The competency “apply the core functions of assessment, policy development, and assurance in the analysis of public health problems and their solutions” was met through reading chapter 5 in Public Health: What it is and How it Works, along with completing a discussion question on applying the essential public health services to gun violence in Chicago and by completing a group project where I had to describe substance abuse in terms of the ten essential public health services.
By reading the book I learned what the core functions and essential public health services were. Turnock (2011 p. 224) describes assessment as public health’s responsibility to provide information to the public about the communities health and wellness, which
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This competency was put into action by completing two assignments that were related to determining the essential public health services. The first assignment was watching a video about gun violence in Chicago and determining how many of the essential public health services were being met at the time. In this particular video I was able to identify four essential public health services that were covered. The first services I identified was “mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems (Turnock, 2011 p. 226) which in the video was being represented by the Chicago’s trauma united and Northwestern Hospital’s new rule that when a patient comes in who has been shot they call the community based violence advocates to help with the victim (Brackett, 2013). The next service I identified was “inform, educate, and empower people about health issues” (Turnock, 2011 p. 226) which was being met by the Harper High School’s Becoming A Man (BAM) program that teaches high risk students about how they can control their dangerous behaviors and actions to help them prevent gun violence (Brackett, 2013). The next service I found in the video was “research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems” (Turnock, 2011 p. 226) which was being addressed by President Obama’s
A community health assessment is a fundamental instrument of public health practice. Its objective is to depict the health of the community, by presenting information on health standing, community health needs, resources, and epidemiologic and other studies of present local health problems. It seeks to recognize target populations that may be at augmented risk of poor health results and to increase a better understanding of their needs, as well as evaluates the larger community surroundings and how it relate to the health of people. It also identifies those areas where better information is desired, particularly information on health differences amid different subpopulations, quality of health care, and the incidence and severity of disabilities in the population. The Community Health Assessment is the foundation for all local public health development, giving the local health component the instance to recognize and network with key community leaders, businesses and concerned residents about health priorities and concerns. This information shapes the foundation of improving the health status of the community by way of a strategic plan (The Municipal Public Health Services Plan Community Health Assessment Guidance and Format, n.d.).
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is a governmental organization that is dedicated to helping those affected by things such as mental illness, substance abuse, helping veterans etc. In addition they also offer resources that can help people on the journey of recovery. Other resources are listed to helping mental health professionals, and families find the right treatment, both for clients, and their families. Furthermore, they also help by advocating for people who need these resources. The National Institute of Mental Health is another organization federally funded, that focuses on topics related to mental health. According to their strategic objectives, they want to find out the reason behind behaviors, then move
The article “Injection Drug Users, Crack-Cocaine Users, and Human Services Utilization: An Exploratory Study” by Ashery, Rebecca Sager; Carlson, Robert G.; Falck, Russel S.; Siegal, Harvey A. seeks to understand the perception and experiences of drug users upon utilizing Human Social Services. The research problem being addressed is formulated around the usage of social services programs among injection drug users and crack cocaine users during a two-year period.
Prior to the 20th century, informal education was what public health professional relied on, there was no formalize education, nor curricula (Riegelman, & Kirkwood, 2014). Throughout the 21th century, and present, there had been a movement to implement a standardize curriculum for public health professionals that defines what is public health professionals entails (Riegelman, & Kirkwood, 2014). Some of those requirements were prerequisites upon admission, coursework, official recognition, permission to practice, and competency through examinations (Riegelman, & Kirkwood, 2014). In this essay, the author will summarize her practicum experience, theories that were apply throughout her experience, how the practicum has help develop her as a professional, and finally the author will discuss her personal mission, and core values as in regards to her future role as a public health.
The initial steps taken by the CDC in the early stage of this rising health problem demonstrated two of the three core functions of public health, (assessment and assurance). Assessment calls for regularly and systematically collecting, analyzing and making available information on the health of a community. Assurance involves guaranteeing constituents that services necessary to achieve agreed on goals are provided by encouraging actions on the part of others, by requiring action through regulation, or by providing services directly. (Turnock, 2012, pg. 514)
According to Guzys & Petrie (2014, p. 91), a community health needs assessment is defined as a tool that concentrates on the requirements of the client and the community. This approach does not focus on the provision of services. It throws light on doing what is necessary based on critical analysis of the data that has been gathered. In this Essay, Clark’s community assessment tool has been used to collect the accurate data of the chosen population (McMurray & Clendon, 2015).
These methods can also be used to improve public health in other communities as well. The most important lesson I take away from this examination is the effect that community involvement can have on improving public health. The success of programs in my community will have a much better chance of success if the public is actively involved. Any public health initiatives in my community should use a strategic thought process to ensure that methods are effective in addressing the health issue that they address. These programs should also attempt to educate and empower people to ensure they have the proper tools to be
I am privileged to work with this population. Public health will be my primary focus upon completion of my degree. I currently serve in two roles working with Prince George’s County Health Department and Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. I these roles, I meet the needs of children and I work with seniors meeting their needs for long-term services respectively. I have the opportunity to provide care to patients that otherwise would have no means of getting the care and services they desperately need. I understand that in order to meet the needs of this population I must understand the various challenges they face. By identifying these challenges, solutions can be found to eliminate disparities. My commitment will be working to eliminate disparities in underserved
To evaluate and progress in the public health profession an initial in-depth analysis of all components of the current status of the profession would be performed. Understanding the current status of the professions may reveal successful portions, failing concepts, or areas that are in need of improvement. A thorough evaluation of the current status of the profession may offer the possibility to collaborate with those who practice in professions other than the public health field. Collaboration with these professionals may be considered one of the key components utilized to progress in the public health profession. Other professionals may offer insight that promotes the development of policies, processes or procedures; which may enhance
As a student of Liberty University, I am a senior studying Public Health. I am studying to become a Certified Health Education Specialist. In this vocation, it is my job to assess
My experience in IEPA at Springfield allowed me to perform ten essential environmental health services that are related to core functions (Assessment, Development of policy and Assurance) of public health. According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) these three core environmental functions have individual goals. Assessment includes mainly two major functions they are monitoring environmental issues and environmental health and resolve community problems; second goal is to diagnose and investigate for environmental health issues and community hazards. Policy development consists of three different aspects beginning with education and information regarding environmental health, partnerships with community and solving community
Public health organizations address essential health concerns and services using three functions, called the Core Functions of Public Health (Shi & Johnson, 2013). First discussed in 1988 in a report by the Institute of Medicine, these core functions are “assessment, policy development, and assurance” (Shi & Johnson, 2013, p. 4). Through assessment, public health professionals and organizations gather information about populations and health problems and diseases within them (Shi & Johnson, 2013). Essentially, assessment involves monitoring disease and other health issues. That includes observing patterns and trends, examining causes, and determining necessities (“Public Health,” 2010). Policy assessment involves
After thorough investigation of the homeless population in Newark, the problem that is going to be discussed in this paper is substance abuse within the community. On a broad level, one of the biggest issues facing New Jersey today, as a whole, is the increase use of illegal drugs and substances, specifically heroin. As a direct consequence of drug use, 797 people were reported dead in New Jersey in 2007 ("New Jersey Drug Control Update - White House", 2013). This number is larger than the 719 New Jersey citizens who died from motor vehicle accidents, or the 446 people who died from firearms in that same year ("New Jersey Drug Control Update - White House", 2013). In 2010, close to 17,000 New Jersey citizens were reported to the state for attending abuse treatment centers strictly for heroin dependence ("New Jersey Drug Control Update - White House", 2013). This trending heroin “epidemic” across the state close to doubled the amount of citizens reported for attending treatment based on marijuana addiction ("New Jersey Drug Control Update - White House", 2013). In a related study, that same year, Essex County comprised 10.0% of all substance abuse in New Jersey ("Substance Abuse Overview in Essex County", 2011, pp. 3-15). This was more than any other county in the state ("Substance Abuse Overview in Essex County", 2011, pp. 3-15). Focusing in on the city of Newark, within Essex County, 53.8 % of all people admitted for substance abuse treatment were
The aim of the ‘practical assessment’ is to examine a candidate’s ability to complete a health and
Public health professionals strive to avert problems from occurring or recurring by recommending policies, implementing educational programs, conducting research, and administering