
Substance Abuse in Temrs of Ten Essential Public Health Services

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The competency “apply the core functions of assessment, policy development, and assurance in the analysis of public health problems and their solutions” was met through reading chapter 5 in Public Health: What it is and How it Works, along with completing a discussion question on applying the essential public health services to gun violence in Chicago and by completing a group project where I had to describe substance abuse in terms of the ten essential public health services.
By reading the book I learned what the core functions and essential public health services were. Turnock (2011 p. 224) describes assessment as public health’s responsibility to provide information to the public about the communities health and wellness, which …show more content…

This competency was put into action by completing two assignments that were related to determining the essential public health services. The first assignment was watching a video about gun violence in Chicago and determining how many of the essential public health services were being met at the time. In this particular video I was able to identify four essential public health services that were covered. The first services I identified was “mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems (Turnock, 2011 p. 226) which in the video was being represented by the Chicago’s trauma united and Northwestern Hospital’s new rule that when a patient comes in who has been shot they call the community based violence advocates to help with the victim (Brackett, 2013). The next service I identified was “inform, educate, and empower people about health issues” (Turnock, 2011 p. 226) which was being met by the Harper High School’s Becoming A Man (BAM) program that teaches high risk students about how they can control their dangerous behaviors and actions to help them prevent gun violence (Brackett, 2013). The next service I found in the video was “research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems” (Turnock, 2011 p. 226) which was being addressed by President Obama’s

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