
Substance Abuse: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

The author in this article makes a few key points such as, the perception that substance abuse is higher among physicians compared to the general public. However, the author states that this is false and there is about 9% difference between substance physicians and the general population. Another point the author makes is the problems physicians encounter when trying to join in effective treatment programs; they pose a risk to the rest of the population because the medicolegal implications are mandated towards protecting the public from unqualified or impaired decisions, and abusing this can lead to putting others in danger. Also, when a physician admits themselves to an addiction clinic or seek help, they place themselves, their reputation, …show more content…

I agree with everything the author says because someone’s occupation doesn’t necessarily mean they are at a higher risk endangering themselves or others. I can understand where some people may think physicians are at a higher risk because they can often prescribe medication or have access to it, but that doesn’t always mean it’s going to be abused. The author makes a lot of solid points in this article, and none of them had me second guessing what they said. I may want to be aware of the signs of a physician abusing substances, this article mentioned a few signs, but I would like to know more in detailed about what to look out for. Furthermore, I’d like to know about specific cases of physicians who abused substances in my area, or in an area I may be working at. Many resources are available to gain more information about this subject such as my mom and the company she works for; I could ask her and other health professionals at her company about local physicians and substance abuse. Another resource could be the internet, anyone can find just about anything using Google, or other search engines. I feel as though it depends what I’m looking for, if I want to know more about local physicians I would ask my mom and the company she works for, but if I wanted to know more in general I would use the

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