
Success Definition Essay

Decent Essays

What is success?
Most dictionaries define success as ‘the attainment of popularity or profit.’ However, the meaning of success is different for everyone. For an average teenager, success may simply mean obtaining a college degree and getting a job, whereas for the children in Africa, it may mean to obtain clean water, food, and shelter. Success cannot be defined by ‘popularity’, ‘wealth’, or ‘superiority’; it is defined by happiness, which can only be accomplished by pursing one’s passions, to obtain respect, and being compassionate.
Success is not determined by how much a person earns, or what their profession is. Many choose the pathways that lead to wealth, by putting aside their dreams, passions, only so that they can be ‘known’. We prioritize others opinions above our own, that eventually we lose a part of our individuality and attempt to become superior to others, creating a competition amongst ourselves. However, being rich is not the same as being successful, because really what is the point if you are not happy with what you do. Pursing your passions provides the joy of feeling accomplishment because it’s something you …show more content…

Being wealthy does not make you successful, unless you make a difference in the world, whether it be helping another, contributing to the world by charity or preserving nature. It’s about placing aside the selfishness and doing something for others. Making somebody’s day by simply complimenting them, making them smile when sad, or just random acts of kindness inspires others by showing the compassion the world still has to offer. There is so much negativity in this world that acts of kindness are seen by surprises. Making a difference in someone’s lives, leaves an imprint, that is everlasting, because you will be remembered for the inspiration, and respected. Life is a give and take cycle. You get what you give; therefore, giving the others happiness will bring happiness to

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