
Substance Abuse In Schools

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There are also internal factors that stimulates the need to try or abuse alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs. Negative mood such as depression, anxiety, low self -esteem, and lack of support triggers the need for alcohol and marijuana. Victims of bullying are at high risk of substance abuse because they cannot escape from their peers. They consume illicit drugs and alcohol as a way to handle situations. When they have problems at home, at school, and with peers, they believe that the effects of drug abuse will help them cope with stressors. Furthermore, they try illicit drugs for curiosity and new experiences. A research done by Terry-McElrath, O’Malley, & Johnston (2009), addresses the percentage of students who report specific reasons for the use of illicit substance, “57.2% of all seniors checked “To have a good time” as a reason for use of one …show more content…

Students who become addictive to these substances are more likely to drop out of school, as they lose interest for academic achievement. They miss classes, get poor grades and show discipline problems. According to research by Williams, Johnson, Williams T.R, Saunders, and Nebbitt (2007), “students with lower grades were five times more likely to report marijuana use” (p. 2). Once they are on drugs; they do not care about the academic opportunities. They do not aspire to graduate from school and go to college. The lose scholarship opportunities because “adolescents who drop out of school are more likely to be involved in substance use than are those who complete” (Williams et al., 2007). Also, they have difficulties with memory and concentration. Williams et al., states that “educational statistics report that 48.9% of all African American students entering ninth grade do not graduate on schedule or drop out” (2007, p. 9). Substance abuse ruins the lives of students. They take many wrong decisions and prefer the street and easy

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