
Substance Abuse Pros And Cons

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The worker contacted Gaylyn Moore who is the mother of Joseph Moore and grandmother of Destiny and Alexis Moore. Mrs. Moore stated “Heather the girls mother has never taken care of her children, Destiny does more her siblings then Heather does. Heather doesn’t cook or clean the girls have told me she would drink all time and smoked “pot”. Heathers husband Bryce was verbally abusive to Destiny and physically abusive to Alexis even once giving her a concussion, but Heather never pressed chargers or even took Alexis to be treated. Bryce is incarcerated now and I don’t know when he’s getting out but he shouldn’t be allowed around the children. Heather has also been abusive to Alexis as well. During an argument she pushed Alexis on a bed. (July

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