Successful African Americans can play a major role in the success of Black youth in the future. Today’s African American youth are exposed to the lifestyle of the street which results in them wanting to be street smart rather than book smart. There are many people who value the success of Black youth. For example, parents and other successful African Americans who have been down the same road care because they know that you have the potential to achieve all that you want out of life. I, myself was one of the Black youth that was exposed to the street. I started hanging with the wrong crowd to fit in which led to me focusing on the ways of the street instead of school. I began to smoke, drink, and sell drugs. My mind made me think that that was the true way of life. Without the guidance from my …show more content…
For another example, in the article “The Power of Positive Role Models” written by Mark Mathabane, Mark was headed down the wrong road until an African American tennis player by the name of Arthur Ashe. Ashe’s character was the factor that led to the turnaround of Mark’s life. Having a role model helps younger individuals and even older individuals know that you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. Many people fall under the impression that only Caucasian people have the successful careers. That’s when role models come into play. Having the label “role model” can also have its downside. Being an African American role model can be a stressful thing as well as inspirational. If you’re an African American and you look failure in the eyes, the world would say that you won’t prepared for the job. In other words, the world would judge your skill based upon your pigment. If you’re an African American and you succeed in life, the world would say that it was handed to you
In America, we are told that it is the land where everything and anything is possible. For many years, it wasn’t like that for African American. With many hard work, strength, and courage African American manage to earn the right to an education. To the African American community education became more of a need than a want. We’ve learn that education is such a powerful asset that with it you are unstoppable. You can do so much if you put your time and energy to it. Having an education to African American is the one hope for a brighter and better
Over the years there has been a significant decrease in the percentage of African American male success in higher education. Not only does this effect society as a whole, but more importantly this effects the African- American community as well. The high percentage of uneducated African- American males will result in increased crime rate, shortened life span and overall hard life. However this epidemic can be stopped by looking at the contributing factors of why there is a decrease in African-American male success in higher education and how to change it. Throughout the paper I will be addressing the issues as to why there are not more black men in higher education, by looking at the contributing factors such as environmental
This source explains how Jackie Robinson was a role model in sports and the civil rights movement. Jackie paved a path for African Americans to gain more freedom in America and to earn some respect from the white population. Jackie encountered American heroism and the start of blacks being somewhat respected by whites.
A positive effect that role models will have on society is that they can teach us life lessons. An example of this is to work hard and never give up so you can accomplish your goals and dreams. This is a positive effect on society because it will help motivate more people and make people work hard so they can reach to the top and accomplish their goals and dreams like their role models. An example of this is usain bolt. He is a really good role model because he works really hard and he has become really successful. This could motivate people around the world to try to become just like him so they can one day be the best just like usain bolt. Unfortunately there a negative effects that role models will have on society. An example is that if an athlete/role model gets caught cheating or doing something bad. It could paint a really bad picture on the country and the person. This could also start fights with fans of countries that got caught cheating with other fans. This will bring up the crime rate and the sport will be mostly ruined. An example of this is in 2012 it was announced that in shot put Ostapchuk who failed a drug test and was caught cheating. This put a really bad image on her country and the country was mocked because she cheated in her
Having a wider variety of role models allows for children to understand that people from many different types of background can achieve success and allows them to have a role model who they can identify with and reflect their positive traits in their communities and home. Furthermore, exposing children to the success of both male and female role models decreases gender inequality as children will be raised in
Everyone has a contribution in this world to make, even African Americans. DuBois continually stressed this to his fellow black community in his book The Souls of Black Folk. What they learn in schools will help the students determine what they will do further in life. If they choose to be the “talented ten” and choose academics, the black world will need them. African Americans need other African Americans to fill all occupations that a white man would. “Who
But in a perspective of an African American, success is trying to function in a higher social standing. As Americans we feel it’s our duty to strive for success without even knowing what it truly means for ourselves. And as for African Americans, the minority we have to conduct the audience has if it was Beethoven symphony 1st movement. Smooth and connected no note is misplaced or does not belong
Black Alliance for Education Options is an organization that was created to help black children with getting an education. “BAEO was officially launched in August 2000 after African-American educators and parents held a series of meetings in Milwaukee and Washington, DC. BAEO’s co-founder and chair is Howard Fuller, the former superintendent of the Milwaukee public schools and a Marquette University professor.” (Activist Facts) By helping they make it possible for African American families with low income to be able to send their children to either public, private, charter, or even be home schooled. BAEO is all for what the children need and wants.
Savings the lives of african american boys and men requires providing them role models whose behavior habits represent the traits necessary to lead morally successful and honest lives. Role models for young african american men are not hard to find. These three young african american leaders in education, business, and religion are committed to being role models for the community and expanding the image of black male relationship. They may not be household names but through their efforts they are transforming the lives of young african american men throughout the country. These men use their subject matter expertise to provide life lessons for young men in need of assistance. Their commitment to service is a critical asset in saving lives of young african american boys and men.
Society has made it so hard for blacks to become successful, but for the great minds of the students at CAU; it’s so easy for them to succeed and not for them to fall into what society calls the “system”. This too, is a reason as why some African Americans feel like they just don’t have to try. The harder they try; they may still get nowhere being limited to so many great opportunities. Although there are no excuses to be made for the African American communities, this reasoning’s will leave some people to think they will never be good enough for society. “Eliminate what’s distracting you and keep it moving in order to succeed” are words that I will always remember Helen Smith Price saying before the closing of Founders Convocation 2017. In life not everyone will support you nor help you get to where you want to be and those are the people you leave behind in order to succeed. As a graduating senior of Clark Atlanta University I will always “Find a Way or Make
The Black youth is over represented at every stage in the United States juvenile justice system. Ten years ago, Black youth were more than two times more likely to have a delinquency case before the juvenile court than white youth. Dr. Shook and Dr. Goodkind examined three possible avenues to prove if black youth, are more likely to be detained than similarly situated white youth. “Three possible avenues have begun to be examined—the first is related to youths’ attitude and character as assessed by justice system personnel, the second is related to judgments about adequate parental supervision and/or school and work involvement, and the third is related to what some have called ‘‘justice by geography.’’ To conclude Dr. Shook’s and Goodkind findings, Black youth are treated
When I survey the landscape in black America, it does not take long for me to recognize the massive impression of a vehement struggle of a collective group of people to simply keep their head above water. The problem in the black community is that it is where every ill of this nation is felt first. It is the place in which much of the economic devastation is felt and absorbed in order to relieve some of the pressure off of this nation’s more affluent citizens.
The campaign I chose was from The Movement for Black Lives End the War on Black people a proposal to create reform of police in the U.S. “An immediate end to the criminalization and dehumanization of Black youth across all areas of society including, but not limited to; our nation’s justice and education systems, social service agencies, and media and pop culture” (The Movement for Black Lives). Through the push of policy reforms like the zero-tolerance, banning exclusionary discipline which other alternative differ from existing form because it has not been implemented to help stop the criminalization of youth.
Young African Americans are not financially literate with saving money. In today’s generation, we do not understand the true value of money. Reason being, we live in a consumeristic society and us young people do not know how to prioritize or save our money. Study shows that “eighty percent of African-American high school students failed a multiple choice examination which measures the ability to make informed financial choices, compared to 54.6 percent of white students,” according to Young African Americans are less response and be financial literate because we lack resources on how to budget their money as well as having that parent to set a good example financially.
True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have. Role models are those who have affected us in ways that influence us to be better people. They are people who others imitate, emulate or look to for guidance. There are good role models who inspire greatness in others and bad role models who are bad influences. There are even anti-role models, pegged by the media as "bad girls" or "bad boys" who serve as good examples of what not to do if you want to become a successful, respected person. With the majority of my time spent as an athlete throughout high school and college, I believe athletes should pose as role models.