to addiction and dangerous behaviors in society. In the United States, the first of the many laws to regulate and control addictive drugs was the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906, which required the correct labeling of medicines that contained opiates. In 1914 the Harrison Narcotic Act banned the sale of medicines that contained opiates or cocaine and required a prescription by physicians (Brown, 1981).Then, in 1919 “spirit of temperance”, or self-control, led to the Prohibition of alcohol by the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which was then revoked 14 years later (, Drug addiction and Drug abuse). As the 20th century passed, there was more awareness and more studies about drug abuse and
Although the English word “drug” was only coined in the early 1300’s, humans have been partaking in the recreational use of substances since prehistoric times. Hallucinogens, alcohol, and opium existed before 6,000 BC; alcohol and tobacco use were common in the 1600’s ; and cocaine, LSD, marijuana, and heroin use rampaged in the last century despite harsh laws put in place.
The history of drug use represents lessons that were long been seen but obviously overlooked by doctors as well as pharmaceutical companies. The earlier efforts by government to regulate drug use or alcohol consumption began with some regulations on Jamaican rum. Since distilled liquor was used in social events, the government approaches in regulating the trafficking of the “distilled liquor” was by levying heavy fines on the general tariff bill. The cost of importing Jamaican rum was costlier than distilled liquor here in America. Again, at the time, the government was mostly dealing with the abolition of slavery and again the issues around alcohol consumption were minimally dealt with. Distilled spirits in earlier America was part of bringing Americans together during times of unity. It was a time to earn easy money and have an all-around good time (pg. 354). People enjoyed alcohol in the morning for breakfast as well as a celebratory thing. The government knew that drinking alcohol or distilled liquor caused some medical issues but again, the
If one was to describe one of the main attributes of the Qajar kings, it would be that they had quasi-power over their realm. The Qajars were successful in overthrowing the Safavid rule only because the latter had a weak grip on its empire, a fate that the Qajars would also meet. This impediment was because Persia had a very peculiar society. It was under one nation, yet there were so many sub nations within. These sub nations, or communities, were almost self-sufficient and had little to no dependence to their neighboring communities or the whole Persian entity. This self-sufficiency was greatly due to the fact that these communities could accumulate their own wealth. Notably, their sources of wealth ranged from local farms to even deals with the foreign counties, a great example being how the Bakhtiyaris made oil deals with the British. Strikingly, this was done without consulting the state government. Thus, the communities were able to audaciously gain power, designate their own leaders, and determine their own prospects. The involuntary dispersal of power, the lack of an inter-societal organization, and the self-sufficiency of the communities played against the present shah, hindering him
Thousands of years ago, humans first started drinking wine, then later on in around 4000 B.C. narcotics were used, but during the 19th century is when the active substances in drugs were found. Many of these substances were given over the counter and weren 't regulated, which meant that people could easily obtain substances such as morphine, cocaine, landuam, and many others. During the early 1900s, an estimate of about 250,000 people were abusing a substance within the United States. Substance abuse is a serious problem which can affect one 's physical and psychological capabilities, their relationships, and also their daily life overall. Overusing a substance may lead to addiction, which can be hard to overcome, but it 's not impossible.
Alcoholism is a psychiatric disorder that affects both the addict and the society around him. The American Psychological Association classifies alcoholic addiction as a disorder in the spectrum of substance use disorders in the DSMV, 2013 (Tuithoff et al., 2014). Numerous remedies for the alcohol addiction have been suggested, most of which have focused on management of the psychological status of people that have the compulsion to consume alcohol despite the negative consequences. This has led to the development of a full body of knowledge that currently guides the methods used to deal with this disorder (Chick, 2004). In addition to contributing to therapeutic methods, research has found many areas that require study in the future to enable human beings to deal with this problem. Alcoholism is a psychological disorder that has negative physical, psychological, economic, and social impact on individuals’ behavior and the society around them and, therefore, the scientific community is working tirelessly to deal with the problem and provide viable foundations for future research that may eradicate more than 50% alcoholic addiction cases twenty years from now.
In this second update of 1991’s groundbreaking Dreamworlds, Sut Jhally critically examines the representation of women, men, and sexuality in music videos. Jhally’s primary argument is that music videos, not unlike other forms of advertising and popular culture, represent the pornographic imagination by offering a degraded and limited view of female sexuality based on narrowly defined adolescent heterosexual male fantasies. Locating the stories and images of music video in a wider context, the film explores how American popular culture, more generally, encourages and excuses men’s violence against women, and argues that we need a wider range of stories about femininity, masculinity, and sexuality.
1. Describe the ways substance abuse can be harmful at the societal & individual level
The cost of alcohol and substance abuse in the United States reaches heights of four hundred eighty four billion dollars per year (“Drug Abuse is Costly, n.d.”). That’s about seven hundred eighty times the amount it cost to diagnose and treat sexually transmitted diseases in the year 2000 (Chesson, 2000). The social issue I will be analyzing in this writing is substance abuse. Much of my childhood and adolescence was spent dealing with the consequences of substance abuse of many of my family members. I would not only like to help bring more awareness to this issue, but also help in some way to end the stigma associated with substance abuse, because it is a mental illness all on its own. And these individuals do need proper intervention and care.
The history story of drugs laws can dated back to the very existent of America. The state of Massachusetts was the first to limit the availability of alcohol. Indians could not purchase alcohol. During the late 1800’s, 13 states passed laws forbidden the sell and use of alcohol. Yes, alcohol is considered a drug. The Tea Importation Act was passed in 1897. The 18th amendment which was ratified on December 5, 1933 by the 21st amendment, which prohibited the making, selling, or transporting of alcohol in anyway a crime. It was meant to protect the consumers. It was not until the beginning of the 20th century did the government take serious the sell and use of drugs in the United States. There were many acts passed to help curtail some of the misuse of
After watching a few episodes of my favorite show, Gravity Falls, I noticed a distasteful trait in one of the protagonists- Mabel Pines. In at least five different episodes, I witnessed Mabel force her brother, Dipper, to sacrifice things that he valued in order for her to possess things that she valued. The defining moment occurred whenever she ran away, after learning of Dipper’s possible internship opportunity, which required him to leave home. I was too angry to speak whenever the show’s conflict concluded with Dipper agreeing to not take the internship in order for Mabel to forgive him and come home. This ongoing conflict -due to Mabel’s seemingly helpless character flaw- made the show a little less pleasant to watch and has kept me from
In society power is the most valuable possession a person can have. When people have power they feel like they can do anything and nothing can stop them. Peer pressure to have what other people have sometimes driven people to do crazy things. People often get caught up in becoming powerful for their own selfish needs. In the quest for power people should not abuse their authority or it can cause consequences.
Personality traits are consistent cognitive and behavioural patterns that are often thought to be unchanging and causal. While this has been the common understanding of personality traits, recent research has begun to show that these traits are actually influenced more by the environment and are constantly changing and shifting. (Magidson, Roberts, Collado-Rodriguez, & Lejuez, 2014; Staiger, Kambouropoulos, & Dawe, 2007) Further research has also indicated that these traits have the potential to be altered or modified by different interventions. (Magidson, et al., 2014) Although the field of research regarding personality is quite diverse unfortunately the number of studies examining how it relates to substance abuse is quite limited. (Staiger, et al., 2007)
The views of addiction with society, is perfectly summited up as "dramatic lag between these advances in science and their appreciation by the general public. I think that society has a horrible look on addicts. The public people forget that there is a medical need for addicts. Addict are real people with real problems. It is not only the addict but the families surrounding them that are fighting a battle for survival. As a did research for this paper, I looked a number of other countries and how they handle addict. The way rehabilitation addicts before they send them to jail has had a positive impact on society.
Drug abuse is a very important topic to debate today, as it affects both adolescents and the general population, but in fact how much do we know about the topic? What is the concept of drug abuse? Is is an important question for any loved one of a person with a potential substance use problem. Information on drug abuse clearly indicates that drug abuse is an inevitable desire to obtain and use increasing amounts of one or more substances. Nowadays the most abused drugs are usually alcohol and cigarettes. But we also do not rule out drugs legally prescribed by a doctor, as well as illegal drugs.
A drug is a chemical substance applied into treating, diagnosing and preventing one from disease infections or a substance that is used by a person to enhance his or her physical and mental state in the perceived effect. Drugs used for different purposes and their effect depend on which cause for usage. It causes both positive and negative consequences directly to the user and in the long-run it affects the whole society or community. Drug addiction is the activity of uncontrollable dependence on a substance by the user no matter the harm caused by its usage. It is a habit that has been in many years hard to curb especially among the youths. “We must recognize that substance abuse and addiction is a disease, not a moral failing or easily abandoned self-indulgence,” (Califano, 2008).The cases of drug abuse have been on the rise over the recent years and resulted in crimes. The cases have a great effect affected the society in general since the reliable energetic youths have turned to drug abuse. However, some measures have been initiated to mitigate, curb and treat drug addiction in the society as outlined in the essay.