
Success for Public Health Care Organizations Essay

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In order for public health organizations to be successful, they first need to fully understand the definition of knowledge in its multiple dimensions. Understanding various relationships and factors related to knowledge-value chain will facilitate emergence of real changes in health care organizations. The concept of ‘evidence-based medicine’ has been a prevailing method in practicing medicine in the health care industry since its inception in the 1970s (Landry 2006). Four decades later, health care providers now encounter an immense volume of knowledge from research articles, new treatment guidelines, protocols, meta-analysis, or any other types of pertinent information to their specialties. However, providers often fail to …show more content…

Although two types of knowledge (tacit and explicit) may appear to be categorized differently, author stresses that both types of knowledge need to be incorporated into clinicians’ problem solving and decision making processes for patients. The second section highlights the three steps of transformation which help form knowledge. The steps include, transition from reality to data, data to information (know-what), and information to knowledge (know-how). Author also examines knowledge with a different angle of looking at potential to increase or decrease its value. Building on these core concepts, the author brings the article to a final section. He takes an in-depth look at five different relationships and capabilities that hold critical importance in knowledge-value chain. The five associations include mapping/acquisition, creating/destruction, integration/sharing/transferring, replication/protection, and lastly performance assessment/innovation. When these relationships interdepend on each other actively in great synergy, they will bring higher knowledge performance granting a higher overall value for the organization. Knowledge mapping and acquisition serves as a foundation of knowledge translation. First, public health organizations must collect, filter, understand, and learn the knowledge. With the pool of knowledge retrieved in the first step, public health organizations can create knowledge from merging tacit, explicit, internal, and

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