Success is elusive in the entrepreneur’s efforts. Entrepreneurs face variety of problems in an endeavor to setup new enterprise particularly during the growth phase of the organizational life cycle (Syed Fida Hussain, Tahira, & Khalid, 2013). Although, the motives of an entrepreneur maybe to help others or to become wealthy; obstacles such as growth and unforeseen problems could depict challenges along the way. The behavioral health field is becoming more wide spread and an interest to entrepreneurs (Wei-Skillern, 2010). Nevertheless, behavioral health is a critical and often-overlooked component of a successful population health management program; a topic frequently discussed but rarely addressed comprehensively (Floyd, 2016). To address …show more content…
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was designed to help increase health insurance quality and lower the uninsured rate, by expanding coverage and reducing the costs of healthcare (Cooper & Gardner, 2016). This new wave of health insurance market reform brought about a lot of questions and changes, especially for individual health providers and small businesses. Since the reform, a number of insurers have withdrawn from individual health insurance markets because of heavy losses in the marketplaces (Custer, 2017). One of the ACA’s goals is to increase competition among health insurers and to move that competition away from risk selection and toward competition on the basis of the cost and quality of the health services in their plans (Custer, 2017).
A behavioral health leader can tailor a consultative model, such as a client center model, to health care reforms by integrating their model. The desired level of integration will depend on the organization’s patient population, characteristics, and goals they wish to achieve through integration (IHI, 2014). Understanding the needs and capabilities of the patient is pertinent for integration of services to be effective. Moreover, having a financial plan for covering costs of health care services is essential for meeting the needs of the patient. With the ACA program, citizens can have their behavioral health needs met and any pre-existing conditions met too. Most health care plans
In 2010, the United States created The Affordable Care Act (ACA). The objective was to share the responsibility of costs between the government, individuals, and employers to provide affordable access to quality health insurance. “However, health coverage remains fragmented, with numerous private and public sources, as well as wide gaps in insured rates across the U.S. population.” (“United States: International Health Care System Profiles,” n.d.). Each individual state within the US, generally has control over private insurance.
The purpose of the coursework is to undertake a critical analysis and an assessment of the level of competition in the insurance industry of the country of our choice. In my case, I have decided to explore the health insurance industry of the United States. One of our aims is to
Regulations that prevent insurance companies from participating in interstate commerce have caused competition to grow stagnant in the United States. This lack of competition has allowed the adoption of wasteful procedures by healthcare providers, which in turn passes the increased expenses back to the insurance companies. Therein, insurance costs increase, crippling consumer’s cash flow and quality of life. While healthcare costs continue to rise, people must scrutinize the current healthcare system.
Advertisements in television, movie, drama, and every aspect of entertainment requires a series of action that appeals the audience, influences, or affects them. Various animal care centers and foster homes advertise an emotional appeal to influence the audience to visit or help the centers. Humors, sarcasms, and metaphors are the other techniques that helps the mass to influence or connect with the product. Most of the advertisement, movies and even political campaigns use a great amount of emotional (pathos), logical (logos) and ethical (ethos) beliefs to influence its audiences.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) had mame dramatic changes in the field of the health care system, especially in Medicare, that will seriously take effect in American seniors. Indeed, much of the health law’s new spending is financed by spending reductions in the Medicare program. In addition to the provider payment reductions, Obamacare significantly reduces payments to Medicare Advantage (MA) plans by an estimated $156 billion from 2013 to 2022.( Elmendorf, letter to Speaker Boehner). About 27 percent of all Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in MA plans, a system of regulated and private plans competing against each other as an alternative to traditional Medicare. MA plans are attractive to beneficiaries because they offer more generous and comprehensive coverage than traditional Medicare by capping out-of-pocket costs and offering drug coverage to a rasonable
The propose of this article is to present the advantages and disadvantages of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare which make all Americans insurable, by requiring insurers to accept all applicants at rates based on population averages regardless of health status. The ACA increases coverage by allowing states to expand Medicaid (the social healthcare program for families and people with low income and resources) as well to cover everyone near the poverty line, and by subsidizing private insurance for people who do not get workplace coverage (Mark A Hall, Richard Lord, 2016)
With 50 million uninsured Americans in 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) aimed to insure nearly everyone with “minimum essential” health insurance coverage. The ACA provides that all Americans and individuals lawfully present in the United States be provided health insurance regardless of their health or financial situation. It strengthens existing forms of health insurance coverage, while building a new health insurance market for individuals and families who do not have employer coverage or another form of “minimum essential coverage” such as Medicare or Medicaid. In addition, the ACA imposes fees or assessments on health insurance providers. The fees meant to be absorbed by insurance providers will impact premiums for all individuals covered under fully insured or self-funded plans and policies.
Monahan and Schwarcz (2013) identify three threats to small group health insurance markets that may result from the 2014 implementation of certain provisions of the ACA:
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the 2010 health reform act that could extend insurance coverage to as many as 32 million Americans, which also included policies that affect the quality of coverage insurers must offer (Knickman & Kovner, 2015). In addition to this, the ACA created a range of programs focused on furthering change in how medical care is organized and delivered, with a goal of reducing costs and improving quality and outcomes (Knickman & Kovner, 2015). However, these goals come at a cost. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact the ACA had on the population it affected in the United States as a nation, but specifically in the state of North Carolina;
On the whole, the Affordable Care Act reduces healthcare costs while providing better quality services for citzens accross the US. Farley says that the ACA’s reforms to Medicare saved “17 billion in fiscal year 2013” thanks to reductions in payments to private health insurance companies cover their customers through Medicare Advantage as well as adjustments to the annual updates to Medicare provider rates (Farley, 2014). This protects consumers from excessive charges by their insurance providers, by limiting how much insurance providers spend on their own services. And even though the cost of health care, per capita, is gradually increasing, the rate of that growth has decreased over time, thanks to the stipulations, as well as method of implementations, of the ACA. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++=
The start of this journey in implementing multicultural education begins with the educators. Preparing teachers to use the education principles is a dilemma facing childhood programs. Training requirements differ depends on the state but the NAEYC provides a set of standards that require “culturally, linguistically and ethnically diverse teaching materials and methods” (Larke, 2010, pg.2) for all child care facilities. The population of all ethnics are increasing, “the demographics change so are the demographics of children in early childhood programs” (Larke, 2010, pg.2). A vision of the NAEYC is having the commitment to respect the “dignity, worth and uniqueness of each individual” (Larke, 2010, pg.2). This vision is very important and empowering because this statement can be said many times but it takes hard work and dedication to achieve success. Larke depicts the positive principals of NAEYC. Learning and development occurs through influenced social context and finding a way to engage diverse families are great impacts in the community.
The short term decision to start in a limited area and then only grow by one state in 2015 may have served the purpose of limiting risk during a time of uncertainty, however, in the long term, penetrating into new markets may be difficult because individuals currently enrolled are automatically re-enrolled at the end of the period. For Aetna, it may be harder to pull a member from a plan that they currently have. The largest healthcare insurance company UnitedHealth was more conservative than Aetna in the first two years, with participating starting in five states in year one then increasing to 24 in year two. With the addition of UnitedHealth in the same markets as Aetna and the unknown risks associated with new enrollees for the 2015 plan year, the short term could be crucial for Aetna. If Aetna is able to add to 2014’s positive results, and increase membership in markets that UnitedHealth entered, it will go a long way toward their long term goals of increasing membership in the individual and small group sector (Demko, 2014).
The purpose of this review is to investigate through journal sources, government data points, and published opinions and experiences aspects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) as it relates to arguments that the law should be repealed. I investigated the goals of the ACA, changes in care and insurance coverage, impacts on the labor market, and changes in insurance premium rates since the ACA was signed by President Barack Obama on March 23, 201 (Hong, Holcomb, Bhandari, & Larkin, 2016) 0.
The ACA on the surface has increased the availability of health insurance for individuals. However, this increase in availability has greatly affected many of the private insurance companies. These companies have for years operated under the contradiction of providing insurance coverage to individuals for many various future medical conditions while also refusing coverage based on preexisting medical conditions. Since 2010, the ACA has eliminated the discretion of these companies to deny coverage based on the existence of a previous medical condition, a discretion which for years has served to decrease the amount of financial exposure for insurance companies through an aspect known as actuarial fairness (Morone & Ehlke, 2008). The removal of
One of the most overlooked components of the 3BL is the portion concerned with ethical decision-making and leadership within an organization. The ethics of a company are a direct reflection of the values and morals that are embodied in a company; a company cannot claim to be an employee-friendly organizations while its policies and procedures are designed to unfairly exploit the workforce. Ethical leadership is one way in which a company can change its entire character without having to invest in costly equipment or drastically change the company’s way of doing business.